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APS Kompetitor Aug



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Old January 12th, 2014, 15:40   #1
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APS Kompetitor Aug

When APS released the Kompetitor Aug series late 2013, I was curious on how it was. How does it compare to the other makes of Aug Aegs. The big thing with this series of AUGs from APS is they have a few new features that other AUGs do not have.

When I received the aeg, the first thing i noticed was the feel of the materials used. Its most likely the same as the current bodies JG uses but they put a texture pattern in it that makes it feel cheaper for some odd reason. The body has 4 plastic 20 mm rails. They are only screwed into the body so they wont support much but enough for lasers and lights. The rear sling swivel does have a quick release button to detach from the body. Not really sure why i would use this and not sure how long it would last but its interesting that its an feature.

Sadly, my body came in with a crack. Its where the body and receiver mate. It was damage during shipping and it was during the extreme cold snap where it was -30. So the body was brittle and something must have been laying on the box.

Receiver and Barrel:
So i got the LE Carbine version. It has a shorter barrel length, about 4 cm. The metal feels like the newer JG/Aftermath, where it has a matte finish on it. there is also an other extra plastic rail on the metal receiver so it can support a bit more weight. A nice touch for the barrel assembly is the part of the barrel that is plastic, it is OD so it matches the body colour. I did not expect that. The charging handle is the new curved style found on the TM A3. This is the first time I used an Augs built in scope. So i have no comparison to make since they are rare. The eye relief isn't great but its clear.

It doesn't come with a battery and charger. But it didn't bother me since I use lipos anyways. The two stage trigger separation does not have a smooth operation between semi and full. Will most likely remove it because it doesn't feel smooth. It seems like everything on the aug is TM compatible. I've swapped and tested parts between my augs to see if it fits and works. So far the results are good.

FPS is rated at 400-420 fps on the website. As tested, i got an average of 355 fps with .28g Madbulls (high of 360 and low of 348). Doing the math is around 420 fps with .2g. Sorry dont have any .2g in the house.

- to be continued - will rip it apart later.

V3 Quick swap spring
100% compatible with TM/CA Augs
Extra Rails

Plastic quality isn't great.
Weird texture on Body
Plastic Side Rails.
Eye Relief is small
TM Steyr Aug A2 (Phantom) : TM Steyr Aug A2 (RIS) : Aftermath Steyr A2 (CQB) : APS Aug A1 H-Bar - 10 Low-Cap, 4 Mid-Cap and 2 Real-Cap Mags
TM/KJW G26 - 4 Mags
KJW KP-05 Hi-Capa - 2 Regular and 5 Extended Mags
Crossman S36P DEAD - 14 Shells
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Old January 12th, 2014, 15:55   #2
Join Date: Mar 2009
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So so far seems like a half decent cheap aug?
How's the mag release?
and as for the "smoothness" of the trigger does it have issues going from a half pull to a fulll pull?
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Old January 12th, 2014, 17:07   #3
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so far its ok. as build quality goes, its about the same as my aftermath aug, which is just a rebrand JG with clear body. I dont really have a place to range test it and i haven't ripped the mechbox apart.

The mag release is good. I tried all my different mag types and they all feed fine. TM low caps, MAG mid-caps, and KA real-caps.

The issue with the trigger is you dont know when the throw for half pull ends. it goes into to full pull fine. It's nice to have a good clear stopping point when you do a half pull so you dont half cycle the mechbox. I like taking out the 2 stage anyways since i find it causes problem when the aug is really warn down like my TMs. I think my issue with it is where it engages semi is a bit farther back on the trigger pull than all the others so it just feels really odd to me. its more like a 2/3rd pull for semi.

so far, overall im happy with it. I mainly picked it up for the V3 quick swap and finally having an A1 receiver in the collection.

