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GBB mag issue *resolved* but interesting!


Doctor's Corner

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Old May 11th, 2015, 22:05   #1
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
GBB mag issue *resolved* but interesting!

So a regular problem occurred to me with my vector; I'd fill the 49rnd mag with propane and it would only get 20 rounds out before getting empty.
Okay well no big deal, I'm no GBB expert but I'm fluent with all things mechanical so no problem.

Just so happens I have a PAIR of vectors (one HK with cqb valve, one US all stock), so first thing I did was rule out the gun.
Same results on both guns. Chances of the exact same failure on both guns at the same time, slim but possible.
Take both air nozzles apart and find nothing amiss.

Try another mag, and it works perfectly. fired 60+ shots on both guns.
Okay perfect, I've got one good mag and one bad mag, perfect for testing!
swapped valves, air nozzle seals, feed lips, same effect. Inner brass fill tubes are the same length as well.
Real head scratcher at this point.....
Two of the exact same mags, interchange the components and for some reason it doesn't work the same....

Only thing I hadn't swapped out was the fill valves.
Well, only one thing to do! Swap out fill valves and sure enough, that's the damn issue.

Now, how can a fill valve be a problem? Really wtf.
I don't see how it could be an issue since you're pouring propane liquid in, and the gas pressure is forcing the liquid down.
Maybe there's a swelled Oring or fouling slowing the flow of liquid propane, and the liquid is turning to vapor which prematurely pressurizes the mag? I don't actually know enough about pressurized gas physics to say for sure. All I know is I need a few new fill valves lol
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Old May 11th, 2015, 22:18   #2
Join Date: Oct 2008
I think I have the same issue with my G5 mags. 3 out 7 mags can't finish the whole 40 rnds
and they are brand new.
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Old May 12th, 2015, 16:36   #3
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Seems to have been an issue with a moondog Oring. Took the Oring out, no problem now.
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Old May 12th, 2015, 17:36   #4
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Location: Toronto, Ontario
I feel like that happens once in a while when the fill value not taking gas. I usually unscrew it, drop a bit gdd oil, gas filling test it(without the mag), screw it back to mag, and mostly would by fine. Seems like having sticky o-ring that blocking it not taking gas. That's why you may see me when filling gas mag, I'm holding high the propane tank up side down besides my ear and i listen the sound of gas transfer, if I don't feel it, the filling value needs to be service.
aka Uncle

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