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Old April 29th, 2011, 01:09   #1
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New to airsofting

I understand many people would recommend against this but regardless of what people say I'd like to start with a sniper rifle.
My question is which sniper rifle would be best for a starting newbie?
My second question is that I know I need to be age verified I'm going to be 18 in 3 weeks, if I go to a game will there be someone that can make sure I'm age verified?
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Old April 29th, 2011, 01:10   #2
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The best sniper rifle for a newbie is one that has a battery, gearbox, motor, and a safe-semi-auto function.
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Old April 29th, 2011, 01:15   #3
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You're probably assuming a sniper rifle out of the box would automatically have range and accuracy advantages over the common AEG.

In fact, it doesnt. You'll end up shooting the same way, only that the AEG can spit out a bunch of rounds at a trigger pull while you can only get off one.

Sniper rifles are an investment if you want to get any sort of benefits with your rifle. If you're starting out, buy an AEG, we're not saying this to give you guff. We're saying this to save you money and save you from fustrations as you first get involved.
An AEG can be an incredibly accurate platform out of the box provided you don't cheap out, you can easily do with an AEG what a stock bolt action rifle is capable of. Don't limit yourself to something for 'cool factor' of a bolt action rifle or what have you. You'll thank me for this in a long run.

Now, If you have a healthy income you can easily just buy your AEG first and buy a bolt action rifle later on, just again, be aware of the amount of money you will have to put into your BA to get it shooting right.

Lose any of your assumptions on how guns work in Call of Duty or whatever. Airsoft is nothing like a video game, and nothing like real firearms.

And to answer your question. Yes, in most cases there will be a verifier present. Contact the game host or check the relating thread to see if any known verifiers have signed up.

Edit: Another note I'd like to toss out there. If you're really dead set on getting an airsoft sniper rifle. And have the funds to upgrade it properly. (anywhere from $500 - $1000 dollars.) Don't cheap out on clone shit like Wells, TSD or UTG.

Tokyo marui, Maruzen and Classic Army have proven to be very reliable and accurate rifle platforms to build on

Last edited by Strelok; April 29th, 2011 at 01:31..
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Old April 29th, 2011, 02:27   #4
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We're not trying to be assholes or anything but yeah you're going to be outranged and outgunned.

Hell, there was even a member who was complaining that their $1000 upgraded sniper rifle was no match against people with PTW's who could throw BB's just as far as he could, just as accurately, and with more ROF.

For $500-600 you could get a TM VSR or similar with some minor upgrades. It won't make it significantly better than an AEG but it'll at least make it better than what it can do at stock (which is pretty much the same as a regular AEG except it's a BA rifle so you don't get any ROF). You'll need to dump $1000+ into the gun and pretty much replace everything with PDI or Laylax parts.
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Old April 29th, 2011, 03:08   #5
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Why does every one want a sniper rifle? What has Call of Duty done to people!
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Old April 29th, 2011, 03:25   #6
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Someone link the wahh wahh thread from last week so this guy can read it. (can't link on iPhone)

Ptw vs. BA rant one.

Nvm I can link stuff.

Last edited by J-Man19; April 29th, 2011 at 03:28..
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Old April 29th, 2011, 03:30   #7
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The fact is, if your new to airsoft, you just don't have the experience required to USE a sniper rifle. You've got to learn BB dynamics, how guns shoot, how to move, how other people move, tactics, etc.
You may very well turn out to be a good sniper, but it's still a REALLY terrible idea to start with one.
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Old April 29th, 2011, 03:56   #8
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There is no such thing as "starting" bolt action rifle. If you wish to learn more about "sniping" in general I suggest you consider a good long barreled AEG and invest time in learning how to use it. You can slowly learn tactics and engagement ranges with airsoft and learn the in's and outs. After some time if you want to make the leap to bolt action you can consider it.

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Old April 29th, 2011, 08:29   #9
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Originally Posted by DEATH2000 View Post
Why does every one want a sniper rifle? What has Call of Duty done to people!
The problem lies in the fact most people don't realize that less than 100 years ago sniper rifles were deployed as standard issue infantry weapons.

Once 39 hit they because "leet weapons"

Also most people have the view of snipers as lone wolf killing machines who live behind enemy lines racking up kills.

Not saying during WW2 and vietnam that didn't happen. But that's the view.