Would I use it as my primary out of my collection of AUGs? No, my 'go to' right now is my stubby. After years of using my phantom, its nice having a short lightweight gun.
TM Steyr Aug A2 (Phantom) : TM Steyr Aug A2 (RIS) : Aftermath Steyr A2 (CQB) : APS Aug A1 H-Bar - 10 Low-Cap, 4 Mid-Cap and 2 Real-Cap Mags
TM/KJW G26 - 4 Mags
KJW KP-05 Hi-Capa - 2 Regular and 5 Extended Mags
Crossman S36P DEAD - 14 Shells
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Old January 21st, 2014, 21:28   #4
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I just looked at your sig, wow you have a lot of Augs.

Good review, I cant wait to see how it holds up. How much did you roughly pay for it?
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
YOU. ARE. MIKE. LITORUS. And if anyone mocks you, tell them they can suck it!
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Old February 27th, 2014, 11:41   #5
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I would kindly like to ask for a review of the internals / shooting test as well.

These guns have popped up in Europe recently being rebranded by Gunfire Company.

I'm curious if the performance of the gun can make up for the initial bad external review.

Maybe it would be even possible to transplant the quick exchange gearbox into a JG body?
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Old February 28th, 2014, 11:48   #6
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Do they have a metal receiver, metal barrel, and other parts just like TM and CA proline?

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Old March 4th, 2014, 00:19   #7
Rapture Hitler
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I hate to sound negative, but APS just doesn't make....good airsoft guns very often. I've owned their UAR and I was less than impressed to say the least. I want to like APS as they do have some decent and somewhat innovative ideas from time to time, but their quality just isn't there. The plastic on the UAR just felt cheap and, as you said, the finish makes it feel even cheaper. Their stock hopups are just dreadful. I couldn't get mine to feed or put any backspin on the bb whatsoever, no matter how high quality the bb was (I use BB Bastard, Madbull, Elite Force, Tanio Koba and King Arms only). APS as a company, to me, is just depressing.
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Old March 4th, 2014, 18:21   #8
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Now that i've played around with it more (taking it apart and moving parts around), the less impress with it.

The plastic is still doesn't feel as nice as my painted Aftermath one for some reason. Got a few feed issues when i tried using my other barrels in the APS body. I was playing lego with all the barrels, receivers, and bodies and noticed a few things. The APS barrel is very tight fit on TM receivers. The part of the barrel that the foregrip attaches to is a bit thicker than the TM ones.

I took the mechbox out but didn't take it apart. It uses some thin cheap 18 or 20g wiring. Don't really trust it. I'll rewire it when I install my mosfet.

The quick swap spring is a redeeming quality. it comes out fast. Just gotta use an allen key to take it out.

The inner barrel is just a standard copper barrel nothing good/bad since its stock.

Hopup Bucking, I was in the middle of replacing it when i noticed it uses an unique bucking nub. instead of a rounded nub is a rectangular one. Not sure if its any good or not but its something i did not expect.

Its a backup backup aug receiver and body with a mechbox which i will most likely rip apart and rebuild. I will game with it with stock to get a proper impression of it.
TM Steyr Aug A2 (Phantom) : TM Steyr Aug A2 (RIS) : Aftermath Steyr A2 (CQB) : APS Aug A1 H-Bar - 10 Low-Cap, 4 Mid-Cap and 2 Real-Cap Mags
TM/KJW G26 - 4 Mags
KJW KP-05 Hi-Capa - 2 Regular and 5 Extended Mags
Crossman S36P DEAD - 14 Shells
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Old March 20th, 2014, 04:39   #9
Join Date: Feb 2014
Originally Posted by lord_sid View Post
FPS is rated at 400-420 fps on the website. As tested, i got an average of 355 fps with .28g Madbulls (high of 360 and low of 348). Doing the math is around 420 fps with .2g. Sorry dont have any .2g in the house.
Are you able to tell what kind of spring you have in there?

I received my A2 and i have 106 m/s out of the box on 0,2gr BBs which would mean below 350 FPS.

APS states on their site that they ship their AUGs from 280-380 FPS, so maybe i have just a softer spring in mine, but i would still like to be sure.
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