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Differences between Gorkas?


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Old December 26th, 2015, 01:06   #1
DropTheBomb's Avatar
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Differences between Gorkas?

Hello all, currently im interested in the idea of picking up a gorka uniform. My only issue is i cant seem to find a definite answer as to what are the variations between all the gorkas.

Gorka 3 vs Gorka 4 etc?

Also I realize this is designed for "harsh" conditions, but are there any lightweight version possibly better suited for summer?
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Old December 26th, 2015, 06:36   #2
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Go on red alliance.

As for summer weight there isn't one.
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Old December 26th, 2015, 13:23   #3
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Gorka 4 is an "anorak" pullover design with a quarter/half zip and a kangaroo pocket on the belly. Gorka 3 is a more traditional button up "smock" type jacket.

There are similar looking outerwears that are lighter weight but the Gorka (which means "hill" or "mountain") is by definition more heavy duty outerwear that is meant to be worn *over* your regular fatigues as a second layer. It has an effective water repelling coating that doesnt affect breathability or comfort.
If you want something lighter, the "Partizan" is what youre probably after.

I cant do a comparison between all the different manufacturers and designs, but I have a Gorka 3 in full digital flora from SPLAV and was blown away at the quality of both the design and execution. It has pockets for knee and elbowpads, comfortable elastic cuffs and adjustable shock cords for the hood, waist etc...
The SPLAV line has a huge selection of colours and patterns you can get as well. I payed 150 US shipped from a guy in Russia who middleman'd for me since SPLAV doesnt export.

Last edited by Orpheus; December 26th, 2015 at 13:27..
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Old December 26th, 2015, 15:25   #4
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I'd look at SSO products. A bit more expensive than Splav but it's worth the money. I have bunch of their stuff for more than 10 years. Never had to replace/repair anything, not a single button. Use it for airsoft, camping, fishing, shooting etc. Thing is literally indestructible. But you have to keep something in mind. It's not gortex. It takes some time for it to get soaked under heavy rain but once it does you are basically screwed. Material is heavy and will not dry up quickly. That's the only bad thing I have to say about Gorka.
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Old December 26th, 2015, 16:28   #5
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Originally Posted by 666 View Post
I'd look at SSO products. A bit more expensive than Splav but it's worth the money. I have bunch of their stuff for more than 10 years. Never had to replace/repair anything, not a single button. Use it for airsoft, camping, fishing, shooting etc. Thing is literally indestructible. But you have to keep something in mind. It's not gortex. It takes some time for it to get soaked under heavy rain but once it does you are basically screwed. Material is heavy and will not dry up quickly. That's the only bad thing I have to say about Gorka.
I'll echo 666 on this one. Gorka's are a fantastic piece of kit to have, very rugged and well designed. The only thing I'd add/mod it to do is accept the US GI M65 liners but other than that, I absolutely love my SSO Gorka R. HOWEVER it should never be used as standalone rain gear during heavy downpours and for extended periods of rain... once it gets soaked it takes awhile to dry up.
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Old December 27th, 2015, 19:20   #6
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Thank you for your explanations guys!

Ive decided Gorka 3 will be the route to go, so would Bars be considered the lower end of Gorkas? seems like SPLAV is on the better end?

Any reputable sites to purchase some gorka from?
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Old December 27th, 2015, 21:02   #7
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