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Old May 26th, 2014, 16:30   #16
T-Hell's Avatar
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I have 2 Wux radios and all good bringing them in from China....

another option is the single band FDC 468A good solid radios take the Motorola 2 pin for headsets etc.

Really you don't have to stick to the same brand radio.
our team uses the FDC460A mostly but I have 2 Wux radios and another member has an Iasus

as long as they are within the same bandwidth you are golden...

Look at

for some good prices

Direct Link to radios

they have the Pux888 for $85 shipped to canada.

I would just order from them...

I have ordered radios for our team (Nordic Battle Group) as well as radios for another team and radios for the church I go to and have never been disappointed with the service and the equipment...

all in all probably have ordered 25 radios from them in the past and never had a bad one

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Old May 26th, 2014, 17:26   #17
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Originally Posted by T-Hell View Post
I have 2 Wux radios and all good bringing them in from China....

another option is the single band FDC 468A good solid radios take the Motorola 2 pin for headsets etc.

Really you don't have to stick to the same brand radio.
our team uses the FDC460A mostly but I have 2 Wux radios and another member has an Iasus

as long as they are within the same bandwidth you are golden...

Look at

for some good prices

Direct Link to radios

they have the Pux888 for $85 shipped to canada.

I would just order from them...

I have ordered radios for our team (Nordic Battle Group) as well as radios for another team and radios for the church I go to and have never been disappointed with the service and the equipment...

all in all probably have ordered 25 radios from them in the past and never had a bad one
Yes I already had that site bookmarked..... but as already pointed out, we CANNOT import puxings.
Originally Posted by Janus View Post
Is he a spambot or is he a francophone? I really can't tell the difference sometimes.
Originally Posted by Latvian291 View Post
This is one of the funniest things I've read.
Commandment 1 of LMGesus: Fuck getting kills. That's the job of your teammates, otherwise known as the cannon fodder. Your job is to be scary.
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Old May 26th, 2014, 17:32   #18
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I know you can still get the Wux in...

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Old May 29th, 2014, 04:28   #19
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
Their issues were;

a) Front programmable;

b) Dual band (VHF-UHF)

c) Able to operate on reserved frequencies (ie, those not set aside for civilians).
A) Pretty sure the Baofengs are capable of front programming, as well as many other brands. I do recall a baofeng model without keys in the front.

B) I really don't see a issue with having a dual band radio. This way you can use FRS/GMRS on the UHF band and with the VHF band (MURS). Which are both license free frequencies.

Having a removable antenna also is technically against the rules as well as transmitting over 0.5W

C) I'm pretty sure Ham radio equipment can get into reserved frequencies too. I don't think they come from China with those frequencies locked out. (correct me if I'm wrong)

By this logic anything not a talkabout or blisterpack radio using the UHF band is in theory banned. Baofeng, wuxing, puxing, linton, etc...
Not sure if industry canada has any say about what CSBA lets in and bans.

Maybe it's a ban on the local retailing of amateur radio equipment without checking for licenses. So Joe Normal doesn't buy a puxing 777 thinking it's the same as his old talkabout and ends up interfering with reserved radio frequencies. I would like to know more about this ban as I'm planning on purchasing the digital radios puxing will be releasing in the future.

Last edited by Kingsix; May 29th, 2014 at 04:32..
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Old June 1st, 2014, 22:16   #20
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ANY radio of the type we're referring to in this discussion not specifically certified under Radio Standards Specification 210 (RSS210 - Low Power License Exempt Devices) is illegal to import/possess/operate as per the Radiocommunication Act...NOT CBSA as some have suggested. For FRS/GRMS/MURS, that basically narrows it down to the integral/non-removable antenna, blister-pack type of radios which display channel numbers instead of actual frequency and are not in any way front-panel programmable.

There is one exception however, and that is for purpose-built "amateur radio" handhelds but you require an amateur radio operator's certificate & license to possess and operate one of those, AND THEN ONLY ON DESIGNATED amateur radio frequencies. Modifying one to work on FRS/GMRS/MURS renders the radio subject to certification (because they all exceed RSS210 output power levels and have removable antennas) and licensing, but since these radios will not pass certification no license can be granted and operation therefore becomes illegal.

Thus far, all the Lintons, Puxings, Woxouns, etc. radios have been imported under "amateur radio" documentation and thus have passed through CBSA unmolested. However, anyone not a ham caught in possession and/or operating one; or, any retailer selling one to a non-ham operator; or, anyone modifying one to work outside amateur band frequencies, is guilty of an offense under the Radiocommunication Act.

In all likelihood what precipitated the aforementioned enforcement action against some retailers was either an inspector spotted this him/herself, or it was the result of a complaint.

Carry on...


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Last edited by FlyGuy; June 1st, 2014 at 22:19..
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Old June 5th, 2014, 21:05   #21
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So are you saying that we can infact still import them from places like

Originally Posted by Janus View Post
Is he a spambot or is he a francophone? I really can't tell the difference sometimes.
Originally Posted by Latvian291 View Post
This is one of the funniest things I've read.
Commandment 1 of LMGesus: Fuck getting kills. That's the job of your teammates, otherwise known as the cannon fodder. Your job is to be scary.
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Old June 8th, 2014, 20:37   #22
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Thank for stating the obvious. I would like to add that just owning a baofeng radio in Canada is illegal unleast you have advanced radio amateur certicate.

