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Old April 11th, 2013, 03:15   #1
zone 69
Join Date: Sep 2006
Payment Option's

Why don't most Canadian airsoft Retailer's have direct deposit or money order as a payment option.? I like to hear from the Retailer's.

I know that there's only a small percentage of people that don't use EMT or credit cards but I know there out there as Im one of them.

I have my personal reasons why I don't use EMT or credit cards so telling me to get EMT or a credit card is not the answer.

Last edited by zone 69; April 11th, 2013 at 03:49..
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Old April 11th, 2013, 06:42   #2
aka coachster
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I didn't realize non airsoft Canadian retailers did online payment via direct deposit or money order.

Is using a prepaid credit card completely out of the question? More and more banks have emt now. Even PC Financial has it now when they were one of my 3 bank accounts that didn't. I held onto my TD Canada Trust account for several years just for EMT

I guess there's always the method of calling them up, making a phone order, getting the total and asking them if you could mail them a cheque or money order.

Last edited by coach; April 11th, 2013 at 06:45..
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Old April 11th, 2013, 12:17   #3
zone 69
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I would not say a prepaid credit is completely out of the question it's just part of a system I don't wish to support. When it come's to EMT one would need a bank account and don't get me started on why I don't have one.

I could call them to make an order by phone but I prefer face to face and use cash or to deal with airsoft retailer's here on ASC and make payment by direct deposit. It's what Im comfortable with. But if I have to use there web site I still like to see I can use direct deposit for payment.

But it still dose not answer the question why most Canadian airsoft Retailer's don't have direct deposit or money order as a payment option they are valid options of payment are they not.

Last edited by zone 69; April 11th, 2013 at 12:22..
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Old April 11th, 2013, 12:40   #4
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Mostly because EMT baisically replaces the DD and money order options.
Most banks require you to have an account to get a money order so you save the trip to the bank and the fee for the order.
EMT is essentially a DD so again it saves the trip to the bank.
I hate banks too i do have an account i put the money for my bills there the day befor its due and same for emt i just pilut the cash in a send it. I have the lowwest fee account so it only costs me 5 bucks a month to have the account. There are many banks who have no fees and so you couod have one and just put in what u need for Emt and thats it.
Not sayin go get an account just sayin why most retailers use those options theese days and how you could do it for cheap or free without having to actually use a bank account regularly
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Thanks Hectic,
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Old April 11th, 2013, 12:44   #5
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I would assume it's because business owners do not want employees to have direct access to the bank accounts, which is required to confirm deposit or to make a deposit from a money order.

However 1-person owner/operator businesses like me can accept whatever payment I want.
Cash? Yup
CC? Yup
Paypal? Yup
Direct deposit? Yup
Money order? Yup
Cheque? Yup
First born? Yup

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Old April 11th, 2013, 13:40   #6
zone 69
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
I would assume it's because business owners do not want employees to have direct access to the bank accounts, which is required to confirm deposit or to make a deposit from a money order.

However 1-person owner/operator businesses like me can accept whatever payment I want.
Cash? Yup
CC? Yup
Paypal? Yup
Direct deposit? Yup
Money order? Yup
Cheque? Yup
First born? Yup
LOL, I like the first born one Styak. But excellent Ill add you to my favoured airsoft retailer list.

I can understand that they would not want employees to have direct access to the bank accounts but could the owner not do it them self's or would that be to much trouble.

So it's basically Im just behind the time's when it come's to payment option's. I still remember a time when paypal and EMT did not exist.

I just wish airsoft retailer's would take notice of some business being lost do to not having more payment option's available.
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Old April 11th, 2013, 14:27   #7
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I had PC bank before they had EMT so the only way I'd be able to order was through DD
I noticed that if I emailed the retailer and asked they'd allow me to do DD
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Old April 11th, 2013, 14:40   #8
zone 69
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Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z View Post
I had PC bank before they had EMT so the only way I'd be able to order was through DD
I noticed that if I emailed the retailer and asked they'd allow me to do DD
Yes that's the first thing I do is contact them asking if I can make payment by DD but I get the response EMT then I explain no I mean direct deposit then most of the time the answer is no sorry we don't have DD.

I even went to the extent of making a thread asking for retailer's that met my need's. witch only Styak & ILLusion answered to.

Last edited by zone 69; April 11th, 2013 at 14:51..
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Old April 11th, 2013, 15:09   #9
The Chad
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We live in a "majority rules" world, from your description, you are a "payment method minority." Keep up the good fight.
Originally Posted by BennyBoy View Post
If you were trying to insert a magazine into another magazine then I guess that would be indeed ghey. Inserting a magazine in a magwell seems rather hetero to me. The tape is merely metro, calling it ghey is rather absurd and makes it hard for the metro magazines to socialize with other magazines.
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Old April 11th, 2013, 15:32   #10
zone 69
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Originally Posted by The Chad View Post
We live in a "majority rules" world, from your description, you are a "payment method minority." Keep up the good fight.
Never though of myself as being part of a minority more like someone with special needs and keeping up the good fight is very frustrating and turns me into a troll some time's.
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Old April 11th, 2013, 15:36   #11
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Zone, I just made a wholesale Ehobby order, but will be making another fairly soon. I'll try to keep you in mind and ask if you have any requests.

Also LOL at "special needs".

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Old April 11th, 2013, 15:47   #12
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Having a credit card and/or multiple bank accounts is the social norm. If you don't have one, then you're a part of a very small majority. There are people out there that deal in person with cash; but to deal online requires ease, security, and financial institution requirements. All of which have been engineered to make everyone's like easier. It's not reasonable to expect a business to have an unsecure, or complicated option for such a small percentage of people, or to cater to them. I mean absolutely no offense, but EMT and systems like it are better, easier, and safer for online shopping for the buyer, and retailer.
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Old April 11th, 2013, 15:47   #13
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Dude, I enjoy paying in cash (I'm not sure if it's just an Asian thing or just something people in my area do). Contractors (have you ever paid a roofer or crew in $100 bills? That's really something), groceries from Chinatown, etc. all paid in hard cash. To me, cash is king, it's there and tactile and not abstract.

I do have bank accounts and whatnot and I do prefer cash, but if someone has something I want and will only accept other methods then that's what I have to go with.
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Old April 11th, 2013, 16:36   #14
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Contractors (have you ever paid a roofer or crew in $100 bills? That's really something).
All of a sudden the price drops and you don't have pay GST. Interesting!

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Old April 11th, 2013, 16:41   #15
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If you want or need something I've got, I will take your DD or Cash.

Some retailers prefer certain forms of payment because it offers protection for both parties. And other ways to track payments made other than seeing a transaction number in your bank account.
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