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Is it okay to buy a used gbb?


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Old May 8th, 2012, 20:00   #1
Grab Your Glocks When You see
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Is it okay to buy a used gbb?

Hey guys my names Nick and I've been wanting to get an airsoft gun for quite a while now but redwolf doesn't ship to Canada with out it getting tooken away and I don't want any walmart junk. So anyways recently on a local used classified site a saw a KWC Glock 18c for sale! I was just wondering would it be worth it for 60$?and also is there anything really important to know before buying a used gbb?

This is what it looks like.

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Old May 8th, 2012, 20:13   #2
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KWC? Eh.... They're alright for what they are IMO.

They've actually been around since like the 70's or something and their roots lie in .177cal/4.5mm pellet guns. As far as their airsoft stuff I'm personally a bit hesitant on using one in a game for hitting targets at 40+ feet but if you're just plinking targets at say 20 feet away or something they're perfectly capable.

At $60 though be careful of the condition. If you meet the guy as to fill up the mag and watch for leaks (also be wary of "slow" leaks, not so much a problem for loading and plinking but if it leaks slowly you may find yourself out of gas when you need to use it in a game situation). Check for wear of the internals under the slide, and look at the fill valve o-rings for any sign of damage or cracking (like $2 to replace so it's easy but you want to know it's been well taken care of by the last owner).
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Old May 8th, 2012, 21:07   #3
Grab Your Glocks When You see
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Alright thanks ill make sure to check for that and also i made a mistake its KSC not KWC
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Old May 8th, 2012, 21:38   #4
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KSC G18C for $60??

I'd be quite wary of the condition. BNIB in Canada IIRC they go for around ~$350 (non full auto versions for slightly less) keep in mind that's BNIB condition not used, I'd suspect with a KSC value depreciates around 30% after like 3 or 4 years of playing (this is on what I deem to be a "fair" depreciation curve). Either that or the seller is undervaluing the item (which is great for you!).

I own a KSC Glock 19 and it's a great little pistol that surprisingly hasn't broken on me yet except for a failed loading nozzle like 2 months ago. Key parts that you should be aware of for failures are the rocket valve, loading nozzle, and to a lesser extent if you get a lot of wear on the slide the slide stop function may not work (my Glock is OLD and doesn't lock back on empty but it's a simple matter of finding either a replacement OEM slide or a metal one).
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Old May 8th, 2012, 21:40   #5
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$60 for KSC Glock 18? I would deffently check to see if it works at all at that price.

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Old May 8th, 2012, 21:56   #6
Grab Your Glocks When You see
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Actually its 200 for the Glock and a G&G UMP ,but I only want the Glock and I saw the UMP for 300$ and the Glock for 150$ online and I did the math (at least i hope i did lol)and it would be 66$ for the glock and 134 $for the UMP. He said make an offer and also he would be willing to split them up too.So if he accepts 66$ and it works should I get it?
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Old May 10th, 2012, 00:02   #7
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Get AV'd and then go on the classifieds. I can't stress enough on how important it is to do your research before buying guns, especially gbb guns. Make sure you know everything about the gun you want to buy... Is it reliable? Are parts readily available? Etc... Due to the inherant problems you will encounter with gas guns, spend lots of time getting to know your weapon and ask LOTS of questions, that's what we are here for.

For your first gbb pistol I would highly recommend anything made by KJW. I am a WE guy, but my KJW P226 follows me to every game.

Good luck in your search.
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Last edited by ssrc30; May 10th, 2012 at 00:08.. Reason: additional info.
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Old May 10th, 2012, 03:18   #8
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$200 for a G&G AND a KSC? That's is probably the shadiest deal I have ever heard. Personally if I were you I would avoid it and just spend a good ~300 for a good quality brand new gun from a reputable retailer just so you have the best possible experience coming into airsoft.

Save the shady deals for later after you get some experience under your belt and can 100% verify it is a proper working gun.
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Old May 10th, 2012, 11:05   #9
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My mostly stock KSC Glock alone commands I would think around $160-200.

Also with the Glock 18 I believe the feedramp is plastic unlike the metal one in the Glock 19, and like I said in the previous post, watch out for the loading nozzle (~$10 part), rocket valve (like a $7 part), and wear and tear on the slide (if plastic, OEM plastic replacement set probably around $30, metal replacement set can range from $50 up to like $150+). One more thing I forgot to mention is the premature wearing of the mag catch, by virtue of it being plastic (metal replacement is like ~$12 OEM is prob around $6-7)
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Old May 10th, 2012, 23:13   #10
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the ksc 18c is one of the most problematic full auto pistols on the market. the internal design of the pistol has a lot of moving parts that tends to wear out quickly. most of the glocks that i fixed are ksc 18c's. one of the first things that go, apart from the ones parts mentioned above, is the fire selector mechanism and the hammer and striker assembly. all those parts are high stress parts and tends to wear. unless you're comfy tinkering around with stuff, look for something more reliable. there are scores of potential problems customers have run into in diffrent forums. read a couple of them.

for 60 bucks, i'd bet that that pistol is close to failing. or is not what the owner claims it to be. if you decide to buy it, be mindful that that particular meeds a lot of looking after.
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Old May 10th, 2012, 23:40   #11
Cobalt Caliber
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For Glocks, everyone using those blocks knows TM.... well I can't rhyme, just TM glocks will rock your socks.

Ha, didn't see that one coming now did ya.
P.S. obviously I'm white.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old May 11th, 2012, 00:44   #12
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Originally Posted by Ready View Post

Save the shady deals for later after you get some experience under your belt and can 100% verify it is a proper working gun.
I'd still go for this deal if it was an in person deal. Just do some research on the guns before you go and meet them in person.

Originally Posted by e-luder View Post
the ksc 18c is one of the most problematic full auto pistols on the market. the internal design of the pistol has a lot of moving parts that tends to wear out quickly. most of the glocks that i fixed are ksc 18c's. one of the first things that go, apart from the ones parts mentioned above, is the fire selector mechanism and the hammer and striker assembly. all those parts are high stress parts and tends to wear. unless you're comfy tinkering around with stuff, look for something more reliable. there are scores of potential problems customers have run into in diffrent forums. read a couple of them.

for 60 bucks, i'd bet that that pistol is close to failing. or is not what the owner claims it to be. if you decide to buy it, be mindful that that particular meeds a lot of looking after.
Dont confuse the poor guy! lol though he may need this info if he goes through with this deal.

All in all I would go check this deal out. It does sound too good to be true but hey you could always end up with a cool project guns.

Just make sure to properly test the gun(s) out before handing any money over!
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Old May 11th, 2012, 01:08   #13
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... You know what my "project gun" was?

An Old Version (pre '05) KSC Mk23 SOCOM "Hardkick"....

I bought that thing when I was like a year into playing knowing full well it was a fixer. It still hasn't been fixed (but hopefully parts will be coming soon, I know exactly which parts I need it's just a matter of getting them at a price where I don't have to pay like $20 for shipping on like $10 worth of parts).

But I digress. @OP: Check it out in person and just be wary of the function and all that.
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Old May 11th, 2012, 01:15   #14
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Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber View Post
Ha, didn't see that one coming now did ya.
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Last edited by e-luder; May 11th, 2012 at 04:18..
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Old May 11th, 2012, 23:14   #15
Grab Your Glocks When You see
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Thanks for all the help guys but I emailed the seller yesterday and I didn't get a response and I checked today and it was sold
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