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G&G TR4-18 Black, Disassembley Video.


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Old May 24th, 2013, 18:03   #1
Sean J
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Edson, Alberta
G&G TR4-18 Black, Disassembley Video.

Hey Guys, I notcied all the instruction videos that I found were pretty lame, so I decided to go ahead and create my own ''how to'' video on the disassembley of my G&G TR4-18 Black (HK416).

Heres The Link:

Let me know what you guys think!
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Old May 24th, 2013, 18:33   #2
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The audio is extremely quiet.

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Old May 24th, 2013, 19:13   #3
DustMagnet's Avatar
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The audio is quiet, but fine if the volume on the player is maxed.

You did appear to refer to the charging handle as the hammer at 3:36.

It seems awkward to leave the receiver and buffer tube tethered to the gearbox. Why not slide the bolt and washer out of the buffer tube so you can remove the wire? Alternately, it looks like you have red and black disconnects inline that you could disconnect if you want to leave the rest of the wire in the tube.

I don't think I would have ordered the disassembly the same way as it suggests that you have to take it down that far to remove the gearbox. I would have popped the body pins, slide upper and lower apart, removed the gearbox from the lower, then afterwards taken down the upper and then removed the sights.

Hey, you asked.
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Old May 24th, 2013, 21:58   #4
Sean J
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Edson, Alberta
Originally Posted by DustMagnet View Post
The audio is quiet, but fine if the volume on the player is maxed.

You did appear to refer to the charging handle as the hammer at 3:36.

It seems awkward to leave the receiver and buffer tube tethered to the gearbox. Why not slide the bolt and washer out of the buffer tube so you can remove the wire? Alternately, it looks like you have red and black disconnects inline that you could disconnect if you want to leave the rest of the wire in the tube.

I don't think I would have ordered the disassembly the same way as it suggests that you have to take it down that far to remove the gearbox. I would have popped the body pins, slide upper and lower apart, removed the gearbox from the lower, then afterwards taken down the upper and then removed the sights.

Hey, you asked.
I do it this way becuase it takes about 5 mins and everything stay nice and close, is not in my way while working, and it may look odd but its great for me. I dont think it ''suggests'' anything, it shows one way of doing it..not the only way.

If i understand correctly, your way would not work becuase the Bolt lock will be in your way when seperating the frame, and the Mag Release needs to be removed as well as disconnecting the motor wires from the motor, wich are inside the pistol grip. i dont see feeding the wires through the holes being easy while the grip is still screwed down..(all this needs to be done to remove the gear box from the lower half of the frame).

and yes i had a feeling the audio may be quit but it sounded ok on the head phones, my mic is pretty bad if you didnt notice. thanks for the feed back guys.
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