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Recrutement drive on campus



View Poll Results: Should I go forward with this idea?
Yes 153 45.27%
No 185 54.73%
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 21:52   #1
Vicious MSPaint Wizard
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Exclamation Recrutement drive on campus

Hey guys,

Since the year I've been involved, I've always wanted to host an information séance about airsoft at my cegep (kinda like university for you non-Quebec folks). Now, I've weighed the pros and the cons of this activity, and would like to have your opinion on the subject. If the community is against such an action, I'll forget it.

The rules for this thread:
1. Please be polite and remember that I'm asking for your opinion. If you really don't think it is a good idea, explain yourself politetly, please.
2. Vote damn it!

Cegep Édouard-Montpetit

The cegep holds about 6500 students, with about 4000 inside at any given time. Minors represent 20% of the population, give or take 5%. I have the actual numbers at my desk, but I'm home right now.

Student's union should not be a problem (they usually are against any military/para-military-ish looking things) as I am involved with them (I'm technically a vice-president because of my title, but I'm really the accountant). There should be no student protest, hell, most of the people I know (and I know a lot of people at that school) would be interested to visit.

The administration shouldn't be a problem, as I actually managed to convince them to host a game inside the school (during the night) but I decided against because the the costs involved.

The séance itself would be held in a private room, probably a large class or auditorium away from the main arteries of the school to avoid having too many random onlookers. The event would be publicized, but there would be no guns in said publicity. Guns would be displayed but kept under a certain guard during the event.

I'm asking this as I've been asked a couple of times now if it were possible to start an airsoft student club, and I've noticed more and more people talking about it. I'm known as an "active" (okay, I try and go to the Action Commando games as often as I can, but it's been a few months, so I'm more of a chairsofter per se) player and suprisingly many people have asked me about the sport.

All in all, I'm sure that we'd find plenty of good people ready to get involved if they knew this sport existed, but I'm wondering, do we really want the exposure this would bring to the sport.

That is what I'd like to discuss. Is it wise to go public like this, or is word of mouth a safer, though less effective, method?

Further more, I'd like to hear from local players, anyone willing to help if I decide on going forward with this?

Let me know!
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 22:18   #2
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Tough question....

Airsoft on campus might fly now, but you have to look downstream a little and try to imagine what the backlash would be from your administration staff if there was an "incedent" (use your imagination). They might blow away all your hard work with a simple vote.

I think bringing people into the sport is always good. Even as an experiment, a public recruiting drive might be interesting.

In some ways having to spend a few hundred dollars (few thousand?!?!?) to get started in this sport is a bit of a qualifier in itself. You need a basic level of commitment to make that investment. Then, as the addiction...*achem*..commitment grows, the player develops.

Real "recruiting" happens on the feild, during play, when the person feels the rush and likes it enough to keep playing. Usually one on one with their "sponsor"..

Jeeze...this is starting to sound like AA!

I vote YES, but tentatively based on the approach, and what exectly is said at the info-session..
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 22:24   #3
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a "cattle call" style information session prolly would not be in the best interests of the sport. I subscribe to the school of thought that the best way to get quality players into airsoft is word of mouth. Most people on course with me now know that I play airsoft - but unless I think they would be a standup individual within the community I tend to not make it sound very interesting... Seems to work.

Cudos for wanting to get more people around you involved though.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 22:54   #4
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Originally Posted by Blackthorne
Tough question....

Airsoft on campus might fly now, but you have to look downstream a little and try to imagine what the backlash would be from your administration staff if there was an "incedent" (use your imagination). They might blow away all your hard work with a simple vote.
Since I've already drove a car in the college (and not through it :wink: ), spilled 5 tons of shreaded paper as an april fools gag (with the help of the security guards of all people) and once kidnapped a director as a student carnival strike (okay, more like willingly ducktapped), and never having heard a peep would give me cause to pause and ask myself if they would even flinch even if I strolled around the college with what apears to be automatic weapons.

Then I'd remember that they've entrusted me with about half a milion dollars to administrate annually for the student union, that there are an insane amount of staff members that owe me personnal favors and that I'm on a first name basis with the senior staff.

These people know me. And they know that I run a tight show. I ran (and still help a lot) the weekly drinking binges held on every thursday in the student café, and I have an almost spotless report with no arrests and only one ambulance call in a year. That is nearly unheared of locally.

The point is, I know I can get this thing off the ground without a problem, but should I?

Originally Posted by Blackthorne
I think bringing people into the sport is always good. Even as an experiment, a public recruiting drive might be interesting.

In some ways having to spend a few hundred dollars (few thousand?!?!?) to get started in this sport is a bit of a qualifier in itself. You need a basic level of commitment to make that investment. Then, as the addiction...*achem*..commitment grows, the player develops.

Real "recruiting" happens on the feild, during play, when the person feels the rush and likes it enough to keep playing. Usually one on one with their "sponsor"..

Jeeze...this is starting to sound like AA!

I vote YES, but tentatively based on the approach, and what exectly is said at the info-session..
I've though about it, I'd probably settle for one of our audithoriums. Agora style seating for about 80, with a lot of space at the bottom. I'd run a 10-15 minute slideshow on a loop as people who saw the video would come down and chat. I'd like no more than 100ish people attending to insure that I can talk to most and give out the correct info.

