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Hi-cap mod


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Old March 14th, 2010, 15:12   #1
Con Murder
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Hi-cap mod

This is a request for the best instructions on turning a hi-cap AEG mag into a mid-cap. I am hoping to do this on a number of mp5 mags but also other models as it seems our feild is growing out of the newb mentality (six hi-caps for the win). Any and all recomendations are welcome but please post pics if you have done this mod and please don't speculate or hypothosis as I need good results from my efforts.

Thanks in Advance
Con Murder
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Old March 14th, 2010, 17:08   #2
GBB Whisperer
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Best instructions?

1. Sell your high capacity mags.
2. Buy mid capacity mags.

Not trying to be a smart ass... I'm just saying it's the easiest, cheapest, and most reliable way to do it, as most midcaps, lowcaps and realcaps are cheaper than hi-caps.

Plus, they'll function properly out of the box, rather than having to rely on your own skill.
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Old March 14th, 2010, 17:11   #3
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Best instructions?

1. Sell your high capacity mags.
2. Buy mid capacity mags.

Not trying to be a smart ass... I'm just saying it's the easiest, cheapest, and most reliable way to do it, as most midcaps, lowcaps and realcaps are cheaper than hi-caps.

Plus, they'll function properly out of the box, rather than having to rely on your own skill.
QFT. Not really possible to do without a ton of work and money. Will be less expensive and better end product by just buying midcaps.
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Old March 17th, 2010, 06:54   #4
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i got an easier way... put less bbs in them. prob is your stilk gonna have newbie rattles.
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Old March 17th, 2010, 09:16   #5
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Dart View Post
i got an easier way... put less bbs in them. prob is your stilk gonna have newbie rattles.
put bb's in, wind, dump extra bb's out.

bam! instant low cap/real cap and no rattle.
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Old March 17th, 2010, 10:00   #6
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Put out a notice that you're not going to allow hi-caps by a given date (give 2 months of notice so everyone gets a chance to hear about it, order stuff, etc...).

Change your game rules to note that if you're going to use a hicap, you are allowed a total of 1 hicap mag only. And/Or modify the rules of it's use so that they can shoot it, but are not allowed to wind it up occasionally. They can only shoot it until it doesn't feed...then have to remove the mag, reinsert it (to simulate a mag change) and then they can wind it up again. They will not want to do that more than once or twice before they go and buy low/mid cap mags. Whatever your rules...stand by them and eject players who disregard those rules (essentially saying a big, "F*ck you host and other players").

You can help by creating some bulk/group purchases to make it easier for guys to get mags. Collect the monies up front. Make arrangements with some of the retailers to offer a "deal" to your players/teams if they're buy some significant numbers.

I used to keep spares 2-4 extra mags of some common guns (MP5, AK, M4)...just odds and ends collected here and there...and loaned them out at games. Not enough that a guy can run the whole set hosing away...but enough so someone who's not quite sorted out can get started. I impressed on whomever I loaned them to that while guys are willing to help out, the expectation is that everyone will take the initiative to sort themselves out shortly. Most guys (that are decent guys whome you would want back at the next game) will do just that...they just need time to get sorted out.

If it is detracting from gameplay...alter the rules so that the enjoyment of the majority rules. If someone doesn't care about that...then they can stay home or find another game.

At the end of the day...put the safety and quality of gameplay above getting any given individual out to a game. Guys will beat down the doors and line up to wait to get into a good game.
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Old March 17th, 2010, 10:26   #7
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Amen tys.

It's quite effective to get some cheap plastic midcaps for rifles such as m4s. MAG mags, work amazingly well for most aegs.

I would be interested in more games that are midcap maximums.

The only problem would be that you can get many midcaps with over 100 rounds for rifles such as the m4s.

Live long mag babys!

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Old March 17th, 2010, 10:38   #8
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by 13Fido13 View Post
The only problem would be that you can get many midcaps with over 100 rounds for rifles such as the m4s.
if you shoot burst or semi, it only puts you at a slight advantage. you can still randomly call reload and drop your mag to be fair, or just short load it.

I do like my CA midcaps (130 rounds) as they feed consistently. The S.Arms midcaps I run as last resort mags (180-190 rounds) or if someone's being an idiot and needs a little help calling their hits. for a night game, I'll load it them both with all tracers!
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Old March 17th, 2010, 11:52   #9
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if you Really want to go all out realisim get real caps. How ever I hope you like semi auto because even on 3 round bursts you run out of ammo very fast.

Just stay away from stars, these mags have been nothing but issues for me. BB's like to get beside the follower and jam the mag.
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Old March 17th, 2010, 12:28   #10
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Mids are the best compromise (for me). For games that don't have ammo limits aside from no-hicaps....a mostly full mid works well. For ammo limited games we just short load to 33-35 rounds if that's what the rules are.

A point system for mags works well for mixes of stuff if you're trying to balance the ammo capacities.

For example:
You get a total of 15 points max.
Hicap = 15 points (300-500rnds)
Real cap (30) = 1 point (15 x 30 = 450rnds)
Low cap (31-70) = 2 points (7 x 70 = 490rnds)
Mid cap (71-120) = 5 points (3 x 120 = 360rnds)

A little off here or there...but not too bad. Just raise or lower the total point allowance to suite the game.

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Old March 17th, 2010, 13:55   #11
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One way that I haven't tried yet is to fill the inside with something like paper or plastic folded up. So just open up the hi-cap and see how big is the space, then get a sheet of thin plastic fold it up and stuff the hopper. With this you can change the amount of bbs from mid-cap to lo-cap by adding or removing the folded plastic sheet. Hope that helps. Best of luck.
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Old March 17th, 2010, 14:07   #12
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the plastic barrier your talking about MAG brand midcaps used to do that like they held 100 and if you opened up the spring and pulled the plastic piece out it turned into 130 rds
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Old March 17th, 2010, 18:13   #13
Con Murder
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Oh man, see thats the problem. Everyone is moving to mid-caps and we have no one to buy our hi-caps!!!

At any rate I got mids on order for a few guys and we are 'sorting' ourselves out. We been putting alot of claybank rules into effect here so we all are used to it by may long. Wondering how to keep ammo use down instead of increasing reload time keeps me busy, haha. Thanks for all the responses.
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Old March 18th, 2010, 09:19   #14
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You may think there's nobody to by your highcaps. But they will sell. Maybe they'll go for a bit cheaper, but it's up to you.

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Old January 27th, 2013, 02:20   #15
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hi guys

see,i am in the same problem...i have a m4 g&p magpul moe rifle,STAR and Angry GUN ect... mags doesnt feed good in the m4...the only mag who works perfectly is the hi-cap PMAG from Magpul i got with the m4 g& all my PMAGS STAR doesnt fit,they are realcap(30 rds)...i just want real cap but i can't find working mags for my rifle...each time i try a new mag i spend $ for nothing,i will have a lot of mags for sale soon LOL!!!So i don'T know what to do,put 30rds in my hicap seen to be the solution but it takes some time lol...or some modifiy on the hicap is the anwer but i am not sure at all if i want to do that.
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