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BDU Patterns?


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Old January 18th, 2012, 22:47   #1
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BDU Patterns?

Since there have been issues from what I've read about players having the "wrong" type of pattern for their uniform confusing the rest of the players. And well I don't want to be that guy when I head out to a game. I have to ask.

What would you guys suggest for a pattern for my first set of BDU's?

I do not mind too much what it is, cause really have no clue that if I don't ask I'd end up getting desperate and just getting a set of OD's.

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Old January 18th, 2012, 22:57   #2
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OD green would be my vote.
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Old January 18th, 2012, 23:04   #3
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Old January 18th, 2012, 23:12   #4
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from what i understand of your question is what "camo" to get to avoid getting shot by your teammates.

so honestly theres not much wrong with anything. as long as your prodominant in one colour you will be put on one side or the other, if your running green bdus and a tan vest then things get confusing. so aslong as everything is a CLOSE match your fine.

for example one of my teammates has multicam bdus and a proud brown vest *its a medium brown* both are considered tan so no real problems.

there are some people who do say multicam can be both tan or green however its primarily subdues tans and green so its usually pushed towards tan.
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Old January 18th, 2012, 23:33   #5
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Originally Posted by Dimitri View Post
Since there have been issues from what I've read about players having the "wrong" type of pattern for their uniform confusing the rest of the players. And well I don't want to be that guy when I head out to a game. I have to ask.

What would you guys suggest for a pattern for my first set of BDU's?

I do not mind too much what it is, cause really have no clue that if I don't ask I'd end up getting desperate and just getting a set of OD's.


I'm not really sure what you're asking.

Can you give some examples of these "wrong types of patterns" incidents?

Generally speaking it really depends whom you're playing with and the setup for BDUs: some (many) games have simple Green vs Tan team splits; however, in order to avoid disadvantaging one side some games will do Digital vs Analog splits (so everyone can wear some kind of Green pattern in the forest, for example) and this can be confusing, specially for new players or even more experienced players who have a hard time telling apart patterns -- which may not be that hard up close with good lighting, but a much different story from 100 feet away in shadows and brush. But that's just part of the game, it's not a matter of a pattern being "wrong" so much as the situation just making it difficult to correct ID a pattern (this is where good team/inter-squad communication makes all the difference).

For a first set... really depends what's most important to you. If you have your heart set on doing an impression, get a pattern that fits that role. Otherwise look at what people are most commonly using in the area you'll be playing in regularly. Multicam, Flectarn, British DPM, US Woodland and woodland Marpat are commonly seen patterns for play in wooded areas that work fairly well (unlike say UDP ["ACU" pattern] which really stands out in the woods).

Last edited by Drake; January 18th, 2012 at 23:36..
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Old January 19th, 2012, 00:28   #6
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Most BDUs also have a different pocket placement and cut, look around at different countries BDUs for what suits you.

I'd suggest just getting some surplus CF ODs for your first couple games and seeing what everyone is wearing and what works in the flora around where you live. Then, you can invest in a pattern that you find works best, and you feel good about wearing (Like a good set of Swedish M90 )
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Old January 19th, 2012, 07:29   #7
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Thanks guys, will keep thinking about it.

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Can you give some examples of these "wrong types of patterns" incidents?
I've been reading the AAR's to get a feel for the games. I've seen there have been complaints about people who showed up to a game in a inappropriate uniform pattern that made the situation confusing.

That is why I thought I'd ask.

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Old January 19th, 2012, 23:29   #8
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In that case get one set of OD and one set of tan.
then you'll be set.

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Old January 20th, 2012, 10:06   #9
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Originally Posted by Dimitri View Post
Thanks guys, will keep thinking about it.

I've been reading the AAR's to get a feel for the games. I've seen there have been complaints about people who showed up to a game in a inappropriate uniform pattern that made the situation confusing.

That is why I thought I'd ask.

If I understand you correctly it's the confusion over what is a "Green" pattern versus what is a "Tan" pattern. usually a Marpat TW/AR issue, since Marpat TW has a great deal of brown in it people confuse that as being part of the "Tan" variety where it would actually be considered a "Green" camo.

Fairly common issue with newer players who are still researching info about camo.

Some hosts will specifically state what camo is what in the game briefing (gawd knows I've done it enough times because of this very issue).

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Old January 20th, 2012, 16:54   #10
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Originally Posted by Zeonprime View Post
If I understand you correctly it's the confusion over what is a "Green" pattern versus what is a "Tan" pattern. usually a Marpat TW/AR issue, since Marpat TW has a great deal of brown in it people confuse that as being part of the "Tan" variety where it would actually be considered a "Green" camo.
Ah that makes sense, I was not too sure what they meant hence why I thought I'd ask.

So sticking to more "full" colors, not mixtures of colors, is the general issue.

Something like this should be okay for a "Green":

But this should be avoided:

Again if that that is what you/they mean?

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Old January 20th, 2012, 17:58   #11
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Imagine both patterns a few hundred feet. They'll both look green.

Plain tan or OD pants and top till you know the local teams and the terrain. No point in getting desert camo if you're in wet green woods, and if you pop big $ for a flashy pattern and wind up aligned with a team that uses another pattern you'll be buying a new set right away.

The time that this really becomes an issue is at a big game. If you sign up for a game on the green side and instead wear tan digital you'll cause confusion. Some folks have only one set of gear and stubbornly sign up knowing this. They figure the organizer will make an exception for them and just won't clue into "one of these things isn't like the other".

So suppose you are at the game in Multicam. Your side is in analog green and the other side is digital green, including MC. Now you can wander into the enemy side and not get shot because it's presumed you're a friendly.

It's just not looked at as a player who does that is a very clever tactician to disguise himself and infiltrate the other side. Instead you're looked at as dick who doesn't listen and bends the rules at it suits. Not the impression you want to make.
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Old January 20th, 2012, 18:16   #12
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Plain tan or OD pants and top till you know the local teams and the terrain. No point in getting desert camo if you're in wet green woods, and if you pop big $ for a flashy pattern

Seems like there is a lot of analog vs digital/modern patterns to base team lines on, which would make sense, would give one side a bigger advantage if they were green and the other side was tan.

Still don't really have a preference, planning on ordering something from Royal Tiger to have something to start off with, since they are rather cheap considering its new not surplus stuff for about $50 and it seems to have okay reviews. Spending a few hundred on a genuine set of MC BDU's is a little out of the price range at the moment, and no I do not mean I'm getting knock off MC, just a comparison.

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Old January 20th, 2012, 20:02   #13
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the "real" multicam stuff is around 450$ for a set of crye. however you can get high end replica MC by propper or tru-spec for around 150$
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Old January 20th, 2012, 20:17   #14
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Originally Posted by FreelancerInc View Post
the "real" multicam stuff is around 450$ for a set of crye.
Yah that is about the price I was thinking in my head, but wasn't sure so I said "a few hundred".

Reading the game threads now for Ontario, to get a feel of what kind of team splits seem to be common. Maybe I'll come up with a idea.

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