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Old November 7th, 2012, 11:57   #1
"bb bukakke" KING!
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LMG shopping

hey folks, my squad is looking to pick up a pair of lmgs for nightfall2...

We're looking at the A&K lineup for the price point, and good reviews on serviceability.

A nice feature to have would be semi auto, but it's not a deal breaker, but I notice that 249 variants don't have this feature. are there any lmgs that are admissible as lmgs (ie not mg36) that have semi fire capability?

It's a shame we can't do mg36s, we already have quite a number of hk whores in our squad.
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Old November 7th, 2012, 12:18   #2
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*Raises hand*

Who says you can use MG36's? If it's got the right barrel length, bipod and drum mag... I don't see why someone would not let you use it as an LMG. (using high cap 30rnd mags would be a no no in the milsim world though...)

Not many real world LMG's have semi.

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Old November 7th, 2012, 12:23   #3
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The m63a1 has a semi function. I loooooove mine.
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Old November 7th, 2012, 12:24   #4
"bb bukakke" KING!
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well every now and then I see people asking if they can use their mg36 as an lmg even with the betamag, and the game organizers say no, it wasn't used by a real fighting force so it's blah blah blah.

The argument is also what's to stop a guy from putting a betamag on an m4 or standard g36 and hosing people down as well. so I'm not sure what to think on that subject.
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Old November 7th, 2012, 12:24   #5
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If MG36s arent LMGs, then are RPKs also not LMGs?
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Old November 7th, 2012, 12:32   #6
"bb bukakke" KING!
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hey, if the community's game organizers will allow true mg36s on the field at milsims, we'll put it back on our shopping list. it wouldn't be a bad choice, light weight (lighter than 249s) and semi fire with emergency compatibility with the guys in our squad that have g36s.

Also, I like the g&p stoner, but it's out of the price range our 2 potential gunners are looking at. They are building kit sets from scratch as they're new players, so they want to keep the costs reasonable. The difference in price between a G&P is a pistol, and we'd much rather have the guys run with a full auto gun and have a pistol too, just for those occasions.
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Old November 7th, 2012, 12:39   #7
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
hey, if the community's game organizers will allow true mg36s on the field at milsims, we'll put it back on our shopping list. it wouldn't be a bad choice, light weight (lighter than 249s) and semi fire with emergency compatibility with the guys in our squad that have g36s.

Also, I like the g&p stoner, but it's out of the price range our 2 potential gunners are looking at. They are building kit sets from scratch as they're new players, so they want to keep the costs reasonable. The difference in price between a G&P is a pistol, and we'd much rather have the guys run with a full auto gun and have a pistol too, just for those occasions.
That's the kicker there, most MG36 out there aren't true mg36.

As far as the price of a pistol goes, you want an LMG, it'll cost you, the price of a pistol really isn't much these days, in your position, I'd suck it up and get the better quality MG, at the same time, Nightfall two is what, next summer if I recall? there's plenty of time to scrape together the cost of a pistol between now and then.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old November 7th, 2012, 12:47   #8
"bb bukakke" KING!
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I'm not the one buying, it's 2 guys that have next to no kit. One guy has camo and a vest, the other guy has absolutely nothing. I don't know about you but dropping 3k on gun, camo, safety gear, tac gear and all the other associated costs is pretty heavy on the pocket, without knowing their specific financial states.

But as it is, that's why we're starting the shopping process now. These 2 guys have not played with the rest of us at all, which means we need time for them to integrate into the game mode(though we all train martial arts together, so we're already more or less integrated as a team) They have to get used to running around in the gear, find out what they're missing, what works, what doesn't, well before jun 15th, so that means playing in april or may when the fields open up again, and given turnaround times for things to be shipping from some places and testing time, the sooner we can get the big issues out of the way, the sooner we can get to fine tuning.
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Old November 7th, 2012, 13:05   #9
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The stoner is a good setup...a very retro look so not very period correct for a lot of stuff now, but it's a winner so far as a build goes. Reliable, solid, etc. Pricey though...but if you catch the right guy at the right time it's not too bad.

The A&K M60 & Mk43 setups are ok. Good looks...but not top tier on the mechbox/wiring/hopup. If you give it a bit of attention though they can be quite good. I would do away with their rheostat/mosfet though. I rewired a Mk43 recently with one of Stealth's Gate mosfets and it's solid.

Personally I'd stay away from the "big green" box mags...they're really hit and miss...unless you're ready to get a few CA nutsack mags. Depending on the guy they might find it really hard to get their arm around the box mag too. The A&K 249's are ok for the price. Mechbox needs some cleanup/ does the hopup. Remove the bipod before it breaks to preserve as much resell value as possible.

If you're building a squad and working on teamwork/etc...then I'd see the purpose of your LMG/SAW guys as being the ones to lay down volumes of suppression/cover fire. If you want them to work on that, you could outfit them with beta mags and M4's for the time being. Cheap and plentiful. Then when they go the LMG/SAW route keep those as spares or alternate loadouts.

If it's more to outfit them for whatever look you're going for...then let that dictate which model to go after.

At any rate...I'd troll the classifieds and wait until Christmas. There'll be specials and guys scraping together cash for the holidays.

re-read your post about admissible LMG's...gotcha. Stick to the 249/60/43 platforms. Get them to work on short bursts to get them to the point where they can squeeze out doubles/triples if needed.

Last edited by m102404; November 7th, 2012 at 13:08..
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Old November 7th, 2012, 13:05   #10
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
I'm not the one buying, it's 2 guys that have next to no kit. One guy has camo and a vest, the other guy has absolutely nothing. I don't know about you but dropping 3k on gun, camo, safety gear, tac gear and all the other associated costs is pretty heavy on the pocket, without knowing their specific financial states.

