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Tokyo Marui Glock 18C Lightstrike


Doctor's Corner

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Old November 28th, 2015, 23:38   #1
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Toronto Ontario, Canada
Tokyo Marui Glock 18C Lightstrike

Ok guys. Here's my problem. I bought a TM G18C in none working order a couple months back (first mistake?) and figured that a new 150% hammer would fix the issue. It didn't, twice. I did this twice and both times the hammer spring was sheered after being fired a few times testing both on semi and fully automatic. I hoped to fix the issue with a couple upgrades.

Before listing the parts though, let me discuss what happens. Ill rack the slide and fire. I'll hear a bit of gas escape, then I would repeat this a few times and after a few times some more gas would escape, enough to move the slide a bit but not enough to keep firing. Something new today I discovered. If I rack the slide while holding down the trigger, the gun will actually cycle until out of gas.

Anyway parts included in upgrades are:
-AABB G18C Blowback Nozzle
-KM Head CNC Steel Hammer and Roller
-CNC Steel Auto Sear
-Guns Modify Lightweight Blowback Unit

Anyway so I was at airsoft depot the other day and tried a glock green gas magazine (I believe a bell) in the gun and had the same issue. Its important to note that the mags have orings glued to the bottom of the fill valves that stop the extra pressure or gas (or whatever) from seeping out.

An interesting note. With the fire selector off I notice that the hammer does not come back up unless I completely remove the magazine, then it will go to resting position (not cocked). I have noticed the valve knocker spring is bent out of shape a bit so I'll be replacing it.

I have no idea for the life of me what is going on and a 150% hammer as proven not to fix anything for very long.

If you have any suggestions or have seen this before please let me know!
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