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Upgraded TM glock that acts like a springer


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Old August 24th, 2013, 09:41   #1
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Upgraded TM glock that acts like a springer


TM G17 Glock
PGC slide and barrel
Guarder 150% springs
Nine ball hop rubber.
Guarder mag catch
Using primarily WE mags


The gun acts like a springer in warm environments, so to say that when a shot is taken the bb will exit the barrel but nothing else mechanically will move. Slide stays in place and does not move back to cock the gun. Essentially acting like a springer and needing to be cocked for every shot.

This problem can be fixed temporarily by releasing some gas in the mag. Gun then works intermittently well.

Mechanically the slide is free to move back and forth without obstruction, and at room temperature works fine. But when the mags get just a little bit warm the problem starts to occur.

I would love to hear your thoughts.


Last edited by TANNER; August 24th, 2013 at 12:06..
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Old August 24th, 2013, 10:52   #2
formerly GRoy
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Did you upgrade your hammer spring to a stronger one to release more gas.
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Old August 24th, 2013, 11:21   #3
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Yes. The base pistol is a red wolf custom with a guarder 150% hammer spring.

This problem while there before now and again has only significantly increased since adding the nine ball hop rubber. This also had the effect of increased fps from 290 to 330.
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Old August 24th, 2013, 11:57   #4
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If I were you, I would just run duster gas when the weather gets hot. My all stock TM G18C acts like a springer in 25+ degree weather with propane/green gas. My G18C works best at temps of around 10-15 degrees with propane. In my case, the BB exits the barrel at lower than normal FPS, but the slide does not move or just moves a millimeter and I have to rack the slide to chamber a new BB. Releasing a bit of gas to relieve some pressure makes it work normally for a few rounds but then it starts "light striking" again. I would say your hammer spring just isn't strong enough, even if upgraded.

With duster, you see a drop in FPS, although I haven't chrono'd mine with duster but a significant drop in ROF from 1200 to maybe 800 RPM. But this is worth it to see it function in the summer temperatures.

I don't know why the nine ball bucking would increase the frequency of light striking, I am not very familiar with TM's G18C or GBBP'd in general so maybe someone with more experience can help you out if you don't want to run duster gas or maybe you can install a 170/190% hammer spring and see if that works. Hi-flow valves in the mags might also help.
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Old August 24th, 2013, 12:44   #5
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The Guarder springs have a tendency to loose tension over time if you leave the gun cockec for extended periods.

If you're magazine soooo heated that an enhanced spring can't open the valve, then there may be some obstruction.

Either your hammer spring has given out or the the firing pin is a bit worn (not likely the case).

As already suggested, you may want to invest in a stronger hammer spring such as the Shooter's Design one. It's much stiffer than Guarder's spring. While you're at it, get the SD stainless steel firing pin as well.

The Nineball bucking shouldn't have any bearing on you're gun's hammer assembly.
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Old August 24th, 2013, 14:01   #6
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Thanks for the help guys, I wasn't aware that the hammer spring could weaken over time. I will try and get my hands of a new one.

I will be doing more tests today and taking a making a deeper inspection of the hammer to make sure that isn't the culprit.
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Old August 24th, 2013, 17:41   #7
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When in doubt, call the pistol master ILLusion. If he can't help you tech it online, he can fix it up just like new.

He just finished repairing and upgrading my TM G17 and G18c. But be forewarned that he can get extremely busy. My timeline for completion was flexible so he worked on it whenever he could. They had both been sitting in my stuff to work on bucket for about a year to start with so time wasn't much of an issue. lol
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Old August 24th, 2013, 18:12   #8
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Originally Posted by TANNER View Post

TM G17 Glock
PGC slide and barrel
Guarder 150% springs
Nine ball hop rubber.
Guarder mag catch
Using primarily WE mags


The gun acts like a springer in warm environments, so to say that when a shot is taken the bb will exit the barrel but nothing else mechanically will move. Slide stays in place and does not move back to cock the gun. Essentially acting like a springer and needing to be cocked for every shot.

This problem can be fixed temporarily by releasing some gas in the mag. Gun then works intermittently well.

Mechanically the slide is free to move back and forth without obstruction, and at room temperature works fine. But when the mags get just a little bit warm the problem starts to occur.

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Part of your problem is the WE maga you're using. Use Marui mags with Marui guns and WE mags with WE guns to minimize chances of problems
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Old August 24th, 2013, 23:16   #9
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I was at TTAC last night with illusion, I should have picked his brain

e-luder - but the WE mags are so good! No leak during fill, 30% more shots and higher FPS.

I have SD springs inbound to fix the problem. On closer inspection I also blew my nozzle although still in one peice.

Last edited by TANNER; August 24th, 2013 at 23:20..
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Old August 24th, 2013, 23:18   #10
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Double post
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Old August 24th, 2013, 23:59   #11
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Originally Posted by TANNER View Post
I was at TTAC last night with illusion, I should have picked his brain

e-luder - but the WE mags are so good! No leak during fill, 30% more shots and higher FPS.

I have SD springs inbound to fix the problem. On closer inspection I also blew my nozzle although still in one peice.
The reason why you get a higher FPS with the mags is because there's a hi-flo valve in the magazine....

This is part of why your firing pin can't open the valve properly. That, and your magazine is heated too much.

But from my personal experience, those mags caused me nothing but trouble in the past. So i've stopped using them on the Marui systems.

The silent fill...
Personally I like the "leaking" fill valve. The Marui magazines have this feature to not overfill the magazine and ensure that the transformation from liquid to gas occurs efficiently (which is why you fill a magazine upside down).
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Last edited by e-luder; August 25th, 2013 at 00:20..
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Old August 25th, 2013, 08:59   #12
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Interesting, that would explain a few things.
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