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Slings...Do you use them, and which one?


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Old January 5th, 2015, 21:11   #16
Red Dot
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I use a Condor Stryke sling, run it mostly as a 1 point but what I really like is the bungee material on the strap makes it easier for me to transition from right to left shouldering of my rifle. Can adapt to a 2 point and is relatively cheap and well built.
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Old January 5th, 2015, 21:24   #17
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I use a one point currently.

I also incorporate a blackhawk stealth weapons catch.

That picture shows the idea, its not the blackhawk version but its very similar.

The way I have it setup is so that the stock of my gun rests at a comfortable level directly under my armpit and the catch keeps it in place so it doesn't bang around. Its actually quite comfortable and easy to use and I have no idea how I didnt think to try using it earlier. All you do is slide it in and close the strap behind it.

It works with my old m4 and my scar, and better with smg and shotgun type weapons.
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Is he a spambot or is he a francophone? I really can't tell the difference sometimes.
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This is one of the funniest things I've read.
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Old January 5th, 2015, 22:54   #18
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I just bought an Israeli IDF 2 point sling. Im not sure what to expect but I heard it was good, and it only set me back $16. I was deciding on a single point sling vs a 2 point sling, and I decided to go with a 2 point. I think it might be easier to use a 2 point when going up ladders or climbing. I think the one point would not be secure enough when its hitting your legs when transitioning or climing. With a 2 point you can do the GI style around the shoulder carry or crossed on your back with the muzzle facing up or down.
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Old January 5th, 2015, 23:44   #19
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Originally Posted by gogojuice View Post

Just wanted to say thanks for the input so far.

I looked at a couple of the recommendations so far.

I have a vfc 416, so.... it appears that I would need adaptors to make some of the slings work

I did like the magpul ms3 qd though. (dam adaptors raise the price pretty quick though).
I have a Blue Force Gear 2 point on my 416. Mash hook on the front and QD swivel to a KAC QD sling mount on the stock.
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Old January 9th, 2015, 02:57   #20
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Magpul MS1. Looking for the adapters to use in 1-point config.
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Old January 9th, 2015, 04:53   #21
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Didn't have my sling attached once at an event, biffed it, smashed my PTW all over the pavement. Fun.

Anyways, I use a Lonestar single point bungee sling. Very versatile, very well made, etc. Single piunts don't get caught or clutter your gear, also you can go comfortably to offhand if needs be. I sling my primary to my offhand side as not to block my pistol or shooting arm when I transition. Primary sits under my left arm with the grip forward.
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Old February 9th, 2015, 20:19   #22
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Single point that's all. I won't use anything else and been using th same one for almost 6 years
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Old February 9th, 2015, 21:26   #23
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cant stand slings, mostly never use them... I crawl around alot, and find they just get in my way. I usually will run a carabiner on my stock that I can attach to my vest or belt if for some reason I need to carry something other than my gun.
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Old February 9th, 2015, 22:34   #24
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my slings in chronological order:

crappy 2 point
specter sling
irene adaptive
chinese 1 point
high ground ring sling <-- fucking champion
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Old February 9th, 2015, 22:47   #25
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+1 to the blue force gear slings

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Old February 10th, 2015, 17:42   #26
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MS3 all the way you can sinch it, extend it and toss it behind your back all with one hand. Also it has clip locks so it never accidentally releases. Even though most Airsofters do not do it/can't do it. It is also the best sling for shooting right handed and switching to left based on cover available.
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Old February 10th, 2015, 21:01   #27
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Choosing a sling also has a lot to do with your chest rig configuration (where and how your pouches sit). You also have to take into consideration the weapon you're using (how it functions, the weight, etc), the sling attachment points on said weapon, and don't forget to consider your style of play (how you transition from rifle to pistol, how you prefer a slung weapon to hang, etc). Ultimately a sling is next to being a necessity, especially in CQB and when you have to perform more actions than just pulling the trigger. Keep in mind though that too much "sling" will become a hinderance!

Some rigs allow you to have a single point sling actually threaded through it, so the weight of the rifle pulls from the middle/lower area of the back. Ie. an ERAC Sling. Mind you most airsofters don't have the top tier releasable body armor systems, I'm just giving you an example of what's out there!

I actually ran 2 slings for the entirety of my military career. I had a single point sling on my body armour that I used for general patrolling and what not, and then I had a 2 point sling in a pouch, just incase I needed to carry my rifle on my back.

If not having 2 slings is the way to go for you, try something like this Multi-function sling. It's a happy medium and quite versatile.

Just to finish off, out of personal experience I would have to say I've tried most of the more common slings out there. I had lots of people telling me what worked for them and what didn't. Just like apples and oranges, what didn't work for them worked well for me. If you're not wanting to waste a lot of time and money I would suggest that you politely approach people who have different types of slings, and ask to see if you can try them out for a minute or 2.
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Old February 14th, 2015, 18:34   #28
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I have had multiple slings and my favourite is the Condor STRYKE Tactical Sling. It was a toss up between this and a ms3 but the condor had bungee and won me over along with it just felt more comfortable. Does 1 point and 2 point. It also has the ability to swap out how you connect to your rifle in which the ms3 doesn't.
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Old February 24th, 2015, 11:14   #29
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Blue Force Gear Vickers sling.

Best prices found here ^
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Old March 11th, 2015, 21:19   #30
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Surprised no one mentioned the Huskey Admentum/EWS sling.

I have run both before. EWS is boss especially with the over-tighten feature.
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