What barrel should I purchase?
I need a suggestion on what barrel to purchase. I have a KC02 running on green gas (I have a propane adapter with an oil resevoir) that is going to have a VSR10 hopup chamber installed in it. I will be taking care of all the little things like barrel stabilization, air seal, upgrade internals ect.
However I need recommendations for VSR10 barrels/Buckings. I am going to be firing in the 400-420FPS range with .2's. I also plan on using a heavy weight, .36 or more.
The gun currently can accommodate a 380mm barrel but I can go up to a MAXIMUM of 500mm if I slap a suppressor on front.
Also would paying to have an R-hop/ER-hop done be worth while?
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?