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V2 Modify Torque Up's - Sharring Notes


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Old December 28th, 2011, 14:39   #1
A Total Bastard
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V2 Modify Torque Up's - Sharring Notes

I am in the process of installing a set of these Modify Nano Torque Up gears into an AEG. Non linear, shouldn't be so whiny.

So far I have found them noisy, and a slight pain to shim, so I am looking for notes.

A: I know how to shim, not looking for basics.

B: I am just curious if anyone else has worked on these, and has some notes on their work with them, if they found a way to make them less noisy based on shimming a certain way?

Any input is welcome, I want these as quiet as possible.

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Old December 28th, 2011, 14:57   #2
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I'm in the same boat as you are... they seem to require a lot of shims!

Furthermore, I think I got a defective spur gear which is not perfectly straight because a part of its rotation cycle does not spin freely and when I put any one of the two other gears, it cannot spin a full circle before "sticking". Check your spur gear, maybe it's bent a little, making your gearbox noisy.

Valar Morghulis
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Old December 28th, 2011, 16:17   #3
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Helical gears are a PAIN to shim. Basically, they must be within 0.010" of each other and perfectly shimmed. I work all the time in mechboxes and it still takes me over 2 hours to shim theses.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old December 28th, 2011, 16:18   #4
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Helicals aren't too difficult once you figure out the pattern. Just remember to shim them away from each other so that torsional loads don't press them against each other. I can do them in under 40 minutes. If you can shim helicals, then you can shim any gears. The same method of shimming helicals can be applied to flat gears for uber smooth and quiet rotations.
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Old December 28th, 2011, 17:58   #5
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Helicals aren't too difficult once you figure out the pattern. Just remember to shim them away from each other so that torsional loads don't press them against each other. I can do them in under 40 minutes. If you can shim helicals, then you can shim any gears. The same method of shimming helicals can be applied to flat gears for uber smooth and quiet rotations.

Flat Torque can be quiet too like helicals if shimmed "precisely" which is proper spacing between each gearsets.
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Old December 28th, 2011, 18:33   #6
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+1 to the two posts above. If you're shimming helical gears, pick up a couple bags of the Modify "Advanced" shim set where you get 0.1mm shims that let you shim a set of gears to perfection, especially if you are aiming to shim a pair of gears "away" from each other to avoid them being brought back together during stress.

That said, you didn't mention if you're actually using the helical gears, I have a Modify Nano/SMOOTH gearset and it's not helical, but it is a heck of a noisy gearset -- though that's because it's one of those pre-shimmed sets and is very loosely shimmed.
"Mah check"

Now you know

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