I know 3 cases of people charged for posessing illegal radio in Quebec. They were not very bright, but still people should know what they are going into.

Last edited by barberouge; June 8th, 2014 at 20:46..
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Old June 8th, 2014, 21:09   #23
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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I still can't believe after all the jokes we made the radio police really does exist LOL

If the baofengs are restricted, then so are the wouxuns. They have all the same features. We're just not allowed cool radios anymore.

Restrictions were placed because they're openly programmable (and also crazy powerful). A few retailers were able to keep selling them through a loophole: "no program, no problem", and "it's got a low power setting!", so technically they weren't illegal until you turned them on.
However I guess they said no to that finally since capital and bent barrel don't seem to be selling the wouxuns now.

Also, I've brought in plenty of ITAR restricted items, lots of them even through the US border. But just because you've done it, does NOT in any way mean everyone else is good to go.
If customs doesn't check the package, it means it slipped through the cracks. It doesn't mean it's legal.
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Old June 9th, 2014, 07:59   #24
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If you want team privacy get PRR or Personal Roll Radios they work in the ISM or unlicensed band good for up to 0.5km longer with better antenna and open space upto 2km. You can added a uhf/vhf int them for cross band compatibility to everyone else. Your looking at 1k for 4 units with headset etc then just add the cross band if you need it or run a cheap frs for interop.
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Old June 9th, 2014, 10:16   #25
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2.4 GHz Spread Spectrum radio are a good idea, but the range will be limitted.

Where did you buy those radio ?

The only license free ISM radio that I know are the Motorola DTR familly( high cost)
or the cheap TriSquare radio, they both use the 902-928 ISM band wich has a longer range than the 2.4 Ghz.


yes we do exist, I am both an ham radio and spectrum management officer. People think spectrum work by magic, but in fact every week we have interferences problems affecting various users: police, firefigther, transport company, private company...

We also have case with criminals using GPS jammer, cell phone jammer ( especially to steal car with tracking system).

Last edited by barberouge; June 9th, 2014 at 10:21..
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Old June 9th, 2014, 14:43   #26
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Spectrum management is a serious job and is not taken lightly after all most stuff has RF,of some sort and the rules should not be taken lightly. As well a ham operator and have a lot of ham equipment I could modify it to operate on frs and gprs but hen that would decertify those radios and I would not legally be allowed to operate it in,Canada. Also if I was caught operating it on frs/gprs I could have my license revoked. RF is not a toy to be played with.
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Old June 13th, 2014, 01:57   #27
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Originally Posted by Wh1t3y View Post
Hey there, my team is looking to do one big purchase and buy a full radio setup for each of us. (4 full radio setups).

I'm incredibly new to radios and I've been driving myself insane trying to learn all this stuff and figure out what is compatible with the radios we've picked out.

We are all looking at purchasing the ever-popular Baofeng UV 5R radios, my question here lies in compatibility with certain antennas and antenna extensions/routers.

Here is what we are looking at:

Now I know we are going to need an adapter to connect the Baofeng to the TRI Antenna extension, my question is what is the name of that connection, and does an adapter even exist for RP-SMA to "What-ever-the-connector-is-called"?

And although the frequencies seem to match up, I might as well ask if that antenna would even work if I did get them connected... (Don't see why it wouldn't.)

Thanks for any help in advance guys, I've spent the last three days losing my mind over this stuff. I can't seem to find information anywhere.

I know this thread went mostly off-base from the original post, but I wanted to mention, with the number of adapters and connectors you will be adding, you will have a ton of loss before you reach the antenna from the radio. I would expect to have very little improvement or possibly worse signal than you will get with the stock antenna setup.
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Old June 13th, 2014, 17:41   #28
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Gov't can Kiss my ass I am still using my radios... I use them for airsoft. when my wife and I travel to festivals I use them there all the time. when we go to the US we use them there so we don't have to use cell phone etc...

so mr. government I FART in your general direction...

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Old June 13th, 2014, 18:10   #29
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I hope you're being facetious.
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Old July 15th, 2014, 14:58   #30
Join Date: Dec 2011
Originally Posted by barberouge View Post
2.4 GHz Spread Spectrum radio are a good idea, but the range will be limitted.

Where did you buy those radio ?

The only license free ISM radio that I know are the Motorola DTR familly( high cost)
or the cheap TriSquare radio, they both use the 902-928 ISM band wich has a longer range than the 2.4 Ghz.


yes we do exist, I am both an ham radio and spectrum management officer. People think spectrum work by magic, but in fact every week we have interferences problems affecting various users: police, firefigther, transport company, private company...

We also have case with criminals using GPS jammer, cell phone jammer ( especially to steal car with tracking system).
I was looking into getting a TriSquare since it's license free, but I came across this:

That being said, are there other license free radios out there that are more powerful than your standard blister pack radios?
What kind of airsofter are YOU?
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