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KJW M4 GBBR Question


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Old March 1st, 2011, 18:59   #1
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KJW M4 GBBR Question

Hey guys, I was curious about the KJW C8 (Because we all know it looks like a C8A3 which used a similar style of barrel to the M5 with allows the mounting of M203s) looked around and must say I like it a lot, and it doesn't seem to be high maintenance compared to a Paintball Marker so I think it will do quite nicely, but I do have some concerns, one of those being the only KJW I found was the standard 14.5 inch barrel pattern and since I'm going for a L119A1 CQB (For a Royal Marines/SBS loadout [SBS is a specialized branch of the Royal Marines if you did not know])
Anyways all I need to know is if there are barrel mods for the KJW or can I find a barrel compatible with the KJW system. I'm looking for a 10.5 barrel or 11.5 and the 16 inch barrel for a L119A1 Recce Rifle Upper similar to a Navy SEALs Recce Rifle only on a Canadian system (Which is way better in this Canuck's opinion.)

Anyways I know you can't tell me much because I am not AV'd and I won't be for a while but I'd like to get more info about the KJW so I'm more sure on my purchases for the system, thanks in advance.
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Old March 1st, 2011, 19:29   #2
a.k.a. Morgothor
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To make it look like a L119A1 you'll have to change the stock, the barrel, the pistol grip.

The KJW take AEG barrel, so if you have the luck of finding a AEG L119A1 barrel it will work.

Here is my becoming KJW L119A1 CQB, missing the butt pad and the surefire silencer

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Old March 1st, 2011, 19:40   #3
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in response to your question, i am not a specialist on the kjw, but i am a gbb doc...i can tell you that the kjw m4 gbbr is supposed to fit any or most trademarked and Tokyo Marui AEG external parts, also allowing it to accept real-steel parts with minimal to almost no current kjw m4 is an lbr, tho i have another kjw with an sbr/cqbr setup and i can say that the first sbr attempt was more trial and error on my part...i am the type of doc who really doesn't order something unless it's completely necessary, thus i have comprised multiple ways of converting the kjw (i have 3 now, an sbr, an lbr and a project gbbr i use as a guinea pig...yes it hurts to mess with it coz i am almost certain that when it comes to tanio koba i get a little gay)..anyways i assertained this in three ways...first was to mutilate my m4's barrel assembly...yup i took a hacksaw to it and just chopped off the three sections i saved and later (painstakingly) welded back together...
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Old March 1st, 2011, 19:42   #4
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McCrea, thats not a Colt Canada stock that is the original COLT COMMANDO Stock lol, and I know I can get the RS Stock for 50 dollars Canadian. I know the superficial parts I need don't worry 'bout that what I do need to learn more about is the upgrades for the internals and the barrel. Also your L119A1 CQB is coming quite nicely, only a few issues I can name but other than that it is pretty spot on.

Ibangkneebacks, heheh yeah I know what your going on about but are the Tokyo Marui Barrels Metal? And I buy a lot of RS because with the abuse I can give to things I need something I know that can take it. The last bit will have to be machining in the labels and junk of the L119A1 SFW.

Edit-Also for you guys doing British Forces loadouts they don't get pissed about civvies doing this, just as long as you make it propper looking and do not claim that you are what you not thats when they take offence otherwise they take it as a compliment and find it flattering.
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Last edited by The101Factor; March 1st, 2011 at 19:53..
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Old March 1st, 2011, 19:50   #5
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second way i did this was i bought an external AEG barrel setup and modded my kjw internals to fit a D-boys 6'' external...worked great with a little elbow grease and a dremel tool lol...

