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ra tech aluminum nozzle


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Old June 5th, 2014, 11:48   #1
Join Date: Mar 2013
ra tech aluminum nozzle

Ok so I have s we open bolt that I've been running for a year now. The plastic nozzle busted on me and looking at the ra tech aluminum nozzle. My question is before I spend $100 I was wondering about the npas that comes with it. How well do they work. I bought one for my plastic nozzle and I had no luck getting it past 325 fps... definitely not good for longer range. I want to keep it around the 400 fps mark...
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Old June 5th, 2014, 11:58   #2
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Location: Etobicoke, Ontario
Originally Posted by syrus View Post
Ok so I have s we open bolt that I've been running for a year now. The plastic nozzle busted on me and looking at the ra tech aluminum nozzle. My question is before I spend $100 I was wondering about the npas that comes with it. How well do they work. I bought one for my plastic nozzle and I had no luck getting it past 325 fps... definitely not good for longer range. I want to keep it around the 400 fps mark...
Are you sure you cant get past 325? Ive gotten mine to 430...I have more problems getting it to shoot lower!

As for the aluminium nozzle, I think most people will tell you not to use it as it can mess up the the hop-up chamber. Buuuuut I'll let the more experienced users tell you that
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Old June 5th, 2014, 13:30   #3
Join Date: Mar 2010
I've had the aluminum nozzle since they came out. Here are my thoughts:
  • The NPAS in the aluminum nozzle is different from the one for the plastic nozzles. I believe in fact the adjustment is also backwards.
  • I, by far, have had the most consistency with the plastic nozzle + NPAS (+/- 5 FPS on a great day)
  • Saying that, I've broken many plastic nozzles, some with just 5 shots. At one point I went through one each time I went out.
  • My RA-Tech aluminum nozzle was HORRIBLE out of the box. I was getting +/- 100 FPS!!!!! This was due to a terrible design of the NPAS.
  • I did not use the aluminum nozzle until I found an "upgrade" (more like paid fix) for it which replaced the cup and spring for the NPAS. This fix greatly changed my FPS fluctations, now I'm getting +/- 10 FPS
  • I believe (not 100% sure) that the new RA-Tech nozzles have a new cup and seal design.
  • The way to tell is if you disassemble the new nozzle, the proper spring has a taper on it and is stronger, whereas the old one has a linear spring (no taper). The cup looks about the same as the old cup. Again I'm not 100% if the new nozzles have this or not. Whether it has it or not, to make this nozzle efficient, you NEED it. It is a $9 USD upgrade if you do not have it.
  • After I installed the upgrade I was able to get 400 FPS on 0.25's consistently, and down to about 320ish with it mostly closed
  • I've used the same hop up rubber that I've had (A+ hop up I believe) since the beginning (through all the regular nozzles and now the aluminum nozzle) and the wear after a year or so is slightly noticeable, but my performance hasn't changed too much in terms of hop.
  • The RA-Tech nozzle comes with some sharp edges and I recommend filing them down to reduce the amount of wear on the gun and your mags.
  • You'll notice kick is harder, but cycling is slower (weight of the nozzle)
  • Efficiency-wise I think the aluminum nozzle loses quite a bit because of the weight, but I'm not sure on this either. I also have a steel bolt so my efficiency is poop.

Also perhaps you may be adjusting your NPAS incorrectly, as fully open I have no problems shooting over 400 with my plastic nozzle.
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Old June 5th, 2014, 17:47   #4
Join Date: Mar 2013
Yea I was wondering about that. I put a ra tech 6.01 extended barrel and that jumped me up to 410 without the npas but after the nozzle broke I could only get a plastic replacement. I chrono the gun after and could only get 300 fps at best.... and it wouldn't cycle properly. After playing around with 2 plastic nozzles and the npas 325 is the best I can do. That's why I ask. Also I want do a m4 dmr style build with co2 and am curious what to expect if I run an aluminum nozzle with the npas....

Last edited by syrus; June 5th, 2014 at 19:02..
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