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Webbing, Chest Rigs, Plate Carriers, Oh my...


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Old January 31st, 2014, 09:00   #1
Join Date: Jan 2014
Webbing, Chest Rigs, Plate Carriers, Oh my...

Airsoft noob here.

I found this forum while combing the internet trying to figure out how I am going to carry all my mags/gear.

I have some some great vendors but to be honest before I get that far I really need some help on what I should be looking for?

Other than some CQB this winter I plan to be playing outdoors this spring/summer -- could you guys please give me some input on what I should be looking for?

1. Webbing, Chest Rigs, Plate Carriers?
2. How many slots for mags?
3. Pistol on the rig? or on my leg?
4. Other pouches I should have?

Currently have:

G&P M4

I imagine most of my summer use will be the M4.

I appreciate anyone pushing me in the right direction.
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Old January 31st, 2014, 09:17   #2
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All personal preference.. some prefer a lighter mobile setup, and some prefer a standard or heavy setup @_@"

1. 6094a or b depending on your size.

2. Slots for magazines depends on how many you want to carry. Generally people carry 5-7 on them. (Depends on game caps).

3. I prefer pistol on my belt on a holster, I have a drop leg holster, and I don't like it, I find it never stays 100% secure on my thigh and moves aroudn to much. Also find it kind of gets in my way when I try sprinting, also one time my pistol flew out, but those are my experiences. I'd get a blackhawk serpa holster.

4. Dump pouch and a belt. After you empty a mag, you can just drop it in the dump pouch.

Last edited by BioRage; January 31st, 2014 at 09:25..
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Old January 31st, 2014, 09:24   #3
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
All personal preference.. some prefer a lighter mobile setup, and some prefer a standard or heavy setup @_@"

1. 6094a or b depending on your size.

2. Slots for magazines depends on how many you want to carry. Generally people carry 5-7 on them. (Depends on game caps)

3. I prefer pistol on my rig, I have a drop leg holster, and I don't like it, I find it never stays 100% secure on my thigh and moves aroudn to much. Also find it kind of gets in my way when I try sprinting, also one time my pistol flew out, but those are my experiences. I'd get a blackhawk serpa holster.

4. Dump pouch and a belt. After you empty a mag, you can just drop it in the dump pouch.
Thanks for the reply.

1. I am assuming by 6094 you are talking about G TMC Cordura 6094 style Plate Carrier? If so thanks I will look into that.

2. That was my biggest question: How many mags do I need? 6? 8? 12? I guess it does really depend on the game, etc.

3. Thanks, will look into the blackhawk serpa holster.

4. Makes sense, thanks.
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Old January 31st, 2014, 09:28   #4
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1. Webbing, Chest Rigs, Plate Carriers?
This highly depends on the playing style... Also whether you feel hot during a game.

2. How many slots for mags?
How many mags do you carry? How many rounds do you need in a typical game? What kind of magazines do you use? (mid/low/real cap? How many rounds in each?)

3. Pistol on the rig? or on my leg?
If you crawl a lot in a game, definitely on the leg. Other wise, I found pistol on the rig feels better and get in the way less often.

4. Other pouches I should have?
A magazine dump pouch for empty magazines (some of magazine dump pouch can be folded into a very small bag when not used, a design I really like), a utility pouch for snacks and maybe some small tools, hydration bladder pack or water canteen pouch for water...

Last edited by ccyg8774; January 31st, 2014 at 09:30..
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Old January 31st, 2014, 09:40   #5
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These are the brands I have been looking at:

BDS Tactical
S.O.E Equip
Tactical Tailor
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Old January 31st, 2014, 09:50   #6
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Originally Posted by hydrocarbon View Post
These are the brands I have been looking at:

BDS Tactical
S.O.E Equip
Tactical Tailor
Don't jump the gun, do some extensive research and see what you can pull up.

I would recommend some nice knee pads (Arc'teryx). Someone said this on ASC and it stuck to me. "Knee Pads > Knee Surgery", same applies to goggles, so depends on your ideal budget. I bought a pair of goggles from Toronto Airsoft for $45+tax and it tab where the goggle strap holds snapped. So I got a pair of Revision Desert Locus Asian Fit with a fan, was a lot more then I wanted to spend, but can't beat losing an eye, hella comfortable, high quality, and 0 fogging.

"Quality Gear" = Expensive, so expect to spend a bit. I run a helmet for CQB, for outdoor it's not always needed because it creates a lot of heat, and the engagment ranges aren't as close as CQB.
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Old January 31st, 2014, 10:34   #7
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Thanks guys -- pulled the trigger on a BDS chest rig -- looks similar to this -- but it has a right hand vertical draw holster rather than pouch.

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Old January 31st, 2014, 10:45   #8
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Originally Posted by hydrocarbon View Post
Thanks guys -- pulled the trigger on a BDS chest rig -- looks similar to this -- but it has a right hand vertical draw holster rather than pouch.

I found on-rig vertical holster not comfortable... On rig holster should be either horizontal or 45 degree (depends on height).
And fixed (non-molle) holster on a MOLLE vest/plate carrier is weird...
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Old January 31st, 2014, 17:32   #9
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Originally Posted by kaiu View Post
Don't go for cheap TMC clone, go for LBT! You'll find Chinese clones normally will have molle spacing really off most of the time.
TMC is pretty good stuff.

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Old January 31st, 2014, 18:12   #10
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
TMC is pretty good stuff.
I had a TMC plate carrier for a while and neither the pouches or the carrier itself showed signs of wear, color was more khaki then CB but it worked.
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Old January 31st, 2014, 18:17   #11
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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isn't the BDS rig for paintball?
Have you considered a ur-tactical easy plate?
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Old February 4th, 2014, 00:45   #12
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
3. I prefer pistol on my belt on a holster, I have a drop leg holster, and I don't like it, I find it never stays 100% secure on my thigh and moves aroudn to much. Also find it kind of gets in my way when I try sprinting, also one time my pistol flew out, but those are my experiences. I'd get a blackhawk serpa holster.
Its supposed to move around. If it were too tight it could constrict blood flow which is bad.
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Old February 4th, 2014, 00:57   #13
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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^ if the pistol is too far off of the panel, which it is on the blackhawk, it flops about endlessly, and the only way to keep it from flopping around is to tourniquet it around your thigh lol

Otherwise, a HIP holster is best, a dropleg platform but worn very high. This limits it's movement and the effect of flopping around.

On other droplegs, the obvious application is to have it light and very slim in profile to prevent that flopping about. I've also found that most droplegs seem to incorporate some sort of grip pad, or grippy rubberized strapping. This is totally ridiculous and doesn't work.
Most droplegs work their way down, then either pull your pants up or take your belt down with it. The fact is, unless it's sewn directly onto your pant leg, the darn thing is going to ride down no matter what you put on the back of it. So the best solution is to just LET IT ride up and down. Remove any sticky material from the back of the dropleg or the strap, let it slip, and simply secure it from moving around your leg by attaching the two belt straps as far apart as you can.
If your dropleg only has the one belt attachment, it sucks.
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