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TM Benelli M3 super90 parts?


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Old September 27th, 2005, 23:02   #1
Lord Jebus
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TM Benelli M3 super90 parts?

I was waiting for the group nozzle order to come in before I took the shotty apart... but since the order isn't coming anymore I thought I'd take it apart and do the repairs myself like they were posted on this site...

Anyways... I got the thing apart and noticed not 1 bb jammed in the upper nozzle but 4! I bought it used so it wasn't me that cycled it that many times to jam that many bbs in it. Anyways... right now I have atleast one bbs jammed in the upper barrel... I don't have any tools to push the bb out and only have plastic coat hangers at the moment... gonna get some metal ones tomorrow.

1. I'm sure pushing a metal coat hanger down the barrel will scratch the barrel in atleast one spot no matter how careful I am. Will it affect performance of the gun after I get it back together?

The reason the bb is stuck I'm sure has something the do with the fact the the upper hopup it torn and missing... possibly stuck in front on the bb...
Which leads me to my next question...

2. Is it possible to get a replacement hopup for this gun?
3. Is it just the rubber piece or is it the whole plastic piece that holds the three barrels?

Not quite sure If I should go any further with this if there are no hopups available...
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Old September 28th, 2005, 13:50   #2
Lord Jebus
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Anybody know anything about getting parts for this thing?
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Old September 28th, 2005, 17:01   #3
TheToastmaster's Avatar
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Try doing a search for "M3" on WGC. I believe they do sell replacement hopup sections for the M3.
I suppose it's too late, but that page's instructions for how to remove the reciever are bad. You don't have to cut the reciever open to open the gun, it slides off if you pull it the right way and slips over the exposed inner barrels.
Since the metal cylinders didn't come in, I've ordered a handful of replacement plastic ones from WGC myself, so those are available.

I don't understand what you mean by question 3, otherwise I'd try to help with that. Hope I helped.
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Old September 28th, 2005, 22:10   #4
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Calgary Alberta
Try this

I got 2 of the metal nozzles in. They are rather plain looking parts. Made me wonder why I didn't think of it myself. But damn do they work. However to install them you have to split the receiver so if you can take pictures of how everything fits. It's pretty simple.
edit. Stupid link didn't work. Type in "super 90" on dentrinity and hit search
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