Originally Posted by Knocturnal
I haven't had any problems importing as of yet. I confirm the brokerage fee anal fucked me so hard I had to get re-constructive surgery... I still saved over $150 though. The externals are quite nice, and the performance out of the box also. I heard internal upgrades are going to be a bitch but I will definitely swap for a longer tight bore, hop-up unit (stock is plastic), bucking+nub, and air nozzle. Well you know, the standard stuff that makes an AEG more reliable and accurate.
The gearbox literally doesn't need any work. I got a perfect air seal with my stock gearbox. I bought a new POM piston head and Lonex red piston for it, but when I opened it up I saw that even after fielding it multiple times the piston still looked new so I decided to save my upgrade parts for other builds.
I don't think anyone makes compatible hop up chambers, and when you change the rubber watch out because thicker rubbers don't fit.