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Anyone have experience with MAG brand magazines?


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Old July 12th, 2016, 12:29   #1
Join Date: Sep 2011
Anyone have experience with MAG brand magazines?

I bought the following set of AK mags off Ebay:

The Ebay listing states each magazine having a 100 round capacity. However, when I filled them up, I was only able to do 70 BBs max.

I contacted the Ebay seller about receiving an item that's not as advertised. The seller responds that my claim is not possible, and they have sold that item for 5 years and over 100,000 units shipped with no complaints. The seller is basically saying that I'm lying, and that if I smash all the mags and send him photo proof I'll get a refund.

Any advice?
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Old July 12th, 2016, 23:06   #2
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Yeah, don't smash them. Take images of the original post and keep copies of all correspondence. Start a paypal dispute to freeze funds (if it's still within the time frame). Take a video of a mag load and max BB count as evidence.
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Old July 12th, 2016, 23:26   #3
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Hoooold on here. The seller may not be 100% at fault.

First thing you need to do is confirm that they are in fact MAG 100rd mags (as opposed to 60s or whatever.

Second thing is to understand that MAG mags are known to be considered "Meh... But they work!". They are workhorses that can be slammed into just about anything, and they will refuse to die unless you really fuck something up (generally), but they are by no means "Awesome!" magazines.

When they are brand new, the springs tend to be very stiff and pack roughly into the feed channels. You need to thoroughly lube and then work the shit out of them with a loading rod to break them in. Disassembling them and cleaning them afterwards is a good idea.

I've also always ended up loading them under the advertised spec, as I tend to do with all magazines, just for overall spring health in the long term.
If you overload them, they will bind, and you will have to pull them apart/ helmet bang to clear.

Sucks to be on the raw end of this, but they're MAG mags is all I'm sayin.
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Old July 13th, 2016, 23:30   #4
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what brand of BBs are you using?

my mag p90 mags advertise something like 170 rounds, I've hand counted as few as 120 or as many as 200 going in depending on the brand of BBs I use.

Some have nicer polish that roll better against the sides of the mag. As you load you're not just fighting the spring tension, you're also fighting friction from other bbs or surfaces they are in contact with, so BBs with greater/higher quality polish may be less prone to stick and will glide and stack deeper into the mag.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old July 22nd, 2016, 11:54   #5
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@lurkingknight I've mostly been using G&G bios. Someone gave me another brand of bios but don't recall the brand right now.

@Cliffradical I see your point about the brand. The rest seems like a lot of work though lol

@Ricochet The seller has now offered me a partial refund because one of the mags is defective. The defective mag just shoots out BBs - can't even load it.
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Old July 22nd, 2016, 19:08   #6
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Aha. The bios will be giving you extra trouble on top of what I mentioned.
Gotta shell out on bio bbs or they will be a hassle what with the fouling and the binding.

If they've been exposed to moisture and/ or sunlight they are pretty much garbage.
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Old July 22nd, 2016, 19:36   #7
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Mag mags never hold the advertised amount. They are cheap for a reason.

Over time when the spring gets loose it'll hold more.

My VN, m4 plastic and m4 metals never held the advertised amount.
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