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Official I hate Canada postal service thread!!!



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Old May 10th, 2011, 12:47   #601
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I saw my letter carrier at my place of work today, it was weird it was like a deer in the headlights moment for the both of us. All I could muster to say was "so wheres my package?"
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Old May 11th, 2011, 02:55   #602
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ok so the fucking tracker system said it was successfuly delivered....... but my fucking package is nowhere to be seen i live in an apartment and the concierge hasnt recieved shit, nothing in my mailbox either WHAT THE FUCK
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Old May 11th, 2011, 03:33   #603
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Originally Posted by SHaKaL View Post
Mailman (the foot variety) just came and drop a delivery notice in my mailbox...
They didn't even try to deliver packages now?

Duh... fucking bunch of lazy ass
better than opening the door and the guy hand on the pickup slip
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Old May 11th, 2011, 03:48   #604
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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They give you the slip sometimes a day after if the door isn't answered. Losers make my days miserable when I wait for something that doesn't come on time.

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Old May 11th, 2011, 09:03   #605
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April 29: Item accepted at post office.
Today is May 11 and zero tracking updates.

Nice work guys.
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Old May 11th, 2011, 09:17   #606
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I've had multiple packages shipped to me in the last week or so. 2 were from the US, one from eHobby Asia, and 2 from within Ontario.

I got tracking numbers for everything. The 2 US packages had all tracking info (via USPS) updated regularly until the packages made it into Canada. Ditto for the eHobby package (through Speedpost). Canda Post had no record of any of these 3 packages in tracking.

2 other packages were shipped from within Ontario. Other than the initial "received at post office", no other tracking info updates.

All packages made it to me before the tracking system was updated even once. Tracking was updated the day after I received the packages.

Good work CP. Just keeps getting better and better all the time...
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Old May 13th, 2011, 13:41   #607
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Thumbs down

So it has to take over 2 days to ship something small locally in the same city.. It's not even here yet. Sat here and waited so I don't get the slip.

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Old May 13th, 2011, 21:22   #608
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I am expecting a package from Cottoni. He shipped it on wed, supposed to be in my hands on Friday. My wife was at home the whole day on Friday, didn't even come to knock on the door. Left a notice with reason "distance safety" (wht is means is way beyond me). Didn't even drop it off at the post office so I could pick it up. I guess it will be on monday afternoon... a 3 days shipping turns into 6 days. Way to Go canada post!

Distance safety? Wht there is no ambush team standing by waiting for them...
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Old May 19th, 2011, 11:03   #609
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.... and they may be on strike by Tuesday.... they haven't given their 3 day "notice" yet though

(maybe it's a day late and sitting on the head office's door? )
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Old May 19th, 2011, 11:12   #610
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I hate theses lazy sob... Strike? for what?
They are already overpaid, over pensioned and over lazy.

They shouldn't have the right to strike... Postal service should be essential.
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Last edited by SHaKaL; May 19th, 2011 at 11:30..
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Old May 19th, 2011, 11:22   #611
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I may be one of the few people on ASC that has no gripes about my actual mail carrier/delivery person... she's GREAT .. hell they even learned where I worked and any parcels that would normally go to my house, get hand delivered to work. small town...

now if they could just GET to my local carriers on time/in one piece, etc... that would be great.

as for the strike.. I have no fucking clue.. I just heard about it yesterday ... all the parts I have ordered for customers are supposed to be here by tuesday... heres hoping
Vancouver Island Gun Doc, custom builder.
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Old May 19th, 2011, 12:25   #612
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Well they f'd up yet again. I have been home sick for the last 2 weeks and I just got a final notice to pick up my package. She supposedly made a delivery attempt on a day when I was home with my daughter, but best of all she dropped the package at a post office in Whitby when I live at the Courtice/Oshawa border. I never even got a delivery notice. So now it is going to cost me a few hours and at least $6 for the bus to go get it. And all I get when I called was oh I am so sorry, that shouldn't happen we will have a manager contact you. The same line I have been getting for the last year and a manager has never contacted me.
I called a friend that works for Can Post and all he said was it shouldnt be happening, and if a manager doesn't contact me in a day to call and write my Ombisman. If they go on strike I am going to go laugh at them, they don't earn what they get now, why should they get more. My bills are the only thing I ever get on time, I have no problems with my letter carrier.
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Old May 19th, 2011, 12:46   #613
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I usually forget about my packages until they arrive, which makes it seem like they came on time. Better than tracking is everyday and getting angry

Though, that only works on small, not very important things.
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Old May 19th, 2011, 12:58   #614
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Well I am currently on the phone with an actual supervisor, which took a lot of yelling to make happen. And wouldn't you after lodging 90 complaints, not a single complaint is on file. The supervisor says I have 1 complaint on file for a package being left at my door when no one was home which wasn't there when I did get home. That is awesome, good thing I wrote down when I called and who I talked to. He isn't impressed so he is going to see about getting my package in Whitby brought to me or at least to the post office 2 blocks away.
They should drop the hourly employees down to minimum wage and make them earn back a reasonable wage, and benefits maybe then they will smarten up. He also suggested I get in touch with my Ombisman.
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Old May 21st, 2011, 08:55   #615
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I am not particularly a fan of Canada Post, though I would much rather deal with them than UPS. UPS bends me over every time. I live in Kingston Ontario and I ordered some things from Airsoft GI. Airsoft GI charges me 20$ for shipping, then when the crap gets to my door UPS charges me another 20 friggin bucks for applicable duties and taxes etc.

Canada Post does not deliver to my door, well it depends on what kind of mood they are in I guess. I live in a neighbourhood with a community mail box and they sometimes put my packages in the box or they say that they tried to deliver it and no one answered, which wasn't the truth whatsoever.

The other day I have been awaiting a package and it finally got t my door on Friday. They actually delivered it to my front door but when the box was in my brothers hands she said paperwork doesn't indicate that you owe any money for this but I know you do. She took the package back, gave my brother a slip saying on it that she tried to deliver and no one answered, no mention of any money owing on it whatsoever and said to come to the post office after 4pm and pick it up. I show up at 6, give them my slip and guess what, package hasn't returned yet come back tomorrow. Tomorrow is Saturday and post office isnt open. They tell me to come back Monday..its a damn holiday....DAMN YOU CANADA POST.
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