But as it is, that's why we're starting the shopping process now. These 2 guys have not played with the rest of us at all, which means we need time for them to integrate into the game mode(though we all train martial arts together, so we're already more or less integrated as a team) They have to get used to running around in the gear, find out what they're missing, what works, what doesn't, well before jun 15th, so that means playing in april or may when the fields open up again, and given turnaround times for things to be shipping from some places and testing time, the sooner we can get the big issues out of the way, the sooner we can get to fine tuning.
I get that, and I mean no offence or confrontation in anything I've said here

Look at it this way: As an LMGunner, you need the gun, a set of combats, eyepro and footwear at the very least.

I'd also recommend something along the lines of a webbing setup, very basic, I like my CF webbing. You (they) will use this to carry whatever they may need, such as a canteen, kill rag, glowstick, some spare mags maybe and a radio. If you want to get fancy you can stick a bladder in the butt pack and run the strap up the webbing to the front of the shoulder, I use Grimloc's for this as well as running comms wires.

I would reccomend a helmet and gloves. Grab a pair of Mechanix at Canadian tire. For a helmet, you don't need any of this ops-core fashion show-me-yours-I'll-show-you-mine bullshit, you can get a decent helmet that looks good for cheap, without even getting a clone. Think some of the skateboard helmets and whatnot that were/are used by certain military groups. Contrary to what some foolish players seem to think, you don't need ballistic ratings for this game.

As far as guns in use by militaries or period correctness go, forget that. Milsim in canada is nothing but a glorified skirmish, we don't have rules such as "AK74 are the only gun allowed for Team X, while Team Y may only use M16A2 patterned rifles" guns are whatever the fuck you want, with camo patterns usually split between green and tan.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Last edited by Gato; November 7th, 2012 at 13:07..
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Old November 7th, 2012, 13:43   #11
"bb bukakke" KING!
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Don't worry about words... sticks and stones afterall... I have a reasonably thick skin... cause I'm always right in the end jk :P

yeah, there's no set equipment guidelines for our team, just whatever suits the player and the need. We don't even all match in gear either. It's just whatever we as individuals think is cool that fits in their individual needs/interests first, then the team's need. Sort of a backwards way to teamwork, but it's what's great about our group, we already mesh well together since we've been together for so long we still work as a team. But we all wear multicam, that's our one thing that we are insistent on.

It would be cool if we all showed up in the same stuff, but that's sort of sacrificing an individual's personal fun for no real reason other than the sake of looking like some modern military squad... If anything, we look more ragtag pmc. It keeps it fun and loose.

If someone wants to run a chicago typewriter with modern gear and camo cause they think it's cool we are not going to stop them.

I didn't even have to ask if they wanted to be machine gunners, I just said we might need a couple and they liked the idea of it. One guy's got bad knees and poor eyesight, so all we need to do is point him in the right direction... another guy did it in the reserves.. so it's an easy fit for them.

The only requirements we are concerned with are meeting a game organizer's limits on what we can and can't use like the silly mg36 thing.

I'm just looking to make it easier on myself since I'm likely the one that will be fixing stuff if/when it breaks, and easier on them so they aren't putting down a lot of money on something that isn't in constant use.

What i don't want though is to waste their money, since it's likely they won't be playing with us at every game, in fact of our 9 currently kitted, only 3 or 4 have played more than 3 times this year, so spending 3k on guns and gear etc to play once or twice a year is not fiscally responsible, it's another thing that has to be considered.

In fact I'm sort of uncomfortable in the amount I've spend this year ops: And most of us here should know how spending can get out of hand quickly.
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Old November 7th, 2012, 13:48   #12
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Being one of the Nightfall game organizers, I can state that the only restriction on guns are; 400 fps or under un-hopped (hopup dialed fully off) on .20g BBs, no high-cap 30 round style mags and no full auto inside buildings. Otherwise if you want to carry it you can use it.

For the record, the Bundeswehr used C-mags with the G36 during ISAF deployments.

A team member has a couple of A&K M249s that he is wishing he had not purchased. The guns have spent more time broken than they have on the field. The price point may be there for the A&K SAW but you truly do get what yo pay for.

I've been running a CA SAW for the latter part of the season and can say that the gun is a beast! I am going to upgrade the spring guide and piston head to bearing units and put in a MOSFET, but otherwise the gun runs very well out of the box. The CA nutsack mag is extremely good. The spring loaded feed assist platform ensures smooth and jam free feeding in addition to being a quiet ammo box and not a rattle prone tactical friend getter like most other box mags. I am able to empty my CA nutsack mag in one trigger pull with no mis-feeds, jams or any dramas what-so-ever. The only thing I don't like about it is its low capacity, but it is dead easy to reload.

Cheers - Dan

PS: I'm glad to hear you plan on attending our June game! We had a blast hosting Nightfall and will work hard to ensure that the June game is even better.
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Old November 7th, 2012, 13:51   #13
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Im in the exact same position, (looking for a LMG) as far as nightfall 2 though, if your inside the building, a lmg become useless if it cant do semi no? I guess it its got a mosfet then alright, but then that goes against what a lmg is does it not?

It be nice to get a consciences about the mg36 though
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Old November 7th, 2012, 14:00   #14
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Originally Posted by CR0M View Post
It be nice to get a consciences about the mg36 though

And all other rifle based LMGs too, like RPK, L86 LSW, Type 95 LMG, etc.
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Old November 7th, 2012, 14:02   #15
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aren't the usmc using a 416 variant as a support weapon now too?
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