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KJW 1911 into Hurricane kit?


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Old March 15th, 2013, 02:27   #1
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KJW 1911 into Hurricane kit?

Hey guys I have a 1911 meu by KJ (cansoft frame) and I was wondering if it is possible to fit a Hurricane metal kit onto it. Reason is I don't want to go and buy a new gun just to be able to install the kit, and KJW is/almost a TM clone. Hurricane kits are the best you can buy for a 1911 and as far as I know with using a stock TM gun there is no fitment required whatsoever. So would a KJ 1911 fit or no?
Sorry if this has been posted before.
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Old March 15th, 2013, 03:26   #2
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Originally Posted by Kuji View Post
Hurricane kits are the best you can buy for a 1911 and as far as I know with using a stock TM gun there is no fitment required whatsoever.
ROFLMFAO.... I'm sorry, but you are clearly misinformed... While they aren't the worst kits out there, they're definitely far from the best, and I can say with 100% certainty that you are GUARANTEED to require some fitment to get it functioning to a standard performance level of a stock Marui pistol. They are on par with Guarder, as far as machining quality goes. The engineering is better than Guarder, but at the end of the day, it's still a poorly cast pot metal product with loose tolerances and inconsistent fitment from one kit to another.

The only selling point of the Hurricane kits is the relatively low price (compared to CNC machined billet aluminum kits available), as well as unique conversion kits that aren't otherwise available elsewhere.

As to your question about fitment to a KJW pistol, I can't answer this for you. I only wanted to point out your severe error in assumption, so that you truly knew what you were getting yourself in to.

Last edited by ILLusion; March 15th, 2013 at 03:29..
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Old March 15th, 2013, 07:12   #3
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Oops I guess I should have done some research lol thanks. What about your kits would they fit a KJ or no?
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Old March 15th, 2013, 11:10   #5
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I don't have any experience with putting a kjw 1911 into a hurricanE kit but I did put a TM meu into a hurricane kit. I have also put one into a guarder kit and the guarder kit required a lot of work. The hurricane kit on the other hand was literally a drop in fit and required little fitment at all.
However, it may have just been a good kit. I would listen to ILlusion ! He knows his stuff!
If I were you, and you wanted a kit, I would pay the extra money n go for a nova kit since they are all cnc'd aluminum unlike the hurricane kit that is cast metal.
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Old March 15th, 2013, 11:40   #6
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If you got a drop in fit with a Hurricane, then you are extremely lucky. Of the 2 dozen kits I've installed so far, there was always an issue fitting the blowback unit to the slide. It wasn't a major issue, but I noticed if you tightened down the blowback unit bolt too tight, it would crank the blowback unit downwards at an angle, which caused a restriction in cycling. It made gas consumption extremely high.
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Old March 15th, 2013, 13:05   #7
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In fact you are correct! Lol the same thing happened to me! I have since left it looser than 'fully tight' and after 4 hours of pistol only game play it loosened a tiny bit but not enough to fall out or impede functionality and gas consumption is very good!
Haha I suppose I am very lucky!
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Old March 15th, 2013, 13:19   #8
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Originally Posted by apilar View Post
In fact you are correct! Lol the same thing happened to me! I have since left it looser than 'fully tight' and after 4 hours of pistol only game play it loosened a tiny bit but not enough to fall out or impede functionality and gas consumption is very good!
Haha I suppose I am very lucky!
Most people just leave it loose, and it seems to work alright. However, you need to keep a close eye on that bolt, as I've seen it come loose on many builds that are left loose like this. Over time, if the bolt is allowed to back out too much, the hammer starts to strike it directly, which will leave an impression on the hammer, snap the hammer at its neck, or outright strip the threads in the blowback unit.

I managed to find a fix for it, but it requires re-working the inside of the slide at the rear and top-rear. This is where the fitment comes in. By doing this, I actually ended up getting better gas efficiency than just leaving the blowback units stock.

Sadly, there is no consistent fix for this - some are worse than others. The only consistency is that there is just an overall poor fitment of the blowback unit in the slide.
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Old March 15th, 2013, 20:31   #9
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I see I was under the impression that Nova and Hurricane were the same ie material lol. Well maybe ill be able to source a Kimber warrior kit. I would sell the KJW one but I don't think anybody would want it, it requires a new frame as the cansoft frame has given out and cracked and it wouldn't be worth getting a new frame, ill probably just use it as a donor gun and get a new TM meu.

Sorry if I seem kinda dumb in regards to these I am just getting into the airsoft world.
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Old March 16th, 2013, 03:53   #10
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If it is 100% Marui compatible (I can't confirm this), then you may be able to find Tokyo Marui plastic receivers here, which are much more robust.
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Old March 16th, 2013, 17:05   #11
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Cool thanks ill have a look and see what I can find. I may end up just cutting my losses and investing in a new or used TM MEU so as to have a good starting base. As far as getting a Nova/Hurricane kit who would I speak to? Please inbox me so unAV'd people can't see.

Last edited by Kuji; March 16th, 2013 at 17:08..
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Old March 16th, 2013, 20:28   #12
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So after a conversation with a fellow member I now have a game plan. I will be getting (censored) to hook me up with a Nova kimber warrior kit, I obviously can't say who outloud. I will then be getting (censored) from the UK to ship me a stock TM gun but without a couple parts ie frame slide barrel etc as they are either included in the kit or I can salvage them from the KJW pistol. Nice to be able to do this now that I'm AV'd, thanks for the help gentlemen cheers
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