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Ak v3 gearbox, nozzle not always resetting


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Old January 10th, 2014, 07:02   #16
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You know that even if the nozzle is marketed as "AK/V3", it can be too short.

Did you measure your old nozzle vs. this one with a digital caliper or micrometer?
A smallish difference can by why it's double feeding.

Also, when you say it double feed, you mean it spouts 2 BBs when it should fire only 1, but EVERY cycle, it shoots at least one right?

Because if it randomly does not fire anything, then fire two the next cycle, your new rubber is bad or installed wrong or your nozzle it leaking (can be too short or just not fitting properly on the cylinder head).
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old January 10th, 2014, 09:24   #17
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take the mechbox apart again and do a compression test already, that will tell you if the air leak is in the mechbox or not. then you just need to determine if its an alignment issue or a nozzle length issue.
also with the nozzle forward, shine a light down the barrel and see if you see any light in the hop chamber, the nozzle should be blocking it
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Old January 10th, 2014, 15:03   #18
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
take the mechbox apart again and do a compression test already, that will tell you if the air leak is in the mechbox or not. then you just need to determine if its an alignment issue or a nozzle length issue.
also with the nozzle forward, shine a light down the barrel and see if you see any light in the hop chamber, the nozzle should be blocking it
Well I tested the compression and there is a leak some were between the cylinder head and the nozzle, but when I take the nozzle off the tappet plate and hold it against the cylinder head then no air leaks and the compression is fine...
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My only problem is that all my guns smell like mint toothpaste which kinda disturbs my family for some reason.
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Old January 10th, 2014, 15:07   #19
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
You know that even if the nozzle is marketed as "AK/V3", it can be too short.

Did you measure your old nozzle vs. this one with a digital caliper or micrometer?
A smallish difference can by why it's double feeding.

Also, when you say it double feed, you mean it spouts 2 BBs when it should fire only 1, but EVERY cycle, it shoots at least one right?

Because if it randomly does not fire anything, then fire two the next cycle, your new rubber is bad or installed wrong or your nozzle it leaking (can be too short or just not fitting properly on the cylinder head).
That's what is says on the package and that's what Ron from venture airsoft told me it was.

No, but I'll find the old one later and do it

Yes, that what I mean. Every cycle it shoots at least one.
Current loadout: FN-FX45, G&G L85A2.

Originally Posted by mr_nuts31 View Post
My only problem is that all my guns smell like mint toothpaste which kinda disturbs my family for some reason.
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Old January 10th, 2014, 15:07   #20
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Originally Posted by Nateman332 View Post
Well I tested the compression and there is a leak some were between the cylinder head and the nozzle, but when I take the nozzle off the tappet plate and hold it against the cylinder head then no air leaks and the compression is fine...
Testing it that way is testing in the full rear position. You can make anything seal in the full rear position by pressing hard enough.
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Old January 10th, 2014, 19:02   #21
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Testing in the rear position creates a mechanical seal between the cylinder head and air nozzle, but your gun doesn't shoot in the rearward position so there's no point in testing it.
In the forward position there should be a small O-ring inside the air nozzle that creates a dynamic seal, much like that of the piston head, when the gun shoots. You can lose a lot of air there.

Unfortunately all cylinder heads and air nozzles are made a tiny bit different, even from the same company. I just buy lots of 10 air nozzles and go through them until I find the one that works best lol
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Old January 10th, 2014, 19:02   #22
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
Testing it that way is testing in the full rear position. You can make anything seal in the full rear position by pressing hard enough.
I don't think you understand, when I leave it in the tappet plate in the rear position it leaks (or the forward position), but when I take it out of the tappet plate it doesn't leak in any position (though that still may not be a problem).

and I'm only pushing hard enough to stop air from coming out the front end of the nozzle.
Current loadout: FN-FX45, G&G L85A2.

Originally Posted by mr_nuts31 View Post
My only problem is that all my guns smell like mint toothpaste which kinda disturbs my family for some reason.
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Old January 11th, 2014, 02:29   #23
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Testing in the rear position creates a mechanical seal between the cylinder head and air nozzle, but your gun doesn't shoot in the rearward position so there's no point in testing it.
In the forward position there should be a small O-ring inside the air nozzle that creates a dynamic seal, much like that of the piston head, when the gun shoots. You can lose a lot of air there.

Unfortunately all cylinder heads and air nozzles are made a tiny bit different, even from the same company. I just buy lots of 10 air nozzles and go through them until I find the one that works best lol

The compression is ok, not the best but it's decent (I can barely push it together) so now I'm going to put it back together and do the light test.

I also found that my piston head was loose, making the teeth loose, could that cause problems?
Current loadout: FN-FX45, G&G L85A2.

Originally Posted by mr_nuts31 View Post
My only problem is that all my guns smell like mint toothpaste which kinda disturbs my family for some reason.
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Old January 11th, 2014, 12:37   #24
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If you get it to compress and the piston still reaches the cylinder head within 15s, it's not good enough. Regreasing the cylinder usually gets you way better and more consistent compression, use a tiny amount of synthetic grease, just enough to put a very thin film in the cylinder.
piston head being loose would cause compression issues as well
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Old April 3rd, 2014, 07:42   #25
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What does the compression do with double feed or missfeeding? I might have compression issues but I also have double/miss feeding issues. I don't know how is this connected at all.
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