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Stuart Campbell from Manitoba aka I paid a minor to try and smuggle a gun across the border woes.



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Old May 17th, 2016, 16:07   #1
Sherbert85's Avatar
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Stuart Campbell from Manitoba aka I paid a minor to try and smuggle a gun across the border woes.

In December of last year, I discussed ordering a gun from Evike from Mr. Stuart Campbell of Manitoba. He plays football. This was an A&K Mk12 SPR.

I expressed concerns over getting something in from the US, as I had never done so before. He assured me Evike's documentation was meticulous and there shouldn't be a problem.

I paid $370.00 (proof attached) for the gun through EMT.

The gun was seized by customs.

Mr. Campbell gave me regular updates at first, telling me he had filed a paypal complaint, was dealing with Evike itself, and appealing through customs. At one point he said it might yet be released and he was consulting with an RCMP officer from his local group. He said if it came down to it he would refund the money out of his pocket.

I have been incredibly patient through this process. Last month I requested very politely that we finish this business, as he says he is waiting for CBSA to return his phone calls due to lack of staffing. This week I requested that we resolve the issue and have my money returned. This has been 5 months now and I feel it has been a more than reasonable amount of time. Mr. Campbell has elected to stop reading and responding to my messages on Facebook as of this week.

I am requesting that he contact me as soon as possible. If I do not receive a reply by the end of this month and have the matter resolved with the amount of $370.00 returned to me I will be proceeding with the RCMP. I feel this is more than fair.


May 17:

As a result of these postings, Mr. Campbell has now made contact with me. We mutually agreed in a civil manner that he has one week (next Tuesday) to figure out how he'll return my money as he promised me prior.
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Last edited by Sherbert85; May 17th, 2016 at 20:23..
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Old May 18th, 2016, 01:17   #2
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Why would you pay someone else to order something from Evike for you?

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Old May 18th, 2016, 01:27   #3
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As an insurance policy it seems.
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Old May 18th, 2016, 01:40   #4
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Never ordered from the US before. Never will again. This gentleman claimed he had done it multiple times and dealt with them as a regular customer. Therefore he was providing me a service by ordering along with other items.

Last edited by Sherbert85; May 18th, 2016 at 01:43..
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Old May 18th, 2016, 01:45   #5
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Well, it sounds like it was a good decision, as you are getting your money back.
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Old May 18th, 2016, 08:33   #6
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It shouldnt have been seized, but then again Evike's always a clusterfuck so who knows what happened.
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Old May 18th, 2016, 20:24   #7
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The matter is being dealt with. ASC admins can remove this posting.
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Old May 19th, 2016, 11:27   #8
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Not deleting this as it is a good reference.

Bit more information, the OP and several others employed the services of a minor out of Manitoba who claimed to be able to bring guns across the border with no issues. (Aka employed a minor to gun run).

This blew up over and in several FB groups and more details than what was provided here were shown. The posts continued even after it was suggest they maybe call his parents before involving the police as you know the police might be kind of interested to know why a minor was being used to smuggle guns into country.

Lessen learned, do not trust a minor to bring guns into country for you......... fyi in most cases they are not legally responsible for their actions, you the adult(s) are.
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