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Old March 2nd, 2014, 15:06   #181
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So how do you guys find PS in a game? Doesn't the extra bulk of airtanks and lines getting in the way slow you down? Transition from one hand to another an issue? What about putting down to switch to a sidearm? I play outdoors in heavy bush. It seems to me that I would get snagged on branches a lot,(need to switch hands to get around/over obstacles) I see the advantage of variable fps and rps but kind of takes away from the look and seems like might be more trouble, (and $$$) than it's worth for outdoor play...?
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Old March 2nd, 2014, 15:09   #182
Brit ter
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Originally Posted by targetGspot View Post
So how do you guys find PS in a game? Doesn't the extra bulk of airtanks and lines getting in the way slow you down? Transition from one hand to another an issue? What about putting down to switch to a sidearm? I play outdoors in heavy bush. It seems to me that I would get snagged on branches a lot,(need to switch hands to get around/over obstacles) I see the advantage of variable fps and rps but kind of takes away from the look and seems like might be more trouble, (and $$$) than it's worth for outdoor play...?
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Old March 2nd, 2014, 15:40   #183
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The variable fps and rps is like sprinkles on a soft serve sunday, great to have, but don't add much to the experience. Being able to jump from a CQB FPS limit to an outdoor field limit in a few seconds is great, but the main attraction to the P* system is its retarded consistency, shot after shot of near perfect consistency. Being able to tune every aspect of the cycle in way you simply cant on an AEG leads to many range and accuracy advantages.

Hauling around a tank and an easily hidden remote line is a very small cost for the gains.
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Old March 2nd, 2014, 16:33   #184
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I've ran my P* all weekend long numerous times, it always run greats. Well worth the extra weight of the tank.
Reliable, consistent, awesome trigger response, and just over-all awesome.

I've gotten snagged once or twice... but so has my sling or some other object on me.

Transitioning is something I don't do as I don't carry a sidearm, but if I did, I would run a longer hose.

The biggest selling point to me was the reliability... I was looking at spending $200-300+ to upgrade my STG... and then how long would this or that last?
Yes shit can break in the P*, but it's not very likely imo.

Other then that, Cobra hit the nail.

Last edited by Forever_kaos; March 2nd, 2014 at 16:35..
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Old March 3rd, 2014, 10:08   #185
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Both my pdr and my G&G m14 are very consistant, +-5fps. and the pdr has quick change spring, 3min. my tavor quick change takes 30sec. Honestly I can't see spending the crazy price for P/S system. I can buy 3 good guns for the price of 1 of them. Maybe worth looking into if they can integrate a tank into the gun or the stock like the new maxtact paintball guns,(although it really takes away from look of gun) and cut the price in half. In the meantime I'm glad they're out there because it's forcing companies to up their game in the aeg world. G&G's releasing a 40-45rps stock gun, High speed sets are getting better, motors too...
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Old March 3rd, 2014, 10:26   #186
Brit ter
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I will be sticking with my electrics , do to the fact that I also use them for display at verious military shows and events . And need that realistic look !
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Old March 3rd, 2014, 10:33   #187
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lol cobra.

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Old March 3rd, 2014, 10:36   #188
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I dont feel like defending myself against walls anymore...
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Old March 3rd, 2014, 12:22   #189
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I'm not trying to give you a headache cobra, I'm genuinely interested in all the advancements in the game. I certainly see merit in the P/S system. Heavy gunner role, indoor play with not much to snag on. I just don't see it working for me right now. Like I said, I think P/S is responsible for pushing aeg's forward. So much so that I feel aeg's are going to be my choice for the time being. Tipmann's newest airsoft venture looks promising too...
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Old March 3rd, 2014, 13:31   #190
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Originally Posted by targetGspot View Post
I'm not trying to give you a headache cobra, I'm genuinely interested in all the advancements in the game. I certainly see merit in the P/S system. Heavy gunner role, indoor play with not much to snag on. I just don't see it working for me right now. Like I said, I think P/S is responsible for pushing aeg's forward. So much so that I feel aeg's are going to be my choice for the time being. Tipmann's newest airsoft venture looks promising too...
I think you need to shoot one to understand one.

Think of spending the $500 for a P* kit, and that's all you need. No upgrades, etc. (Except inner barrel/hopup)

You buy 3 guns ($166, since you said 3 guns for 1 P* kit $500/3=$166) You would most likely have to spend a lot more then the fusion engine to get it even remotely close.

Only downside to P* and DG's are the line. Thus why people defer from them.

You seem like a guy that wouldn't enjoy a line & HPA tank. That's why there is always FCC and PTW.
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Old March 3rd, 2014, 16:05   #191
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I've not seen a complete P/S gun for less than $700 + tank and anything else needed? mind you I haven't really looked into it that much. Now maybe a donor gun(free?) plus kit($500). Not sure. anyways, 2 decent aegs, 1 for cqb indoor and 1 higher fps for outdoor and a cheap spare would be a pretty good setup for most, and come in under $700. I play outdoors only so I could get away with 1 good gun and perhaps a spare(just in case, or to lend to someone new). I'm sticking with aeg for now, you can see by my pic that I've got some aeg's and some gas. Currently doing a h/c build just because. Maybe do a P/S build down the road on a support weapon, if/when price comes down. thanxs for the input guys. I'll try and find someone running P/S and try it out.
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Old March 11th, 2014, 15:46   #192
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In response to Cobrajr122,

P* rifles were not banned entirely at Niagara Quartermaster. They are only banned during walk on games where most of the players that go out to participate are newer players who do not have the trigger discipline of the more veteran players. The issue arises that if we have a player with limited experience but cash to burn and wants to jump into the P* action right away and has little to no care or understanding of what can happen, decides to ramp his ROF and starts zipping other players at close range. Sure that player can be removed from play but the damage is already done. The chance that we lose players because of this does not sit well with NQ. Polar stars are still allowed at our larger events as those attending SHOULD be more responsible players. We had even brought it about through a discussion on the forums about polar stars and asked our community what they thought as they are a part of our field as well. They are the ones who come out every weekend and help make it what it is. The community in general wanted to have the HPA rifles removed for walk on days.

Yes the ROF of AEGs can reach high rates but at the same time it is not as easy to adjust said rates like on the P*. When it is as easy as adjusting the FCU for ROF it worries the community that a player will do something stupid with it.

As for the camo situation, sure there are players who do not have the funds to drop the cash on getting camo. Should they no be allowed to play because of this? No. You are right, it is not very realistic running around without camo. But telling players they cannot come out and enjoy this great sport that is airsoft because they do not have the funds to drop all at once is wrong.

I apologize that this is has caused an issue with you Cobrajr122, but those are the field rules. Not everyone is going to like the rules at every field which is the great thing about freedom of choice, you do not have to play here.

Again I apologize if the decision at the NQ field bothers other players but the ban on HPA rifles (Walk ons) is in effect until further notice.

Last edited by oostyen; March 11th, 2014 at 16:39..
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Old March 31st, 2014, 22:01   #193
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no hose

While I'm still not convinced, If I went P* I think I would have to got this route. Looks funny but I can't get around having that hose in the way.
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Old April 17th, 2014, 10:19   #194
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Old April 17th, 2014, 15:55   #195
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New project from P*
Looks like a (Possibly cheaper?) unit that drops into a standard mechbox shell, looks like the regulator is built into the gun now too, means less bulk on the tank.
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