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Beginner Kit?


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Old June 6th, 2012, 23:16   #1
Join Date: Jun 2012
Beginner Kit?

I am starting airsoft and I am not sure what to start with.

I am limiting my budget to around $500-$600.

These are the things I have chosen for now. Dunno if it's good for me.

-M1911 Skeleton Arms Bundle (Comes with Holster, 2 mags, 2000rd 0.25g, and 4 CO2 Cartridges)

-Lucid L36 Bundle (Comes with 2 470 Round Hi-Cap Mags, 1 8.4v Batt, 1 Wall Charger, 3000rd .2g)

-Condor Elite Tac Vest OD

I found the items at

I also need a mask that fit a pair of glasses in it if possible.
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Old June 6th, 2012, 23:35   #2
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Do not get any of those things!! Those are garbage.
Vest is ok I guess, but i'd get full molle version.

Get age verified and you will have access to much much better equipment for that price. (Classifieds and Retailers)

You can start with KA M4 like many do, and will still have funds left for some accessories and necessities.

Last edited by Taxt; June 6th, 2012 at 23:42..
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Old June 6th, 2012, 23:48   #3
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Originally Posted by Taxt View Post
Do not get any of those things!! Those are garbage.
Vest is ok I guess, but i'd get full molle version.

Get age verified and you will have access to much much better equipment for that price. (Classifieds and Retailers)

You can start with KA M4 like many do, and will still have funds left for some accessories and necessities.
Is there no other way to get age verified? The closest person I can get access to lives 5 hours away from my town.
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Old June 6th, 2012, 23:49   #4
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No, you have to meet the person to prove you're really 18, face to face!
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Old June 6th, 2012, 23:50   #5
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ok, so first off get age verified to get access to far far far better guns.

the lucid rifle looks like any clear gun, they are kinda hit and miss, there are way better guns available in canada for about the same price, even without the classifieds.
and you probably will never use the high caps, and end up with low/mid caps any way, and wall chargers kill batteries

the 1911 on the other hand.. is firing in the sniper rifle ranges for fps, and no one will ever let you field that
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Old June 6th, 2012, 23:53   #6
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Originally Posted by Aleonris14 View Post
Is there no other way to get age verified? The closest person I can get access to lives 5 hours away from my town.
No. It is always in person.
Where do you live? Maybe you can attend a game in your area when age verifier is also there?
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Old June 6th, 2012, 23:54   #7
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Originally Posted by Taxt View Post
No. It is always in person.
Where do you live? Maybe you can attend a game in your area when age verifier is also there?
I live in Baie-Comeau, Quebec. CLosest is in Chicoutimi.
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Old June 6th, 2012, 23:57   #8
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Originally Posted by ratnest View Post
the 1911 on the other hand.. is firing in the sniper rifle ranges for fps, and no one will ever let you field that
Is that 450fps with 0.12s or something? If it's with 0.2 then yes, wtf.
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Old June 7th, 2012, 00:18   #9
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Age is 18, right? If so I'm fine for that.
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Old June 7th, 2012, 01:39   #10
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This is all dependant on personal tastes. #1 priority - get age verified - after that it's all gravy! Rifle - look at a King Arms M4A1 - from $269.00-330.00 dependant on retail source. Eye-protection from $40.00-100.00. Vest/chest-rig from $40.00-100.00, boots from $40.00-100.00 dependent on source... There is far better sources than that's the minimum to get started, and once attending games, go from there in terms of what you observe/what you'd like in terms of gear!
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Old June 7th, 2012, 02:01   #11
a.k.a. Greedy
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The best advice I can give a beginner with your budget is to spend your whole budget on:

1) Good eye protection - Often overlooked this is by far the most important thing you have on the field. Also strongly consider face protection weather it is a separate mesh mask or a one piece paintball mask
2) Your primary weapon - Do your homework! Get a good one, you need a reliable primary that will work. Money spent on a cheap gun can never be recouped and WHEN it breaks you'll be out of the game. If you like the G36 Classic Army makes a good one.
3) A programable peak charger - This one time purchase will last you your entire airsofting career and save you money in the long run. Not very sexy but it will keep you out on the field longer and will greatly prolong the life of your batteries. Wall chargers are garbage and will fry your batteries. The Onyx 220 is a nice charger, a little more expensive get the 235 if you plan on using LiPo or LiFe batteries.
4) A good battery - Batteries that come with guns are generally not very good. Perhaps because they are always used in conjunction with wall chargers they don't seem to have a long life. Intellect makes good batteries, a backup battery is also always a good idea.

