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Why so much hate?



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Old November 10th, 2020, 08:38   #1
TheVohan's Avatar
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Why so much hate?

Iv been in the hobby for just over a year now. I came over from paintball. I am genuinely interested in why many people in airsoft hate speedsoft so much?

I enjoy all areas of airsoft, be it bigger milsim's or cqb and so on. I just dont understand the hate lol.

I get the "overshooting" part of it, but thats in all aspects of this hobbie (always going to be that one guy on the field)
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Old November 10th, 2020, 09:23   #2
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The very origin of airsoft is realism. Speedsoft is different. That where the "dislike" comes in.

Fortunately, speedsoft is mostly done indoor with a smaller area, and it does not work too well outdoor with terrain and pro-long hours of play.

So I would say they are basically two different game styles and players are smart enough to make their choice. And I do not see much conflict with each other.
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Old November 10th, 2020, 09:53   #3
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It's mostly the fact that in the past, the vast, vast, vast majority of cheaters and players with bad behavior were coming from speedball. When you are playing for fun, realism and even re-enactment, having competitive a**holes with big egos that would not follow the rules and throw a tantrum when they lost was annoying. Most Airsoft players play for fun, we don't care about winning or losing, and we all go for a beer together after the game. Those guys just never fit in this mindset.
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Old November 10th, 2020, 10:35   #4
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Originally Posted by Drakker View Post
It's mostly the fact that in the past, the vast, vast, vast majority of cheaters and players with bad behavior were coming from speedball. When you are playing for fun, realism and even re-enactment, having competitive a**holes with big egos that would not follow the rules and throw a tantrum when they lost was annoying. Most Airsoft players play for fun, we don't care about winning or losing, and we all go for a beer together after the game. Those guys just never fit in this mindset.
Yup, that's what I usually found too. My main thing is that with how aggressive they play, some players just straight up fight right through their hits when they're charging/sliding/faceplanting at someone or they need to be shot a ton before they call it.

My biggest pet peeve is that they'll want a trade even though you nail them with the first shot before they ever hit you, and they'll keep spamming you despite being hit cause you don't want the trade since you hit them first (which causes arguments cause you're getting overshot to heck, they think you're cheating, you're pretty sure you hit them first but they're saying they didn't get hit, etc). And then because they need to be shot a ton to call hits, they overshoot the heck out of everybody else and everyone else starts overshooting everybody to make sure hits get called. Creates and perpetuates a really bad mindset and atmosphere.

Of course, this is a generalization and there are quite a lot of very good speedsofters that are highly honourable and skilled but it feels like there is a larger percentage of bad apples in the speedsoft community than in the milsim community. This might be because it's easier and cheaper to just have minimal black coloured gear and sprint around on a local CQB field with a rifle or a pistol for a few hours instead of building a serious kit with comms and NODs and sustainment for long sims that involves teamwork and small unit tactics and walking long distances only to get schwacked by a guy hiding in a bush with thermals.

Last edited by Datawraith; November 10th, 2020 at 11:08..
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Old November 11th, 2020, 08:55   #5
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Speedsoft does NOT equal Milsim
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Old November 11th, 2020, 09:07   #6
Ronald Chang
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Originally Posted by TheVohan View Post
Iv been in the hobby for just over a year now. I came over from paintball. I am genuinely interested in why many people in airsoft hate speedsoft so much?

I enjoy all areas of airsoft, be it bigger milsim's or cqb and so on. I just dont understand the hate lol.

I get the "overshooting" part of it, but thats in all aspects of this hobbie (always going to be that one guy on the field)
"Overshooting" is an interesting term. Many games only allow semi-auto to avoid this.

Funny thing is the manufacturers and individual players have been working hard to make the semi-auto to shoot like full auto!

HPA also makes it easier to cheat in the middle of the games.
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Old November 11th, 2020, 10:28   #7
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Originally Posted by Ronald Chang View Post
"Overshooting" is an interesting term. Many games only allow semi-auto to avoid this.

Funny thing is the manufacturers and individual players have been working hard to make the semi-auto to shoot like full auto!

HPA also makes it easier to cheat in the middle of the games.
People overshoot using semi only as well. I'm guilty of this too sometimes although I do my best to try to limit it. It gets subjective of when it becomes excessive and when it's just to ensure your opponent calls their hits. I know APEX and TTAC train to put quite a few rounds on target that might be considered overshooting in some people's eyes and those guys are hardcore milsim. To me, 1-2 rounds is being nice but the target might not feel it. 3-5 rounds tends to be optimal and what I try to do. Any more than 10 rounds feels excessive to me, and that's where my gripe lies with the speedsofters as a lot of them LOVE to spam and pump rounds out as fast as they can.

Also, binary triggers are stupid and should be banned from every field. It's a safety hazard if you can't reset your trigger without firing off a round.
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