This is not me talking behind a table in the cafeteria while the students come up, glance at the table and leave. I really want to take the time to educate people properly.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 22:56   #5
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Originally Posted by Kokanee
a "cattle call" style information session prolly would not be in the best interests of the sport. I subscribe to the school of thought that the best way to get quality players into airsoft is word of mouth. Most people on course with me now know that I play airsoft - but unless I think they would be a standup individual within the community I tend to not make it sound very interesting... Seems to work.

Cudos for wanting to get more people around you involved though.
Must... infect... more... faster...

Thanks for the cudos. If this gets shot down, I'll probably host a monthly "invite-only" info night at my college, but in a more discreet manner.

I just think the local scene here could use 50 new faces, if they are serious enough.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 22:58   #6
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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I voted No because I don't see what would be good we would have in return.

We would gain more players but that is not always a good thing.

Airsoft is known mostly by mouth to mouth and from "a guys who have a friend that play". It's the best thing to stay underground and develop in a somewhat controled fashion.

On the other hand, Im not totally against the idea. But in the cégep... Might not be the best place to seek new players or support.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 22:59   #7
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well as black throne said this could have a mojar back lash. more then i am sure u want to have. i like the idea but i am sure there are going to be in the crowd that think u r some army reject and could that u are trying to get ppl to join a anti-government movement. not good. plus there are going to be soccer moms walking around as they are going back to school and hear about this and go now that is someting i should get banned in que or canada. so i think that u should be really careful on what u should say.

i voted no cause there is no 50/50 vote plus cause i can see the good and the uber bad in this idea.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 23:02   #8
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Originally Posted by FOX_111
I voted No because I don't see what would be good we would have in return.

We would gain more players but that is not always a good thing.

Airsoft is known mostly by mouth to mouth and from "a guys who have a friend that play". It's the best thing to stay underground and develop in a somewhat controled fashion.

On the other hand, Im not totally against the idea. But in the cégep... Might not be the best place to seek new players or support.
Well, I kinda like the idea, but I don't want to fuck up, so I'll submit to the community's will as promissed if I get shot down.

However, holding "invite-only" evening meetings inside the school (so I get to rent just about any class or room for free. sue me :lol: ) might be my backup plan. Interested Fox?
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 23:06   #9
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Originally Posted by surebet
Originally Posted by FOX_111
I voted No because I don't see what would be good we would have in return.

We would gain more players but that is not always a good thing.

Airsoft is known mostly by mouth to mouth and from "a guys who have a friend that play". It's the best thing to stay underground and develop in a somewhat controled fashion.

On the other hand, Im not totally against the idea. But in the cégep... Might not be the best place to seek new players or support.
Well, I kinda like the idea, but I don't want to fuck up, so I'll submit to the community's will as promissed if I get shot down.

However, holding "invite-only" evening meetings inside the school (so I get to rent just about any class or room for free. sue me :lol: ) might be my backup plan. Interested Fox?

I might be interested to help you on this if you plan is well built and if you get the OK from the comunity.

IMO, this cession should be 18+ only.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 23:06   #10
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I voted no, I wouldent like the sudden flow of new players posting on this site and such, or guys just buying airsoft guns because the guns look cool so they could show it off to friends.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 23:41   #11
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ill tell you what. I would like them buying all the used but unwanted sig552's laying around ehehe clear out the buy'n'sell.
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Uh oh... perhaps you didn't notice this but you are fueling everyone's inner compulsive gambler. ASC has combined 2 expensive and addictive elements into the ultimate vice: gambling for airsoft.

I'll get some chairs in a circle, put on some coffee, and register the support group; I'll need to get a head start on this epidemic.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 23:44   #12
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I am a university student and the only problem that I see is the high cost of starting Airsoft and the small bank accounts of most university students. Unless you can find a place that has a lot of rental AEG's you could have a problem with people starting and staying. I also agree with the other people that word of mouth would be the best way to go about it at first. See how many Airsoft players are already at the school.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 23:46   #13
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I'll post a final rebuttal, then I'll let the numbers decide. Please continue to post comments, we've had a lot of good points brought up.

1. The administration will ok this. Trust me. I'm on the proverbial board of directors of the college. You wouldn't believe half the crap I've managed to pull off so far.
2. Soccer moms et al will not witness the event. It would be located in a discreet venue, in a time slot of less than two hours.
3. I'd be tempted to allow minors in, simply because most of them would be 17, going on 18 in a mere few months. But then again, I don't care much for them either.
4. This would be on the larger scale, true, but not mass-market. Like I said, max 100 participants, but the more I think about it, the more I'd be confortable with 30-40.
5. As for the sudden flow of potential idiots, I plan on giving them a good primer, so the more obvious questions will have been taken care off before hand. Though I can't guarantee they'll all behave on ASC, of course.

I leave it in your hands now. If you are opposed to the idea though, and your reasons haven't been brought up in the thread, please post a brief something, will you? :wink:
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 23:48   #14
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Originally Posted by Magoo
I am a university student and the only problem that I see is the high cost of starting Airsoft and the small bank accounts of most university students. Unless you can find a place that has a lot of rental AEG's you could have a problem with people starting and staying. I also agree with the other people that word of mouth would be the best way to go about it at first. See how many Airsoft players are already at the school.
that is another problem we have locally. With the fall of the SATT, I'm not sure what is available locally as rentals. I'd be willing to find financing or even finance myself a small rental fleet, but I'd rather not since I'm not technical savvy enough yet to maintain abused AEGs.
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Old September 3rd, 2005, 09:07   #15
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The larger the player base gets the more likely you get cheaters. If you have lots of cheaters you will have a harder time weeding them out.
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