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Has Anybody Heard of Asia Electric Gun Before?


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Old May 31st, 2011, 10:18   #1
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Has Anybody Heard of Asia Electric Gun Before?

As the title states, has anyone heard of Asia Electric Gun before; a store opened up in P-mall that is the exclusive dealer for these guns. I'm thinking about buying an M4 from them as it is full metal and only ~$250-260. Research I have done on the company and the guns they make reveals a wide spread between the company being a reincarnation of JG in HK with better quality control to a company that puts together rifles from parts made by JG, D-boys, etc. The few reviews of guns made by "AEG" (seems like these guys are pretty "punny") depict the overall quality of the rifle as "decent" with only minor replacements such as better airseals and such. Under the assumption that the company utilises JG parts or is JG with better QC, I'd like to ask whether or not it is a viable option as older posts about JG indicate low QC, parts breaking easily, etc. whereas newer posts about JG seem to indicate that they have stepped up QC and durability is moderate. The gun comes stock with a full metal reciever and outer barrel assembly, plastic handguards and retractable stock, metal carry handle, full metal internals, and fires 430 FPS although the store owner is willing to downgrade to the original spring for free because as Latency and other people like to say, "400 FPS is a limit not a goal" and accuracy and range of the gun is more dependant on type of barrel, hop up, and quality of ammunition. I assume that much of the metal is pot metal that is most likely inferior to the polymer that G&G uses, but hopefully better than ABS plastic.

In conclusion, there is not much information I have on this gun other than what I have seen for myself and information I have garnered from other reviews. Questions I would like to ask are: whether or not the internals on the rifle are decent and if it seems like a good deal. Also, based on the SR16 review, I assume that they have reinforced V2 gearboxes, but I remember reading that any V2 gearbox will break regardless of it being reinforced or not, is this a common occurence or something that happens after years of use. Also, do metal recievers have the tabs or not because that may mean I need to get one of those gearboxes with holes near the hop up for ease of maintenance, but I may be mistaken for where the lube holes are.

Sources and other reviews I have found:

Asia electric gun - Filipino Airsoft (FAS) - Forum (go down to post #8)

Asia Electric Guns P90 - Review - Zero In - Airsoft Forums

Official website:
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Old May 31st, 2011, 11:00   #2
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I saw it once when I drop by toronto for dim sum. First, I asked them what is exactly the brand but they don't seem to know beside telling me about how good the company is. The model I got my hand to check out is Troy M7A1. It looks pretty decent beside the wobble handguard on both TAN and Full black model. The price tag isn't bad for 350 $ but for the sake of me, I would grab it if the handguard isn't heavy wobble.
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Old May 31st, 2011, 11:09   #3
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They have shit internals, looks like Gen 1 JG stuff. Bodies have wrong markings, and scratch super easy. They also didn't do the necessary upgrades to it for the gun to handle 430+ fps, they just took a stock gearbox and shoved in a 430 spring so it's going to break something in there for sure.

But $350 for a bunch of Real PTS Magpul parts, metal body and a nice set of rails. Hell I'd buy that and just throw out the gearbox.
"Don't you know the first law of physics? Anything fun costs atleast $8"
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Old May 31st, 2011, 11:38   #4
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Yes i have, they are a ACM (ALL CHINA MADE) company, kinda like JG and Dboys but yeah imo dont go for it lol not worth your money , personally i recommend you do not invest in ACM guns, cuz its not worth it, you end up spending more money fixing and maintaining it than if you bought a high end AEG

unless of course you buy it just to throw out the gearbox and put in a drop in systema or G&P gearbox
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Old June 1st, 2011, 10:31   #5
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Originally Posted by phloudernow View Post
Yes i have, they are a ACM (ALL CHINA MADE) company, kinda like JG and Dboys but yeah imo dont go for it lol not worth your money , personally i recommend you do not invest in ACM guns, cuz its not worth it, you end up spending more money fixing and maintaining it than if you bought a high end AEG

unless of course you buy it just to throw out the gearbox and put in a drop in systema or G&P gearbox
My mentality for buying is like making a model railroad. One always starts with a starter set at Toys R Us or George's Trains and builds off of it, just out of curiosity, what brand recievers have the tabs and what brand doesn't?
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Old June 1st, 2011, 21:52   #6
AKA ExtraExtra
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Originally Posted by Juke16 View Post
My mentality for buying is like making a model railroad. One always starts with a starter set at Toys R Us or George's Trains and builds off of it, just out of curiosity, what brand recievers have the tabs and what brand doesn't?
Not sure about that. I say this because there is a lot of info in this thread on what works and what does not based on how much you want to pay. So the question to OP is really how much are you willing to pay for a good reliable airsoft rifle? You did your search and found little to no info on this Asia Gun. So what does that tell you?
What you want and what you can get are 2 different things...
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Old June 1st, 2011, 22:02   #7
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They are not the exclusive dealer. JG branched off from them years ago as well as Pantac gear.

Last edited by dutch13; June 1st, 2011 at 22:04..
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Old June 2nd, 2011, 15:58   #8
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So basically the rifles made by "AEG" use JG 1st gen parts meaning low quality and the whole gun is a POS unless I swap out the gearbox?
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Old June 2nd, 2011, 21:15   #9
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Full metal body? Depending on the quality of the material, this could be an awesome idea to just take the body and Franken-gun it as suggested farther up.

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Old June 2nd, 2011, 21:33   #10
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But still, you can get a BNIB Classic Army AR for about 400 bucks in the classifieds..

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Old June 2nd, 2011, 21:58   #11
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The owner of AEG was a former owner of JG until they moved on to their own independent company. But now he's producing full metal with some decent parts to them. But nowadays who really buys an AEG for the internals? I buy mine strictly for cosmetics and move on from there.
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Old June 2nd, 2011, 22:36   #12
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So if I buy for Externals, what type of gearbox should I drop in eventually, should I switch to a G&P gearbox as someone suggested straight away, or just use stock till it breaks?
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Old June 2nd, 2011, 23:19   #13
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I've always used stock til it breaks depending on my fps, accuracy, etc. And i've always had my mechboxes built from scratch. The gun techs at XT are ridiculously good at what they do.
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