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Propane adapter not filling magazines?


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Old May 29th, 2011, 22:51   #1
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Propane adapter not filling magazines?

Hi all,

I might be having a problem filling my magazines with the Airsoft Innovations propane adapter. I've filled magazines before with the adapter without any problems.

I have a KSC M11A1, and while I thought the gun was not cycling properly - through much troubleshooting, I found out that it was in fact a problem with the magazines instead. One of the magazines (with propane inside already from before was working properly), while my three other magazines didn't. After emptying the working magazine, it stopped working. I decided to test the magazine for leaks, but it didn't seem like there was any (no hissing noises or anything). It seems to hold gas, but not much of it. I've taken one of the magazines apart, and it seems like the filling valve works as I can feel propane go through the pipe.

Would my propane adapter be broken, or is my propane tank just out of propane? Gas (I don't know if its actually gas or just compressed air) is coming out of the tank, and it smells kinda like propane. Any ideas?
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.

Last edited by mmmken; May 29th, 2011 at 22:54..
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Old May 29th, 2011, 22:56   #2
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try a new tank of propane.
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Old May 29th, 2011, 23:09   #3
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I was going to, but I wanted to know if this is normal or not since the stores are closed at the moment?

The tank is relatively new as I bought it 2-3 weeks ago and haven't filled it much (only have a pistol). Will air still come out of it even though it is out of propane? I have a feeling that it's filling up the magazine with just air.
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old May 29th, 2011, 23:47   #4
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Some propane tanks gets fucked up and leak with the adapter threaded on. Unscrew the adapter and reinstall it. If all fails, try a new tank.
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Old May 29th, 2011, 23:51   #5
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I've done that already but have gotten the same results. I will try a new tank when the stores open, but I wanted to know if it is normal for the tank to still spew out "air" even though it is out of actual propane? How does one know when the tank is actually out of propane?

I am doubting it is propane as the magazine is not cold to the touch any more like before from the overflowed propane when filling it up.
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old May 30th, 2011, 00:05   #6
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There is still propane in your tank, it's just not at a high enough pressure to fill a magazine efficiently.
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Old May 30th, 2011, 00:24   #7
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Are you are inverting the tank during filling right? Sorry to ask such a basic question but it's always good to assume that the simplest mistake is being made. People when first starting out with gas guns will neglect to invert the tank and will only fill the gun with a small amount of gas.

Also, to tell if your tank is full or empty is usually a matter of weight and "movement" when gently rocking the tank it should feel like it's full of lightweight sand or semi fluid, it's hard to explain. A good indicator is also weight, as tanks are measured by weight it's always a good idea (if you have the option) to weight your tank when first purchased and record the weight. That way you can then use that starting weight and once you have subtracted roughtly the indicated weight of the fluid (usually 1 or 2 pounds for common tanks) then you know you are empty and can dispose of the tank.

Hope this helps.
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Old May 30th, 2011, 00:30   #8
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Originally Posted by Rugger_can View Post
Are you are inverting the tank during filling right? Sorry to ask such a basic question but it's always good to assume that the simplest mistake is being made. People when first starting out with gas guns will neglect to invert the tank and will only fill the gun with a small amount of gas.

Also, to tell if your tank is full or empty is usually a matter of weight and "movement" when gently rocking the tank it should feel like it's full of lightweight sand or semi fluid, it's hard to explain. A good indicator is also weight, as tanks are measured by weight it's always a good idea (if you have the option) to weight your tank when first purchased and record the weight. That way you can then use that starting weight and once you have subtracted roughtly the indicated weight of the fluid (usually 1 or 2 pounds for common tanks) then you know you are empty and can dispose of the tank.

Hope this helps.
No worries. I've been filling correctly as I've been using it for weeks with no issues. I would normally assume that it'd just be empty, but the fact that I literally have not filled more than 20 magazines full and that air still comes out of it boggles my mind how it's already empty.

I have shaken the tank and it does seem like there isn't that "sand" feeling to it any more. I have also pressed on the nozzle base on the adapter with a screwdriver and the air that comes out is very low in pressure (not much stronger than me blowing out of my mouth).

Maybe I just picked up the wrong tank and it was close to empty? :P
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old May 30th, 2011, 00:43   #9
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The tank it self might have been misfilled or had a slow leak that was not caught on inspection. Consider the low cost of a replacement I would probably look into that when the stores open. Given your description it certianly sounds empty.

Also yes, "gas" will be released even after the majority of the contents are empty as there will be a point where the remaining propane volume in relation to the volume of the tank will be at very low pressure relative to the outside air. Also if water is accidentally introduced into the tank it can effect the propane's ability to vaporize inside the tank.
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Old May 30th, 2011, 00:52   #10
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Thanks for all the help everybody! Hopefully that my problem is resolved by replacing just a $5 tank of propane and not actual guns!
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old May 30th, 2011, 01:30   #11
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Originally Posted by mmmken View Post
I have shaken the tank and it does seem like there isn't that "sand" feeling to it any more.
Empty tank. Or nearly empty tank. 100%.

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Old May 30th, 2011, 05:27   #12
a.k.a. Phoneguy
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Nest time, when you're at the store buy the pack of three tanks. It's cheaper in the long run and you'll have spares on hand for when you're not looking at the field and you have other people using your gas. Believe me, I learned the hard way. Also, like HK said. I've had tanks go belly up on me half way through the tank. It happens.

Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
When you are limited, your mind takes over. When you are in abundance, your mind goes blank.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Long story short:
If your gun is in Canada, leave it in Canada.
If your gun is not in Canada, leave it outside of Canada.
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Old May 30th, 2011, 07:11   #13
aka coachster
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Costco had a deal a few weeks ago. $12.99 for 4 tanks. I've seen it as high as $14.99 for 3 at some places.
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Old May 30th, 2011, 09:28   #14
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Still cheaper than one can of Green Gas, eh!


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Old May 31st, 2011, 20:53   #15
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Thanks for the awesome help everyone here has given me!

I went and bought a 2-pack of propane, and sure enough it is much heavier and my gun is working once again. I feel like such an idiot for not doing this from the beginning, but after reading numerous articles that MAC-11's are really troublesome, the fact that air still comes out of the tank, and how I've only used it not more than 30 magazine fills - my idiocy may be justified, lol.

At least through this mess, I was able to learn how to take every single part on the gun apart and understand how everything works to avoid a future problem.
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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