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mp5J varients...and mods


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Old July 26th, 2005, 11:24   #1
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mp5J varients...and mods

Does anyone have any information on the modification kits for the mp5 series seen here...

they look pretty neat but I'm not sure if they are available here in checking the retailers now just need some added info.
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Old July 26th, 2005, 12:01   #2
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Interesting hummer mod. Haven't seen that before.

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Old July 26th, 2005, 12:38   #3
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Here is a site talking about the MP5j-tactical

Japenese version
Engrish Version

Its not a kit, the silencer is separate. The Large Hand guard is made by First factory, and i think Guarder Makes one too, the Guarder ones come with Rails.

Here is the review and installation guide for the Guarder hand guard
Arnie Airsoft

Here is the info and image of the First factory hand guard

-First Factory LARGE Front Hand grip for the MP5/MC51
-Fits all guns with no modification, easy drop in
-Perfect for the MC-51 and MP5A5 !! Use a large battery in the fore grip!
-Comes with wire adapter.

The Carbine version uses the same hand guard, with different barrel.
The outer barrel is also made by Guarder.

So from what it looks like it isn't a kit, its just different parts.
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Old July 26th, 2005, 15:12   #4
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"Just" also makes a large foregrip much like the Guarder ones and is much cheaper. ( $50usd as compared to $93 usd as listed on WGC )
Its actually a nice piece, has rails on both sides and the bottom are not just scrwed onto the handguard, it is all one piece. It can hold a large 8.4v battery no problem.

Actually, this is what my one AEG looks like:

Personally, I prefer having the full stock installed, where the wife likes the collapsable.
Swopping stocks is only qa 5 minute job.
The outter barrel an hold just under an m16A2 inner barrel, which really adds to the accuracy of the rifle as well.

If you are interested in getting a lerge foregrip to hold a bettery, I would suggest that you do not get the First Factory model.
There have been many user complaints of the grips splitting along the bottom seam requairing you to glue it back together for it to be of any use.

The MP5 Tactical is just your average MP5 with a FF Foregrip and a silencer added on.
Never hard of or seen the Hummer before. Looks like a FF foregrip with some type of Nitro Rail sleeve along the front/top.
Do you have any MP5 accessories that you're looking to get rid of just let me know.
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Old July 26th, 2005, 15:34   #5
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Originally Posted by Malinak
Actually, this is what my one AEG looks like:
Is the barrel threaded to attach to the gun with an adaptor or is it just straight to the gun and held in place with the grub screw?

I've been thinking of building mine into a carbine but don't know how sturdy the barrel will be held on so I haven't bothered yet.
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Old July 26th, 2005, 15:46   #6
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I wouldnt mind doing a carbine conversion to one of my Mp5s either, looks sexy 8) Is the barrel sturdy?
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Old July 26th, 2005, 16:47   #7
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Originally Posted by concept_8
Originally Posted by Malinak
Actually, this is what my one AEG looks like:
Is the barrel threaded to attach to the gun with an adaptor or is it just straight to the gun and held in place with the grub screw?

I've been thinking of building mine into a carbine but don't know how sturdy the barrel will be held on so I haven't bothered yet.
They can be done either way depending on the manufacturer.
Mine attaches by grub screw and there is barrel wobble, but not enough ( to me) to effect the accuracy in any real way.

There are versions that attach via threading much like a silencer, but I have no experiance with those models.

Is the barrel sturdy?
I wouldnt hold it by the barrel and use it like a bat.
Sturdy enough to lean against a wall and not worry about it.
For me, the pro's and con's were good enough that it is still there after 4 years. I love it and wouldn't change it for anything at this point.
Do you have any MP5 accessories that you're looking to get rid of just let me know.
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Old July 26th, 2005, 16:56   #8
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Here is a good example of why the wife prefers the collapsable stock on the '94:
With the stock slid in and shooting around the corner of a building:

and tryng to do the same with the full stock attached:

Just not as "weildy".
Do you have any MP5 accessories that you're looking to get rid of just let me know.
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