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trying to buy a pistol but no one has it


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Old January 21st, 2012, 13:23   #31
HKGhost's Avatar
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Since you got your mind set, do as you wish as you won't get anymore help with this subject here. And learn to use some periods and commas in your sentence.
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Old January 21st, 2012, 14:33   #32
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they just to heavy for my taste

y u no buy some muscular?
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Old January 21st, 2012, 14:52   #33
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A useful sniper rifle is going to weigh a lot more than a useful AEG since the sniper rifle needs to be upgraded to the nines to be effective. All AEG rifles are light in stock-form, honestly, if you can't pick one up and haul it around with you all day then this isn't the sport for you.

Airsoft is a very physically demanding sport, if you're going with a sniper rifle so that you can sit in one place most of the game and "snipe" people you're going to be in for a very bad experience. In fact, airsoft "snipers" need to move around even more than regular players to be effective. On top of that they don't get nearly as much action as "frontline" players because all the moving that airsoft snipers do is to stay out of sight and far away from the enemy players (see: running around the edge of the field).

Everything you've said shows that the information you've researched is either wrong, or that you disregarded a lot of the really important stuff.

If you want a good sidearm for "sniping" and you have big hands, the ONLY option for you is a TM MK23 NBB. It's a god-like pistol for snipers. Anyone who has owned one of these and reads this comment will know what I'm talking about.
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Old January 21st, 2012, 14:55   #34
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Originally Posted by Razial View Post
well to make simple ive held some aegs and dont like the feel of them, i find they just to heavy and clunky for me,
Originally Posted by Razial View Post
well again all your posts are duely noted however i stated in a previous post ive held different aegs and found they just to clunky and heavy for me to snipe with
guys saying "aeg is better in long run" but from the feel of ones ive held they just to heavy for my tast

Seriously, don't take this the wrong way but what you really need isn't a pistol, it's a set of weights. Then use them and re-evaluate your options in 18 months.

If you think an AEG is heavy, a lighter gun/sniper rifle isn't going to help you. Once you have a scope on it'll weigh as much as an AEG and it's a lot more cumbersome. Even if it is slightly lighter, after several hours lugging it around in rough terrain you'll be feeling every ounce of it and you're going to find yourself having a bad day in a big hurry. We've seen it before, people ditching and going home mid-game because their gun/gear is too heavy.

Airsoft is a sport and as with any other sport you need to get into at least a minimum amount of physical shape. I don't say this to discourage you, but to encourage you (getting in better shape is a GOOD thing and you should look forward to it). And being in better shape will help you excel at the sport, and that's a good thing.

Last edited by Drake; January 21st, 2012 at 14:58..
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Old January 21st, 2012, 15:06   #35
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We've seen it before, people ditching and going home mid-game because their gun/gear is too heavy.
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Old January 21st, 2012, 15:42   #36
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AEG too heavy/clunky? - i missed that. Sorry, but Wow, just.. wow.

How old are you.. and why are you so far out of shape at such a young age?

I'm 44 and 150 lbs soaking wet.. and a relative noob at all this myself. I was in pretty darn good shape (considering, for a smoker) prior to my present medical disaster with both of my hips needing replacement.

I got into airsoft as a form of physio-therapy to get back what i had lost (which was a LOT) post-surgery on the first hip. Heavy AEG's? Ok. My M4 (with 'sniper scope') can be a bit of a bear after 4 or 5 hours of dragging my wounded carcass around a field along with the rifle, but it's all part of the exercise, literally and figuratively, y'know? If i'm really hurting, then i switch to my lighter AEG, an MP5.

Yes, I think you really need to question why you are getting into Airsoft, to begin with. If getting some exercise isn't part of that equation, as others have indicated, this isn't for you.

Last edited by HackD; January 21st, 2012 at 15:46..
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Old January 21st, 2012, 17:48   #37
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Oh man... This thread just keeps on giving. Thoroughly enjoying it.

I'm a relative newb. Play at Panther field (I'm a West Coaster living on the overpriced West Coast). My advice... Talk to Optix at Airsoft Gear. Rent a gun and come out and play a few games... Then decide what to buy. While you are out... Get Optix to age verify you as well.

Seems to me that a lot of very knowledgeable players have given you some pretty good advise. It's your money in the end though.
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Old January 21st, 2012, 18:48   #38
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I understand you have read a lot, but reading isnt going to give you all the information you need to make the descision ahead of you. Sniping in airsoft is not like videogames, sniping is for someone who has a LOT of patience and doesnt mind putting in 10x more effort for one kill because it helps the team out.