Don't worry about gear BDU's or pistols just yet, these things aren't necessary for you right now unless you can up your budget. Getting good quality essentials will quickly eat up $600, this is an expensive hobby. All you really need to play is eye pro, a gun, battery, charger, one hi-cap and bb's.

If you have a pair of cargo pants and a golf shirt or button-up shirt you can buy a $25 chest rig and pull off a good contractor look for cheap. No sense in wearing gear if you have nothing to put in it anyways. If you join a team you'll probably have to buy all your gear and BDU's over again because your team will most likely wear a different camo. Or you may find out that what you got doesn't work for you and you want something more suited to your style of play.

A pistol can be a useful tool in the right situation but most people probably get less than 5% of their kills with one. A pistol isn't necessary right away but before you buy one do your homework and get a good one *cough TM cough*.

What you should really do is, before you buy anything, find a game go out and meet some of the guys. Ask some questions see what they have, which weapons feel comfortable to you, what gear you think will work for you. Often times rental guns are available, post you are looking for a rental in the thread. This way you can get a good idea of what it's all about before you spend money on something you may regret later on.

Last edited by Kozzie; June 7th, 2012 at 02:13..
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Old June 7th, 2012, 08:16   #12
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Kozzie has the right advice, so listen to it. I'm not even a month into the sport and I can see the wisdom of better choices and quality.

Eye protection, get quality eye protection. For CQB you WANT FULL FACE. no questions. Broken teeth cost huge dollars.

Great boots, which support your ankles is a must.

King Arms M4 is best quality buy for the money, full metal gun ready to rock out of the box. I can tell you it's solid. It's what I bought.

Get a quality battery and charger, and a spare battery if you can afford it.

These are the essentials. If you don't have enough money, start saving, nothing is worse than trying something out, LOVING it, and then having something break or fail and having to walk off the field. Then your spending MORE money in the long run. Way more.
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Old June 7th, 2012, 10:29   #13
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Get whatever you like for an AEG. Try to get something with common spare parts. Mechboxes like V2 or v3. Convert to deans and get a 7.4 lipo.


Charger: WITH THIS

For goggles, go to fields and try em if you can. If you got an asian face, try X500s or any asian face fit goggles. I use x500s with glasses.

For gear: Cheap out
When you see the amount of gear for airsoft on the field, you will choose what's best for you.

Also pistols are almost useless I find in games, it's more of a novelty item.

On boots, you must decided which boot looks more prettier than the other player's boots. Choose a boot for your field of area. Hot weather: breathable lightwight boot, wet field: goretex boot. But airsoft is fashion, so choose the cutiest boot! I love Swat originals, Jungle boots (MADE by USA not CHINA crap), and pallium boots for lightweight.

If you go with my guide you may spent less than 400$ including whatever AEG you get.
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Old June 7th, 2012, 10:56   #14
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there's good guns available from vendors who are searchable on google, they will probably also do an age check when you purchase the guns, but can't verify you for the forums.

600 is a reasonable budget... set aside at least 350 for gun, battery and charger at the minimum. budget up to 100 for eye protection, though I recommend the fan goggles at 160-200 range, much better for fog resistance. Some extra mags if you're going with an m4/m16 style gun mags are cheap... 50-60 can get you 5 more midcap mags.

That covers the basic stuff you need... beyond that... you should consider if you don't already have:

good boots with good ankle support
some way to carry water onto the field
some way to carry ammo/mags onto the field.

what you decide to use or get to fill those purposes and what it costs is up to you.

Forget the pistol for now. You can do without it if you are budget limited. Don't buy shit guns and waste your money. You have a good starting budget, but be smart with it. Good pistols start in the 200$ range for just pistol and 1 mag.
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Old June 7th, 2012, 17:30   #15
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One thing I really need is a pair of goggle or mask that can fit a small pair of glasses in them.
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