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Cyma (Maybe?) AK47 battery tray


Doctor's Corner

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Old June 18th, 2014, 13:41   #1
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Ingersoll, Ontario
Cyma (Maybe?) AK47 battery tray

Hey guys, I'm doing this on behalf of a buddy who bought what we THINK is a Cyma brand AK tactical rifle. It's got rails on the foreward grip, folding stock yada yada... He's not sure if it is Cyma or not and I don't have it in front of me to confirm but quick google search comes up with the same design but I'm sure that's inconclusive... anyway.

Here's the problem. He went to play at a field and the plastic tray that holds the stick battery under the top receiver cover broke, most of the tabs are gone and he's not able to find a replacement part online, and my searches have turned up negative as well. He's very fond of the gun, and doesn't want to buy a whole new rifle, but was hoping someone on here would have a suggestion for repairs.

Anyone have ideas, suggestions or experience dealing with issue, please let me know. Thanks.
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Old June 18th, 2014, 18:11   #2
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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Don't need the tray, wrap some tape on the rod to keep tension on the spring and play on!
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Old June 19th, 2014, 15:13   #3
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Ingersoll, Ontario
Alright, we will do that when I see him next. What rod? I'm not familiar with AK's at all, so knowing as much as I can before tackling this for him will help us both lol. I remember seeing something online about using electrical tape around this rod and using super glue or something to seal the edges of the tap so the heat doesn't weaken the bond of the tape. I'll also have to reinstall the charging handle, I remember it had come out shortly after the tray broke apart. But it'll be cheaper than paying hundreds for a new rifle.
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