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Old June 16th, 2015, 14:54   #16
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Originally Posted by Brigadier Wolf View Post
I completely understand what your saying I also purchased a sidearm from them and it didn't work when I took it home. I brought it back to them to fix and they told me it was my mag. So they switched my old 1 for a new 1 and said I was good. Again I took it home with no success. I brought it back Again complaining it wasn't the mag. They insisted that it was my mag again played with the mag for ten mins then sent me on my way. I then went home and tried my gun only to see it break on the first shot. It was not the mag but the GBB nozzle sheared in 2. I decided not to go back to them seeing how the didn't know what was wrong with my gun. The 2 times that I brought my gun in I told them it didn't hold air/gas I knew it wasn't the mag but the gun. It is also suppose to be full auto and had never shot full auto. So I fixed it myself and it worked great but now I can't even use semi auto because the trigger is dead lol it just stopped working no lag no problem signs just died. Heroes buys used guns from people and sells them as new plus they don't give warranties with there guns why is that? Don't say cause in Canada the Manufacturer warranty is not valid bullshit. In closing Don't buy a sidearm from heroes cause there out to make money. There are others who have been duped by them so try to get people to go buy from better stores like airsoft depot or Toronto airsoft

Ok this raises more questions. You purchased a gun, took it home, tested it and it didn't fire. So you went back, they exchanged the mag, you went home tested it and it didn't work. Then you did this a third time?

What proof do you have that this yet to be properly named company swindled you? What gun did you purchase? (some guns are lemons from the factory).

As it stands, 2 separate people have called out this business without any proper details and told everybody to go buy from Toronto Airsoft/Airsoft Depot.

I agree this thread should be locked until more details are provided.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old June 16th, 2015, 15:00   #17
EOD Steve
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Is it just me or is Brigadier Wolf's writing style eerily similar to OP's?

The Steve has spoken.
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Old June 16th, 2015, 15:01   #18
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Originally Posted by EOD Steve View Post
Is it just me or is Brigadier Wolf's writing style eerily similar to OP's?
Exactly, both are non-aved, so OP could create several accounts to back his case up.
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Old June 16th, 2015, 15:02   #19
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Originally Posted by naminator View Post

As it stands, 2 separate people have called out this business without any proper details and told everybody to go buy from Toronto Airsoft/Airsoft Depot.
Two people who are not age verified and who's profiles are blank. Just like Jeroon, I'm not trying to defend retailer in question, especially after my own involvement with them years ago, simply stating the facts.
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Old June 16th, 2015, 15:10   #20
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Originally Posted by Brigadier Wolf View Post
Heroes buys used guns from people and sells them as new plus they don't give warranties with there guns why is that?
2 things. Do you have proof they buy used and sell as new?
and most guns sold in Canada from retailers carry no warranty. Lots will give you a 7 or 10 day period to help but that is pushing it. The nature of airsoft.
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Old June 16th, 2015, 15:19   #21
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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Im still tryin to figure out what "Hero" they are talking about. On a side note but related, when you buy something (new, used, discount bin etc...) if there is no clear claim of warrenty then one should ask. I mean we all assume a car come with at least 3 years 60000km, butbif it doesnt say that in store, online, in tje contract etc... we would ask. Even if the gun was $200off it should have came with some sort of warrenty, if not then you had beter give it a good once over before you leave the store lol.
I mean the exact symptoms the OP described are quite normal symptoms for a stock gun running on a stock battery that was sitting in a box/on a shelf for a year or more without being discharged and recharged regularly. A huge chunk of us hage gone lipo just for this reason, oldschool rechargeable batteries suck in a high demand setup. (An airsoft gun or RC car for example) 1shot per mAh is considered standard in airsoft but getting a 1600mAh to charge to 1600 after it spent a year or more sitting on a shelf isnt gonna happen. I doubt they opened the gun to tell you it was the trigger contacts only to reassemble it without offering you the $5 doller part while they had it open. As for the sidearm guy. How do we even know its the sake shop? You didnt test it in the store after it was doa, the seccond time?
Not defending the retailer as I dont know what retailer it is. But if it is a respectable place then both the OP and sidearm guy seemed to have gotten shafted, (unless of course it was, hey this is 200off cause its the display model, no warrenty) kinda hard to tell without all the info and a my sisters boyfriends dog bought an airsoft gun and it was broken type of story. Who knows how many rounds the guy put through it. Who knows if he hooked it up to his car battery for shits n giggles. Who knows if air or gas was the wrong air or gas that split the nozzel, if its a glock whk knows if the selector was changed with the slide at battety....
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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Old June 16th, 2015, 15:38   #22
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Would love to know what brand, cause I am going to think that they bought crap brand and they don't want to admit it
let the lesson be learned, never buy cheap brands and stick to the well known and well researched
Love and Tolerance
Coffee, what purpose does these serve?
А ну, чики-брики и в дамки!
За Родину!
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Old June 16th, 2015, 16:24   #23
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smelling a troll, if the guy at hero didn't know how to work on guns, how did he remove the trigger mechanism in OP's friend's gun to declare it bad?

If second complaint complains about gas not being kept in the mag, and says it's not the mag that's at fault... then how is no gas in a leaky mag not shooting a gas gun?

I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old June 16th, 2015, 18:24   #24
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If this is "Hero Outdoors"... I have made many purchases from them over the past year or so, mostly clothing, pouches, accessories, etc. Everything has been great, new, shipped on time and accurately. One time they sent me the incorrect item, allowed me to just keep it and shipped me out the new one the next day. I even bought two guns from them. The first was perfect, no issues at all. The second was a bit of a lemon. And while they did not allow me to exchange or return it, they said that it was a G&G warranty issue, and provided me the contact details and shipping address for G&G Canada.

9/10... would shop there again.
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Old August 4th, 2015, 13:05   #25
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I've only had one order with Hero Outdoors and they were pretty good. I intend on visiting them sometime in the near future. So... this is not them I take it given the comments.
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Old August 7th, 2015, 11:43   #26
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What gets me is that the two ppl that are negative in this post (the OP and the "Sidearm guy") have both said to shop at the same two GTHA retailers. Now I'm not wanting to point any fingers directly at those retailers but it is very funny that these two ppl have explicitly said to buy from them. It is also as I stated in my first post on this very fishy that there are some very large holes in the story. I know for myself, if I was going to negatively review something, or slam someone I'd be adding in as much information as I can.

Could this be a case of trying to run down the competition? Could this maybe be a case of trying to help push business to a friend or family member? Or could this just be a case of both the OP and the "Sidearm Guy" being totally inept with the ability to literate themselves properly? If it's the first two well then that's just dirty pool but business I guess. If it's the last one I hang my head low and sigh and worry about the future of our society.
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Old August 7th, 2015, 11:50   #27
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Just let this thread die.
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