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C-TAC vsr-10 unable to shoot.


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Old April 13th, 2015, 17:12   #1
Join Date: Apr 2015
C-TAC vsr-10 unable to shoot.

Hi to anyone who is reading this and thanks for your attention.

First, I have to state I'm a new to airsoft and this is the first bolt action rifle that I ever acquired (bought on I will try to describe the problem the best way I can and call things by their proper name

I unboxed the rifle this morning, and assembled everything according to the manufacturer's guide wich you can find here:
Everything went smoothly, I filled the charger to try some shots (Yes, I disabled the safety the blocks the trigger), but sadly nothing happens. The bolt doesn't seem to have any problem as I can pull it back at full extension and it fully retracts (I don't know if I'm supposed to hear so sort of click at a certain point while pulling back, but I don't.)

I live in a part of Canada where the first airsoft store is 350km away and shiping it back for repairs is expensive and long so I rather not have to, but since I'm new, I'm a bit afraid of opening the insides when I don't excatly know where the problem is. So I was wondering if anyone here ever had the same problem or had any idea of what may be causing the problem.

Thanks again for your attention and have a nice day,
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Old April 13th, 2015, 17:19   #2
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Old April 13th, 2015, 18:36   #3
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When you pull the bolt all the way in the rear, you should hear a click, and there should be NO SPRING PRESSURE anymore. Meaning you can leave the bolt all the way out without it moving.

If not, it's damaged/defective and you should return it.

If it lock properly, and only does not fire, make sure your trigger does move, and that the adjustment setscrew is not all the way in (there are 2, I don't remember which one stops the trigger from going too far).
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old April 13th, 2015, 18:38   #4
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Hey Fennix, welcome to ASC.
Unfortunately C-Tac is a very low end brand, and you probably won't be able to get much assistance from people on ASC. It's not because we're elitist snobs, but because it's just not worth it. Think of it like someone saying "I bought an RC car from the dollar store. But when I drive it, it pulls to the left all the time. I'm not sure if maybe the axle is bent, or the tires are different sizes, or the remote is broken".

Rather than spending time trying to help them fix it (it may not even be fixable), you would probably tell them to return it, and spend the little bit extra to get a half decent RC car.

Personally, I don't know much about bolt actions, so I can't offer much help.
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Old April 13th, 2015, 19:16   #5
Join Date: Apr 2015
Thanks all for you quick responses, I'll be sneding it back and look if I can have a complete refound since it seams they only have C-TAC material when it comes to spring rifles. If I can't I'll probably ask for a credit and pick another brand for another type of rifle.
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Old April 14th, 2015, 09:53   #6
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Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
Hey Fennix, welcome to ASC.
Unfortunately C-Tac is a very low end brand, and you probably won't be able to get much assistance from people on ASC. It's not because we're elitist snobs, but because it's just not worth it. Think of it like someone saying "I bought an RC car from the dollar store. But when I drive it, it pulls to the left all the time. I'm not sure if maybe the axle is bent, or the tires are different sizes, or the remote is broken".

Rather than spending time trying to help them fix it (it may not even be fixable), you would probably tell them to return it, and spend the little bit extra to get a half decent RC car.

Personally, I don't know much about bolt actions, so I can't offer much help.
CTAC AR's aren't bad as they are basicly VFC re brands (I owned one not a bad gun). The springers and Sportlines I have no idea on, But as others said take it back if possible.
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