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Sniper rifles with stiff springs (C-TAC VSR-10)


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Old December 25th, 2015, 01:41   #1
Join Date: Dec 2015
Sniper rifles with stiff springs (C-TAC VSR-10)

I got a C-TAC VSR-10 a few days ago. This advice should apply to other airsoft sniper rifles with stiff springs.

You need to use a LOT of force to work the bolt action out of the box.

I don't really have time right now to say much more, but there is an old post where someone was told that the gun was broken and they should send it back. I don't want to bump it or reference it, because I had the same problem and the gun was not broken. The problem is simply that it takes a lot of force to compress the spring enough to cock it. It gets less stiff with time.

Don't underestimate "a lot of force" here... obviously I can't guarantee that you won't break anything, but it took a lot of force, and it did not go perfectly straight back. Also, make sure there are no bbs in the barrel, chamber, mag, anywhere. You will feed a bb every time you pull back the bolt lever even if it doesn't cock. The manual warns you about this, it just doesn't really give a good idea of how incredibly stiff the spring is.

some keywording: C-TAC L-96 CT500LE CT500 APS2 VSR-10 bolt doesn't lock bolt snaps forward bolt doesn't click
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Old December 25th, 2015, 02:17   #2
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If your arm is too weak you can just jerk with it more often.
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Old December 25th, 2015, 02:19   #3
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This is common knowledge as of 10 years ago, plus. It's spring powered, everyone knows the score bud. On that note, your bolt shouldn't be pulling at an angle, either your gun is defective or you bought a fail/clone. Always add to or link an old post as it will have more pertinent info on it, likely by more experienced people.

As for spring powered; the stronger the spring, the harder the pull, period. Proper maintenance and greasing can help with a smooth cocking action, but it's the trigger and sears where you'll need to watch the overall stress of the spring. Get a V-trigger or zero-trigger, and if possible, avoid clones of the VSR.
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Old December 25th, 2015, 02:24   #4
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My understanding reading this post:
Strong springs are hard to pull back, if you're 14 you shouldn't play this sport anyway.
If you fuck up operating your spring rifle, you're 15 and shouldn't play this sport either.
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Old December 25th, 2015, 02:48   #5
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Originally Posted by Broken-Wings View Post
My understanding reading this post:
Strong springs are hard to pull back, if you're 14 you shouldn't play this sport anyway.
If you fuck up operating your spring rifle, you're 15 and shouldn't play this sport either.
How did you get any of this from this post?...
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