When I first tried out the sniper route I had a pretty good idea what I was getting in, I read A LOT, and by that I mean at least 40-50 pages on here, I stalked the most well known airsoft snipers and read every post they had, and talked to EVERYONE who had a scope/sniper rifle that I played with. I already had a good idea what real snipers and designated marskmen do, and I am very used to being outgunned and using tactics and smarts to win(5 years of paintball with a pump action going out with 50 rounds on me mowing speedballers shooting 15-20rps with well over 2000 rounds on them) and I also really enjoy using the sniper setup in videogames, and usually prevail because I am an intellegent and very strategical player.

when I first got into the "long range" airsoft weapons I spent about $1000 on this amazing m14 package that was the absolute best on the market. It had about $3000 put into it and had seen two gun docs to ensure it was going to perform as better than the manufacturers ever thought it could. Keep in mind this is a semi automatic rifle with full auto capabilities utilizing scope I left on about 2-3x. I played with it for a while, Tried "sniping" In areas that were just made for a good sniper, and I had limited success. I could shoot farther than others, but it was big, heavy, and while sniping I missed out of a lot of chances to rush up and do a lot of damage in favour of letting them come to me. Most of the time I ended up engaging people with 40 feet and using it on full auto doing short bursts...after a while I just ran around with my pistol and did a whole lot better...

Although discouraged I thought that a bolt action shooting a higher fps may be what I needed to snipe, so that I could hit anything that I saw and could shoot my way thorugh where I would normally push up. Tried it, was patient, set my bipod up and had good shooting form, shot 4 people from a days worth of play, and only 2 called themselves out(you could see the bb travel straight through the trees and hit them, they noticed something but it wasnt significant enough to be considered a hit, I dont blame as most gear will deaden the sound and impact a lot). I played with my aeg for the rest of the day, got 30+ kills in a quarter of the time I had put into sniping and was actually winning games for my team. I still could be stealthy and play smart, infact Ive had people who were less than 5 feet from me walk right past me only to get shot in the back when they were far enough that they wouldnt notice the sound as easily...

as for a pistol if it is a requirement for cqb you will need something that is cqb ready. You will be caught with your rifle out and will be required to use your pistol, and if its this giant clumsy thing you wont even unholster it before your screwed. Even with my aeg using a sling so I can just drop it and go for my pistol if I need to, its a lot slower than you anticipate it to take.

also, it takes a lot of energy to properly play a sniper. Just because you have a bipod up and are laying down doesnt mean it is going to be a walk in the park. You will require a lot of core strength, upper body strenght, and endurance to be able to maneuver and hold your rifle.

last time I saw a "sniper" was when some kid had a full ghillie suit. He carried his rifle for maybe 1-2 games and from then had it holstered on his shoulder until ready to fire, didnt hit a single thing all day, and tbh you could probably take him out if you were in a open field with no cover and were just using a knife...

My advice, listen to everyone else. I know you won't, very few actually take the word that advises against doing something you want to, but it willl benefit you if you listen.
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Old January 21st, 2012, 19:06   #39
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Think of it this way.

Start playing with an AEG and get some experience.
If you think you can take the heat of sniping, then go for it. But, as you can see, it is ill-advised.

If you think that AEGs are "bulky and unweildly", why not get a smaller one? E.g. a MP5/variant or something even smaller like a Mac/MP_?
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Old January 21st, 2012, 20:02   #40
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If an AEG is too heavy for you, you are too young to play... plain and simple.

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Old January 21st, 2012, 20:32   #41
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Originally Posted by SuperCriollo View Post
If an AEG is too heavy for you, you are too young to play... plain and simple.
He could also theoretically be a midget, or whatever the politically correct term is nowadays.
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Old January 21st, 2012, 20:40   #42
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Originally Posted by Cortex View Post
He could also theoretically be a midget, or whatever the politically correct term is nowadays.
WOAH!!!! Don't go dropping the "M word" all casual like now; it's officially a racial slur;


I think that "dwarf" is still okay though...
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Old January 21st, 2012, 20:42   #43
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Wassaaaap mah midget?
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Old January 21st, 2012, 21:48   #44
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lol airsoft is a military simulative sport. In the military you have to carry A LOT of weight. So we all just gotta suck it up and tank it through because that's what makes it realistic... and a good healthy body. Whatever you're stuck with, you're going to give it your all and fight with everything you got. Kill or be killed. Don't complain about the weight of guns lol

Sniper rifles are long... even IF it doesn't weigh as much as an AEG, it's going to be work and strength and endurance to keep that barrel elevated for long periods of time, while trying to hold it steady to hit your prey after a ton of patience. If you don't make that shot count... then lolz!

Get an AEG that is slightly longer and more powerful? So you can hit from further ranges too and try your sniping tastes. Forget bout the weight, you'll just get used to it after running around with it.
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Old January 21st, 2012, 22:13   #45
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Get a P90.

Be THAT guy.

Also. You're not actually playing airsoft until you're running 9 pound + full steel gun and a minimum of 8 full steel magazines. The people at Real Sword say hello!
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Last edited by Amos; January 21st, 2012 at 22:16..
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