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GBBRs and range?


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Old January 12th, 2013, 11:15   #16
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
It shot the equivalent of 408fps on .2s using .28g BBs
I upgraded the barrel and hop rubber, installed an NPAS, and used high quality synthetic grease on all moving parts
Which barrel you use and which hopup?
I found that video already impressive... but You , you add 100 feet in comparison to that guy:-?

WE G36c accuracy test - YouTube
We will find a way.

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Old January 12th, 2013, 13:01   #17
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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I believe it was RA-TECH for both
By comparison, I can hit a man at 300ft with my vsr or ptw

I understand your awe and amazement, back when I started 7yrs ago the average effective range of an aeg was like 60ft, and we were amazed when someone upgraded their gun and got 80ft range lol
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Old January 12th, 2013, 13:20   #18
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I believe it was RA-TECH for both
By comparison, I can hit a man at 300ft with my vsr or ptw

I understand your awe and amazement, back when I started 7yrs ago the average effective range of an aeg was like 60ft, and we were amazed when someone upgraded their gun and got 80ft range lol
Time to shopping and test then...
We will find a way.

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Old January 12th, 2013, 14:09   #19
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
ThunderCactus is also a tolerance nut. When he puts a gun together, it isn't like your average gun doctor putting a gun together. He'll get the absolute most out of his guns, and regularly maintain them to keep the high tolerances and consistencies. I've been impressed with a lot of his weapons, most notably his SAW, and VSR; his M249 Para was a terror, and his VSR didn't like to miss it's mark.

I find a real beast of a gas gun is truly more expensive than an AEG though. But an argument can be made for both. To fully trick out a GBBR with RA-Tech may cost over $1000 on top of the stock gun; and then if course there is the ridiculous magazines. An AEG is usually cheaper stock, but after dumping in revolution kits, mosfets, etc you can spend over $1000 as well. In my opinion an AEG is cheaper on replacement parts and fixes.

If you want true performance then I've been more impressed by GBBRs minus ones with severe temperature variations. A heavy temperature or FPS change can throw out your shot a little. You may have to re-adjust your hop-up or change BB weights to compensate.

The short answer is GBBRs are exciting, AEGs are ....not usually, but if your going to spend the cash for high end buy a Systema or a Fight Club Custom.
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