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Airsoft "Pet Peeves", time to vent guys!



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Old January 9th, 2015, 16:56   #1501
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Originally Posted by BenG View Post
mock suppressors being used to extend the barrel length
Not sure I'm following - you mean covering the inner barrel with their suppressor? Or Just wanting the barrel to be longer cuz it looks tacticool?
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Old January 9th, 2015, 20:15   #1502
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Originally Posted by DipTwit View Post
Not sure I'm following - you mean covering the inner barrel with their suppressor? Or Just wanting the barrel to be longer cuz it looks tacticool?
He means running a 20" inner barrel on a 14.5" outer barrel and covering it with a suppressor. Not only making the gun look totally ridiculous, but also doing absolutely nothing to increase performance.
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Old January 12th, 2015, 14:36   #1503
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I wasn't aware that the mock suppressors *ever* did anything to increase performance, that's all

75% of what we do tends to be for visual effect anyway, if he thinks being unable to turn around a corner at any reasonable speed, and having to lug the damn thing around, let him have his fun. Maybe he can be on the "other" team though lol
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Old January 27th, 2015, 15:52   #1504
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"I have many parts most new never used. Sold as lot only no parting out."

Above quote. I've seen a few sales threads like this where there are a few things I'd be interested in but I'm not willing to buy the rest of the garbage to get them.

Oh ya post a dam pic if you are selling hundreds of dollars worth of stuff. Without a pic I'll have to assume it's so busted up that you're embarrassed to show it.
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Old January 27th, 2015, 16:24   #1505
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Originally Posted by zombiesniper View Post
"I have many parts most new never used. Sold as lot only no parting out."

Above quote. I've seen a few sales threads like this where there are a few things I'd be interested in but I'm not willing to buy the rest of the garbage to get them.

Oh ya post a dam pic if you are selling hundreds of dollars worth of stuff. Without a pic I'll have to assume it's so busted up that you're embarrassed to show it.

Plus 1000!

Doesn't matter if I can buy all the seller has. If they've a few items I've no need for, they could lose out on a sale! Why not sell a piece here and there. They'd get some coin sooner, and it'd reduce the price for others who might be interested in what's left.

And, yah. Seller wants coin but won't put effort into the ad? No pic = no sale. "Won't upload" is a lazy excuse when there are so many image hosting services available.

One more thing; blurry, shaky, crappy pics or vids in ads, reviews, etc. Smartphone tripods are available at Dollarama. Turn on a couple of lights. Make sure your item isn't on a busy background. Improve your standards!

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Old January 27th, 2015, 16:37   #1506
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I hate it when the seller replaces the price with sold or banana, especially because you shouldn't do that.

I hate it when sellers have gigantic threads with several hundred items that have been sold and only a few left for sale. If you need to post a hundred items and you painstackingly detail your thread and the. Sell 90% of that stuff, mark the thread as all sold and start a new clean thread with your half dozen items left. Dont make make me look at 100 sold items and try to find the fee items left. Prune your threads lol
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?

Last edited by naminator; January 27th, 2015 at 17:12..
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Old January 27th, 2015, 16:37   #1507
Brian McIlmoyle
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simple solution to that.. don't buy it ..

usually such sellers are liquidating.. and want to sell the lot and be done.
They don't want to be bothered with packing up single items.

Originally Posted by zombiesniper View Post
"I have many parts most new never used. Sold as lot only no parting out."

Above quote. I've seen a few sales threads like this where there are a few things I'd be interested in but I'm not willing to buy the rest of the garbage to get them.

Oh ya post a dam pic if you are selling hundreds of dollars worth of stuff. Without a pic I'll have to assume it's so busted up that you're embarrassed to show it.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old January 27th, 2015, 16:55   #1508
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That's my solution as well Brian.
Sucks though when the seller actually has a couple of good items that I'd be willing to part with $100-200 but I have no interest in the rest of the stuff.
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Old January 28th, 2015, 00:38   #1509
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People playing at a private field, firing their guns in the safe zone constantly, hearing the shots from the safe zone, then getting hit from that direction, calling the hit even though unsure of actual hit, only to be told 5 mins after game had ended, that it was some jackass who was already out making sure his gun was working properly
current armament:
mk43, ump.45, p90, barret, m14, g33, k98, m4 tac, m4 swat, mp5 navy, vsr10, p226, m9.

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Old January 28th, 2015, 04:39   #1510
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Riot shields in airsoft...... Go play COD you F$&@-faces!
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old January 28th, 2015, 08:16   #1511
2 Cent Tactical
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Riot shields in airsoft...... Go play COD you F$&@-faces!
The only time I would ever allow a shield to protect you from BBs is if it was the same weight as the RS rating you would need(7.62x54 would be a minimum I would think), and it would only be good for the amount of hits the RS one is rated for, usually less than 10.

That rule usually discourages people from even trying.
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Old January 28th, 2015, 12:47   #1512
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
I've seen one game where any shields were only allowed to be one layer of cardboard thick, and you were only allowed one for the whole twenty-four hours. The few that has a shield lost them very quickly because they were Swiss-cheesed. The year before they had plywood shields with gun holes and windows in them. Four guys would move together as a wall, and they had a medic with them. If you hit one of them, they'd all hunker down together, medic back in, and then continue on. There was a rule that grenades would stop riot shields, but they never called those hits. Eventually we set a trap for them. Led them under a sniper's watch in the dark (a big hole in the cement wall of a building), and sprayed them about the top of their heads mercilessly. Then their shields went missing....somehow. Weird eh?

From a realism standpoint they don't make a lot of sense. There's the weight thing, but taking consecutive rounds close range will either deplete your shield or knock you on your butt.

From a sports perspective they make less sense. Really an unsportsmanlike tool, almost as bad as not calling your hits. If you need a shield, why are you playing?
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old January 28th, 2015, 13:40   #1513
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The shields are in the same category as drones, and 499 fps full auto DMRs and all those other crutches for weak players.

They get shot up every game so they think "if I had a SAW" I wouldn't get shot; but then it's heavy and they get shot. Then they think if "I was a sniper" they'd win; but then they get shot a hundred times. Then they think "if I had a DMR that hosed out 99 rps I could win"; but then they get shot and no one likes them.

Then they think "if I had a VR Drone I could find those people shooting me and get to them first and I'd have a riot shield and an army of two invisible poncho so they couldn't see or shoot me and I"d have a BB laser gun that would vaporize them"; and they still get shot.

So they start flying RC planes or target shooting. But they still come one here to tell it how it is. And they're still fucking lame.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old January 28th, 2015, 14:05   #1514
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Kk well I'd like to fly my RC drone anyway. Not that I've gamed yet, but when I do, I'd love to fly as a noncombatant. Impartially recording the action for later play on YouTube.
I'd let everyone know it's just for entertainment, and hopefully they'd have enough respect to not unload on it.

Location: YYZ VOR 062 radial, 17.5 DME FL5280
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Old January 28th, 2015, 14:08   #1515
Squid Porn Superstar, I love the tentacles!
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Guys, what battery should I use to get my gun shooting 399 FPS? Field limit is 400 and I know I won't be combat effective unless I'm 1 FPS under the limit.
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