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Concerning the FA-MAS and its RoF


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Old July 23rd, 2005, 07:44   #1
MCPeePants's Avatar
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Concerning the FA-MAS and its RoF

Firstly, just as a disclaimer, I am only 16, and have no intention of actually getting into the sport and buying a gun for several years. However, it never hurts to research as fully as possible.

Anyways, when I finally do get into Airsoft, it'll be with a FA-MAS. And, given its impressive RoF, I have no doubt I'll be going through magazines at an alarming rate. Sadly, I really don't like high-caps, so the only economical solution to my eventual need for magazines is the M16 30-round mag by STAR (converted with relative ease to fit a FA-MAS). At only $10 a shot, I can get 5 for the price of one FA-MAS low-cap. Even with a lower capacity, that's just more cost efficient. And besides, reloading is cool.

In essence, I want to know if going through the steps of converting the STAR mags is worth the trouble, or if I'd be better served just using (fewer) Marui FA-MAS mags. Another thing that worries me is the quality of the STAR mags. Will that give me any trouble?

Well, thanks for any help you might give, and good hunting.
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Old July 23rd, 2005, 10:00   #2
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It wold be very easy to convert the star mags to fit a famas. And since they are star mags you don't have to worry about ruining the famas magwell as you can cut the star mags all you want. It is worth it IMO.

Just a note though, and this is probly what you are looking for, the rof is very very very high. It could empty a star locap in about 2-3 seconds if not faster.

So buy a box of star locaps and 2 famas high caps.

To convert the star locaps you will need to cut a grove in the front sothe mag catch can work and remove an inch off the back. There is a edge in the center of 16 mags that famas mags dont have. Very easy. Can do it with a hack saw.

By removing the back of the star locaps you don't need to cut anything on the famas.

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Old July 23rd, 2005, 15:49   #3
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i dunno how long your gears will last with you goin through mags and mags very fast. The famas was built as the first marui gun and wasnt constructed as well as todays LMGS which can dump ammo out. Some people have gotten 10's of thousands of rounds through a famas, some have not. Replacing anything in the famas is harder than finding an m11 hopup rubber, and trust me, thats near impossible
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Old July 23rd, 2005, 16:20   #4
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I agree with Tankdude. 30 round mags in a FAMAS would be empty after two bursts. Another point with this: milsim is all good, realistic 30 round mags sound great... but with the FAMAS your upgrades are limited so you can't get any kind of bush penetration... not without some kind of relatively serious work will you get a FAMAS putting out mid-weight (0.25 - 0.28 gram) bbs at a decent velocity. Shooting at a target with any kind of leafy cover would be a total waste of time, you'd have to be the luckiest bastard in the world, and you'd spend *WAY* more time reloading than firing.

Just remember that your net ammo carried with a single higcap is EQUAL to 10 of the STAR ultra-lowcaps. So in fact, in terms of ammo / $, the highcap is not just cheaper, it's about half the price. And just so oyu know I'm not being a dick, I also own an M4, an MP5 and an AK47... this is the only gun I own a highcap for, and I doubt I'd ever pick the thing up without it. Just burns through ammo too fast and doesn't have enough bush peneration.

It would be a different story indoors or in areas with no woods/shrubs whatsoever though I suppose =)
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Old July 23rd, 2005, 18:33   #5
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Yeah, that's a good point. Even tring to keep myself in disciplined burst-fire mode, I'd get less than 2 seconds of fire out of one of those mags. In truth, the hi-cap would be a much better option. Doesn't make me like it though. Maybe I'll just shell out the cash for a few FA-MAS lowcaps. 60 rounds isn't half bad, as long as I keep it under control.

As for upgrading, I don't have much planned. I'll probably put in a PDI 120% spring at some point, but other than that, I don't have much in mind. After all, the FA-MAS doesn't take upgrades all that well. Then again, I really don't want some 400 FPS monster that'll scar the people I'm playing against.

Anyways, thanks for the help. I geuss to really get a feel for it and it's RoF I'll need to come out to a game and squeeze a few off. But for now, I'll content myself with learning from forums. Thanks again.
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Old July 23rd, 2005, 20:09   #6
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Personally, I like your original idea best. As you say, reloading is fun, and I personally don't like hi-caps either. I don't own a FAMAS, but I have used one on more than a few occasions, and the rate of fire IS damned high, but you can still easily manage.

My AEG, which I use outdoors and indoors, is a 250 fps gun, , and I don't have too much trouble getting kills in even the heaviest bush. It's got a 9.6V 2400mah battery and an EG1000 motor, so it puts out a pretty high ROF too. I also load my mags to 33bbs everytime anyway, so I obviously don't think the 30 rd mags are that bad. Yes, it does go through 30bbs damned quickly, but again, as you said, reloading is part of the fun.

Keep the gun on semi mist of the time, and use full auto only when you really need to. The STAR mags will be fine, and if you like, you can always replace them later gradually with Marui locaps...

You'll get lots of different opinions on this, and none of them is really wrong, so just read through them all, and do what you decide is right for you.
Sgt Spleen
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Originally Posted by kuchervano View Post
Oh wow, im speechless. Crowbars and shovels... back to lurking then.
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Old July 23rd, 2005, 20:12   #7
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I'm starting to want a FAMAS now. I would buy 20 star locaps just for the fun of it.
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Old July 23rd, 2005, 20:53   #8
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Yeah, trouble is I hear the FA-MAS's semi-auto is a bit tempermental. Something about a tricky timing on the trigger sometimes jamming the magazine feed. Anyone with a FA-MAS able to comment on whether this would be a problem?
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Old July 23rd, 2005, 21:04   #9
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I had a famas in my posseion for a few weeks. The trigger acts the same as the aug. if you pull it too quick and release it it will stick. The solution is to give it a quick burst in auto.

The famas also has a very cool feature on the back next to the selector switch. A decocking lever!! So if the trigger sticks, just push the lever and it will come free.

If it wasn't 100% plastic (real OR fake) I would get it.

Edit: The famas's has more levers and buttons on it then you can shake a stick at.
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Old July 23rd, 2005, 22:08   #10
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Originally Posted by spleen
My AEG, which I use outdoors and indoors, is a 250 fps gun, , and I don't have too much trouble getting kills in even the heaviest bush. It's got a 9.6V 2400mah battery and an EG1000 motor, so it puts out a pretty high ROF too.
That's what makes you better than me =(

Shooting 370 - 390 (it's an MP5, shaddap) it can take me ages to peg a guy in thick brush even when I know the bb's are flying straight at him. I used to think people were cheating, but it happens so much it must be something I'm doing wrong, probably engaging from too far away. Oh well.


Originally Posted by MCPeePants
Yeah, trouble is I hear the FA-MAS's semi-auto is a bit tempermental. Something about a tricky timing on the trigger sometimes jamming the magazine feed. Anyone with a FA-MAS able to comment on whether this would be a problem?
I've never had my FAMAS misbehave on me in any way, shape or form, and it's seen all sorts of weather and styles of play with various players. Seems very reliable in my experience.

I've kept mine because it makes a really nice backup AEG, lender, or loaner. Dependable (again, my experience), cheap as dirt, CQB-friendly, large battery. No serious temptation for upgrades, cosmetic or internal, 'cause they don't exist or the mechbox couldn't handle it.

Although if you want cosmetic you should see Nortus' old FAMAS... JEBUS but that thing was awesome.
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Old July 23rd, 2005, 22:11   #11
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that is a link to airsoft players. this will show you how to do the convertion M16 to FAMAS friendly. hope it helps.
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