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Old August 12th, 2011, 20:01   #1
the man behind the rifle
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ca m24 internals


well I have had my ca m24 for a few months now and I'm ready to order all my upgrades from xfire next week. after a lot of testing iv'e been getting the best overall performance out of green devil .3's out of the following bb's ; bioval .27's,bb bastard .30's and bio shot .30s . All test where done at 35 feet with every internal part stock.

so here is my list of goodies:

pdi palsonite vc cylinder

pdi aps2 240% spring

sus palsonite bolt handle with ball bearings

pdi m24 hop up unit

pdi w hold rubber

2 sets of barrel spacers - 8 spacers total

the last thing i have to decide on is the bore diameter. I am going with a aug/m16 length pdi barrel but should I get 6.05 or 6.01. Ive been researching this constantly for the last few months and am awaire of all the theories and rules of physic's coming into play and I am leaning towards the .05 but I would like a seconde opinion?
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Old August 12th, 2011, 20:45   #2
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6.03 Prometheus by far, stainless steel, not coated with anything like other makers do to get their 'precision' size.....

And if you know anyone good at metal work, you can get a longer one and get it cut and crowned at 515mm, so it'll come right to the end of your outer barrel.
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Old August 12th, 2011, 20:49   #3
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6.03 Prometheus as CDN_Stalker said, although I`ve heard PDI might start making 6.02 or 6.03 tightbore barrels, but it`s only a rumor so I would go with Prometheus. I also heavily recommend Firefly HArd-Type for a hop up rubber
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Old August 12th, 2011, 20:52   #4
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PDI 6.01 by far.
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Old August 12th, 2011, 21:23   #5
the man behind the rifle
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well ive owned a pdi 6.01, a prome 6.03, laylax 6.03 and madbull 6.03 but those where for my vsr-10 the promy does work well but the tolorences aren't as good as pdi. the .01 is a pain to have clean over and over . money isnt an issue but i just prefer pdi ,easier just to go with one brand.

tell me if this makes sense the hole point of not having a 6.01 is because of the bouncing phenomenom taking place in the barrel. if you have a vc cylinder that helps get ride of irregular airflow. add 8 barrel spacers to reduce all vibrations. then top it off with an pdi .05 barrel to give it room to flow freely with no imperfections to disrupt its fligth path. last but not least make the barrel match up with the outer so their is no airpressure on the outside of the inner barrel. couple this with good bbs and you have the making of 250ft consiintency with work to the scope and hop, does this make sense too you guys ?
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Old August 12th, 2011, 21:33   #6
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Your bb never bounces down the barrel. It kind of rides the top of the barrel at different points depending on barrel length. Reducing vibrations helps the barrel alot mostly in aegs tho because of the vibrations of the gearbox, but in a BA, anything stabling the inner barrel will help. Get the pdi 6.01 barrel, cleaning shouldn't be to much of a pita, its kinda fun . PDI makes the best barrel after PDI comes prometheus.
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Old August 12th, 2011, 22:32   #7
the man behind the rifle
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[QUOTE=enemybrit;1516152]Your bb never bounces down the barrel. It kind of rides the top of the barrel at different points depending on barrel length.

ya I knew this, even with pdi barrels their are minor imperfections invisible to the human eye that will cause some bouncing no matter what thow but abviously this occures less with pdi because of there outstanding build quality.

well unless their really is no other major opinions on the 6.05 all be going with the 6.01.
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