third try i was going for a tightbore internal setup...this kinda took alittle more skill and patience...i completely removed the intrnals of the barrel assembly of the kjw...keeping parts #3,4,20,partial of 21,22,and finally a partial part of B6...
this can all be avoided by doing a dropin using thin metal tape...just simply remove inner barrel assembly and with a hacksaw and file, precisely cut the portion of the barrel with the hopup assembly on both the tight bore and factory inners...after so u will use a small length of tape to fill the gap between the outter and inner....this works very well with the tanio koba m1 twist barrels...i run both my markers with twists...
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Old March 1st, 2011, 19:57   #6
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i play allot of sims and not yeah i have to say the TM barrels will take a fall from shoulder height and will stay true even when u ram it in someones gut or use it to break down a door or smash a window...super tuff...though one thing i have to suggest is that you apply a good frontset...after a few rolls and tumbles (10ft fall and a fist fight) i've noticed some wobble on my original handguard and stock...this is easily fixed with some soft tape for the stock issue...for the handguard prob i jut removed the BS that came with it and threw on a solid socom DD...changing the trig.ass. is pretty standard on this marker too, same with applying a BAD lev. and ambi.dex. selector...
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Old March 1st, 2011, 20:11   #7
a.k.a. Morgothor
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I know it's not a colt canada stock but with the butt pad will look just the same (can't find a diemaco stock for now)

I know the BAD lever is not on the L119A1 but it's much more practical.
I don't want it to be perfect, I know soldiers modify their weapon to their liking.
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Old March 1st, 2011, 20:24   #8
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Actually in the UKSF they don't do many mods to their L119A1s, they just add optics, some stuff on the rails play with the barrel and thats it.

And I'm putting on a RS KAC Carbine RAS, going to be godly...
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Last edited by The101Factor; March 1st, 2011 at 20:27..
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Old April 22nd, 2011, 19:52   #9
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-anyone planning on replacing your current comm. spec. butt-stock from the TK-KJW M4 please read the following before proceeding!

DO NOT REMOVE THE BRASS BUFFER TUBE! if you are going to remove or change the factory butt-stock AND are replacing it with a Magpul PTS UBR/PRS
to properly change the factory stock to a Magpul PTS UBR or PRS; simply remove the reciever extension (prt#50) and reciver end plate (prt#51)...KEEP EVERYTHING ELSE THE WAY IT IS! after removing said parts, assemble the UBR/PRS minus the replacement buffer, slide the assembly over the factory buffer and tighten the tension screws...then voila! you have successfully added a Magpul PTS product to your KJW M4...

the reason for this tutorial is to keep you (the kjw m4 owner) from snapping your clear lower to shrapnel, whence trying to remove the factory buffer.
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Last edited by ibangkneebacks; April 22nd, 2011 at 19:58..
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Old April 22nd, 2011, 20:08   #10
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if any of you KJW M4 owners are wondering which RS parts fit your system, here's a vauge list of parts on the kjw that can be swapped over for RS parts (by replacing KJ factory parts with RS, you do not have to replace following other words the domino effect on this gun is very minimal)
-charging handle (i replaced mine with a PRI Gas-Buster with a Cambat Latch...very little modding-some grinding involved)
-mock gas tube (replaced with PRI Fat-Boy Gas Tube...if you are running anything but a carbine length, cutting to fit is required)
-trigger assembly (replaced with a Chip McCormick Corp. Flat-Tac Trigger...not the whole assembly -obviously- just the trigger)
-FSS/fire selector switch (replaced with ambi FSS from an 2007 Stag Arms M4)
-buffer & tube (replaced buffer with a Buffer Tech AR Restor Hydraulic Buffer, the tube is a Colt part -no trade marks, commercial size *not mil-spec*-)
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Last edited by ibangkneebacks; April 22nd, 2011 at 20:13.. Reason: gramar and spelling
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Old July 9th, 2012, 16:06   #11
Cj Radge
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Hi Ibangkneebacks,

You indicated above that RS fire selector fits KJW M4 GBBR. I compared the picture of Stag Arms fire selector againts my KJW M4 Gbbr fire selector. The dimples and the cuts are different.
Did you modify it to make it work in KJ or was it drop in?

Appreciate your help. Only the fire selector is the non Ambi in my KJW. Thanks

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