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Ultimate Bullpup Airsoft gun ??


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Old February 8th, 2011, 19:18   #16
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I've only had experience with a couple bullpups, being the aug and f2000. The F2000 is really ergonomic, and very user friendly controls. Not to mention its easy as hell to break down and change the spring. And the G&G F2000 was an absolute beast to shoot btw.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 19:26   #17
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For me the L85 as a lefty is perfect

I shoulder it on the left then left hand on the trigger
for mag release I put the right hand index finger on the mag release so the back of my right hand and the side of my left thumb touch then press the mag release with the right hand
draw the mag out and put it in the pouch on my right side
then pull another mag out of the LBV and put it in the well and go
never removing my finger off the trigger or eye off the target

Tavor I hated the release on that

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Old February 8th, 2011, 19:29   #18
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I don't have experience with most of the other guns.
But I have used the AUG and I own 5 P90's.

I pretty much only play with my P90's. They are light weight. The mags are long, but i use P90 mag pouches inverted so they just fall out when i unclip the pouch so that solves that problem. The accuracy is steller at long range and in CQB, it is superb.

I dont have enough good things to say about the P90. Some people might say its too small, btu Im 6'1" and The gun fits great in my hands!

Good luck with making your decision. Seems like a few good guns in the mix.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 19:50   #19
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Wow, thanks for everyone for the great feedback. P90s seem tempting but the Tavor and the Type 97 are still in the lead in my top 5. Btw I already had the chance to hold The TR 21 and... yeah I accidentaly pushed the mag release.. then, bang.... mag on the floor lol.
Anyway, I have a question for you guys who have used both the Tavor and the Type 97, How do would you compare the quality of the polymer used in both guns ?

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Old February 8th, 2011, 19:52   #20
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ARES makes good stuff, but real sword guns are above and beyond ARES.

Polymer wise they are on the same level as their real steel counter parts, but real sword has better metal.

(I have owned a tavor (tan) and I now own a 97b.)
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Old February 8th, 2011, 20:05   #21
formerly Contractor 6-8, CptPinard17eRAM
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Originally Posted by SuperCriollo View Post
Wow, thanks for everyone for the great feedback. P90s seem tempting but the Tavor and the Type 97 are still in the lead in my top 5. Btw I already had the chance to hold The TR 21 and... yeah I accidentaly pushed the mag release.. then, bang.... mag on the floor lol.
Anyway, I have a question for you guys who have used both the Tavor and the Type 97, How do would you compare the quality of the polymer used in both guns ?
only owned the TAVOR...that thing feels me
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Old February 8th, 2011, 20:24   #22
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I was going to get a Tavor at one point but I couldn't stand the overly sensitive mag release. u can practically sneeze on it and it'll depress.

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Old February 8th, 2011, 21:55   #23
formerly Contractor 6-8, CptPinard17eRAM
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thats why you just have to swap the spring...put one stiffer just like the real steel and your in business !
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Old February 8th, 2011, 22:08   #24
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My L85 G&G was a pain in the butt, then the piston broke (couldn't find another one that works yet - finally got one but it is metal and jams all the time). G&GF2000 a lot nicer IMHO - I really like the one I have. I vote for the G&G F2000.
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Old February 9th, 2011, 00:50   #25
a.k.a. wingmantank
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You only need to use your brain to make the type 97 mag release work, I 'll soon post a thread about how to modify your type 97/97b and make the tactical mag change possible, soon as I get my real steel 97 RIS system.
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Old February 9th, 2011, 00:51   #26
a.k.a. wingmantank
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Tavor and 97/97b are not on the same level.
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Old February 9th, 2011, 01:56   #27
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There was a vid somewhere on You Tube about a Tavor and a guy took a hammer and bashed it a few times and the polymer body held

the Tavor body is THICK and I mean Thick...

issue with the tavor is (besides the ones listed)

to do any work on it (other then a spring swap) you pretty much have to disassemble the entire gun..

the Mech does not come out unless you pretty much take out every fricken screw on the gun...

Sights are Useless
Rear Sight and housing should be dremeled off.. they suck period

Sling for it.... well you will have to buy the sling they use for Real Steel Tavor's

Never used a 97 but would like to get one...

My faves

1. L85 - current gun
2. Aug
3. Probably 97
4. Tavor.

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Old February 9th, 2011, 08:28   #28
Tempest VI
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I have the AUG and the F2000. Personally, I think the AUG is the best gun/bullpup. You can fix the lack of rails with either an AUG A2 or even an A3 if you want to go all the way. I had an AUG A1 before, didn't like it because of the intergraded scope is too small. You lose all SA when looking down the scope. Though I can't say anything for the TM or JG AUG as I've only ever used a CA. The A2 is nicer, in the fact it's the exact same except there's a rail on top. This rail isn't a standard MIL-SPEC-1913 rail. Same shape but the groove dimensions are in a gradient (again I've only used a CA so can't say much for a TM or JG). However the Action Ras kit will turn you A2 into an A3 which does have a standard MIL-SPEC-1913 rail on top, bottom and, sides. The mags are different, but personally I like them more than a M4/16 mag. I've never had any problems with them mechanically and physically fitting into pouches. As for the F2000, if you like the P90, you should like the F2000. Pretty much the same gun, the mech box is easy to take out but seems retarded the first time you see/do it. Take out the mech box plate and smack the stock into your hand or something. My F2000 is the G&G G2010. Just the normal short barrel without the "Hunter Scope" (which IMO is exactly the same as the AUG A1 scope). The F2000 is pretty nice as well. The trigger is similar to the AUG, with the fact of being a selector switch. First detent is semi, second detent is full. Except if you select semi on the selector it stops you from going into the second detent. Mags for that can only be G&G mags unless you cut or file off part of a lip on the other brand name mags. In order to mount a sling on the F2000 you need to buy or make a special strap that goes in and around the stock, kind of dumb since I didn't get one in the box. My favorite part of the F2000 is that it takes 2 minutes to change a spring. You screw out the old one from the back and slide in the new one. Getting to the entire mech box is a nightmare as you have to completely take apart the gun. Well hope this helps.
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Old February 10th, 2011, 13:15   #29
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Originally Posted by wingmantank View Post
Tavor and 97/97b are not on the same level.
Any particular reasons to say that ?

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Old February 10th, 2011, 13:47   #30
a.k.a. wingmantank
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one is built by a toy factory with toy material, the other is build by an ex-armoury with real steel material
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