Fun fact, in vietnam the M14 was deployed as a sniper weapon.
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Old April 29th, 2011, 08:45   #10
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Originally Posted by Rai View Post
Fun fact, in vietnam the M14 was deployed as a sniper weapon.
This is completely incorrect. The M14 was the standard issue US rifle from 1959 to 1970.
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Old April 29th, 2011, 09:42   #11
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There's quite a few places to get age verified in and around Toronto. TTAC,, at Flag Raiders, etc... Check the AV thread for local reps...check the games to see if an AV'er will be there. (easiest way is to go to a is hectic and AV'ers can't always make the time to meet up one on one)

So far as a bolt action goes...if your mind is made up, then it's made up. Personally I think it's not a wise decision at all to start with a bolt gun.

1. You're massively outgunned in a skrimish (which is the majority of games)...not so much fun when you're starting out. You'll likely be outranged as well...until you start into the slippery slope of upgrading a lot of the parts of it.
2. The range/accuracy of them can be made to be quite good....but they're not all that great out of the box. Kind of disappointing when you're starting out.
2a. You can spend A LOT of money on upgrading them...and a lot of time...and the points above and below will still apply.
3. You need to go to field games to use them. CQB and some other fields aren't going to allow it (nor will they be useful). Kind of limiting when you're starting out.

There is a finesse to airsofting with a bolt IS NOT the same as sniping/shooting a real bolt action rifle. The pros that you get when shooting a real steel accurate bolt action rifle (accuracy/range/precision/reliability,etc...) do not exist with airsoft bolt action guns.

I would recommend that you consider a "standard" AEG to start with. You'll most likely find the games more able to participate in any/all games...find support and assistance much easier...etc... (there's a reason why most everyone starts with them)

So...all that said...if you've rationalized it and are still set on it...
- spend your money wisely and get a TM VSR10 or a Maruzen APS2 system, the CA M24 is quite nice too. The build quality is excellent and they are a solid platform to build up from if you want to go that route.
- the clone VSRs and L96's are pretty shoddy. Even adding $$$$ parts to're left with good parts in a shoddy base. In this case...the sum of the parts will not add up to a better whole. It'll just be a shoddy expensive gun that you'll never get your money back out of...unless you sell it to some noob who doesn't know any better.
- set your expectations in advance...if you buy a $200-300're going to get basically what's the bottom of the barrel so far as bolt actions go. In the $500+ range (and it gets stupid expensive very quickly) end up with a decent base.
- buying a good base that's been partially/full upgraded may be a more cost effective way of going about things.

So...while I don't think that I can bring myself to outright tell you "don't do this" (who the fuck am I to tell you that?!?)...I do firmly believe in the points made above.

Best of luck,

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Old April 29th, 2011, 09:55   #12
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Originally Posted by Gerkraz View Post
This is completely incorrect. The M14 was the standard issue US rifle from 1959 to 1970.
Why can't it be both?

m21, started service in '69.

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Old April 29th, 2011, 09:57   #13
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If you are dead set on a BA to start with then you should also post the budget you have for the gun/upgrades/gear

if you are on a limited budget then the echo1 m28 would be your best bet.

But again like people have said this might put you off of airsoft by starting with a BA ( or it might not). Personally I have only used a BA at the last 10 games or so I have attended because I love it so much.

With that said, myself and the other guys that use BA's with me are very aggressive and we don't just sit in one spot and wait for people to walk by.

I would suggest getting out to some games and meeting people in the next few weeks before you turn 18. Ask to handle some guns, watch the people play, check out the field you will be mainly playing on.

Then when you get AVed check out the classified and there are lots of good BA's, AEG's and Gas guns at your disposal
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Old April 29th, 2011, 10:28   #14
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I would suggest getting a good AEG with some range. Then you can see what style of play suits you.

Sniping can be alot of work.

Ask yourself this, if you are outnumbered and alone, would you prefer single shot with 50 rounds or semi/full auto with 600 rounds?
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Old April 29th, 2011, 10:31   #15
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Originally Posted by Gerkraz View Post
This is completely incorrect. The M14 was the standard issue US rifle from 1959 to 1970.
And you shall hence be know as the eternal noob.

Vietnam era snipers had more freedom as to what they could use for rifles.

Actually come to think if it. Soldiers in Vietnam had more freedom to use what they wanted as it were.
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