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[WE] G39C - H&K G36C for normal people



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Old December 1st, 2010, 03:40   #1
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[WE] G39C - H&K G36C for normal people

Hello people,

I decided it was time to take back my habit a reviewing whatever I can get my hands on. And to day this the new G39C from Wei-Tech (WE) that normal people (if you consider yourself normal) call H&K G36C.
Stands for Heckler und Koch Gewehr 36 Compact.
People sometime think the C stands for commando but no, that is written "Kommando" in German. That's the G36K.
Ja, ich spreche Deutsch gut Menschen.

J'ai beau parler français pour que toute la communauté comprenne ce que je dit je vais faire la review en Anglais.

RS Story

The G36 family is a weapon system developped under the code name HK-50 by Heckler & Koch in Germany during the 90s after the cancellation of the G11 and G41 (first was an advanced caseless assault rifle in 4.73x33, the second was a 5.56 version of the G3, based on the HK33) and officially adopted by the Bundeswher in 1995, 99 by Spain and more than 20 other countries in various versions.

It a gaz operated short stroke piston driven system, built mainly of polymer with glass fiber reinforcement, trigger mechanism is more or less the one of the AR-180.

For real steel accessories I have a weakness for Brügger & Thomet :

Here's the G36KV with an AG36 grenade launcher fired by a Latvian soldier (plus I love their camo pattern ).

It is today the second most reliable assault rifle, the first being the XM8 based again on the G36.


Didn't took a picture this week end when I mounted it but it comes in the same cardboard box and centered in it with more carboard... what the Hell ? When will WE learn to make proper protection? Even Jing Gong copied ARES/STAR.

Anyway I take the gun and just... WOW! No wobble whatsoever, and the best color I ever saw, there is absolutely no reflection on it, the body absorbs all light. There were other G36 at the game but the WE has by far the best body I ever saw, even above ARES/STAR.
The only thing "wrong" are the markings :
Kal 5.56x45mm
and a serial number.
Don't know if its unique or not.

The markings are on an aluminium sticker you can remove with the point of a knife.

You'll notice I lost two part I never use anyway, knowingly the flashhider and forward sling swivel.

The gun does not wobble and has a very good blance even though almost all the weight is in front of the grip. Easy to handle one handed... but I use a fully loaded HK417 so I might not be the best one to judge.

The body has the same dimensions as the AEG versions so you can use whatever piece of equipment from the AEG. For example UnCompany uses Classic Army and G&P RAS and handguard for their customs based on the G39C.

The nozlle has about the same travel length as the one on a WA M4 (about 2/3 off the bolt carrier).

When firing the recoil is stronger than the other WE BB guns but you're not going to tear off your shoulder. The WE videos are a lot of exageration.

Good thing though : the mag locks the bolt every time and I still haven't got a jam anywhere... I wish I could have said the same from the VFC M4 I had...

Something purists won't like (me included) is that the operation is not exactly the same as the real one, of course you can pull the cocking lever to release the bolt carrier.

BUT ! There is a bolt release button in the trigger guard in front of the trigger. That button is supposed to be pressed when the shooter wants to lock the bolt without having an empty mag in the gun.


Let's talk about basic GBBR maintenance, no need to talk a lot about the barrel : some paper towel and silicon oil on a cleaning rod to and clean everything in there.

First things first : the pins. You don't need to remove all three, just the two on the mag well and near the stock. There are holes for them in the stock, I advise you to use them so you don't loose them.

Once this is done just pull the buffer plate and remove it completely, the bolt carrier group will come on its own after that

One thing that annoy me : the buffer plate is maintained in place by a pin on the bottom but on the top there is a cylinder that goes into a hole in the plastic body. It is too early to judge but I fear with time the receiver will rupture the same way the stock plate on the SCAR did... wait and see.
The bolt carrier is supported by to L-shaped railed also made of plastic !
And yes I didn't take the pictures at the same time.

You will need to put some oil in there, like a regular GBB but NO silicon oil, use either mechanic oil or weapon oil. I use the same I put in my 417.
You will also need to put some on the bolt carrier also. Like the real one, the cocking lever can be locked on a side. Beware there is some kind of intermediate position in which the return spring does not work.

The trigger group : it is an adaptation of he SCAR system (which is an adaptation of the M4 one). All the control are installed in a shell that goes inside the lower receiver (and/or grip for G36).

When I received it it was completely dry : you should oil it before using it.

Let's get on the mag : it is made of a metal tank (aluminium I think) installed in a plastic shell. I won't try dropping it on the ground but the shell looks really weak given weight of the whole mag.

The tank design itself it completely retarded : you have a tank divided in three parts (2 divisions) with a very, very thin rubber seal between each part. The BB feeder can be considered a fourth part but that's pretty much ok.
Also the filling valve is insanely weak, it broke just by unscrewing it ! I suppose it might have been damaged beforehand but still...
Let's hope the CO2 mags come out fast.

So I take it apart to redo the seals given one already had a leak on the glass of water test (more like bucket given the size of it).
For doing so you just need to remove every screws.
The mags were supposed to have every flaw of the M4 ones corrected... yeah right...

You'll need specialist gear :

Because there is very little space, thank you WE , you will need to do an even more massive one (and massive waste).
So put a massive quantity on the border and the edge of the central module... and when I say massive, I mean massive.

Let it dry for 1/2 or 3/4 of the drying time then put back together and put the screws back too. Do the top part (with gaz exaust valve) first because its screw in inside the tank... told you the design is retarded.

Wait for it to dry completely and cut off the waste.


Hop up : incredible. The .25g goes straight on a good 50/60 meters... and it was only a little bit over 0°C, the range should be even better

Power : goes between 381/393 at 20°C (more or less), didn't test it at the game, no chrony available.

I'll make a dispersion test at 25 meters next time.


-Body is excellent, no wobble whatsoever
-Excellent hop up
-G36 (finally)
-Can be used out of the box


- Poorly constructed mags
-... no idea
- Mag construction, I hope the CO2 come out fast

And because I like customising here's a picture of my toy :

- Magpul RSA
- Magpul AFG
- King Arms .45 Advanced Armament suppressor (not very usefull)
- Troy Battle sights

Waiting for markings sticker, RAS and B&T top rail
Tous les jours nous nous endormons plus instruits mais pas forcément moins bêtes...
I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
Heavy custom builder (including painting)

Last edited by Ninja_En_Short; December 3rd, 2010 at 17:40..
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Old December 1st, 2010, 16:44   #2
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just so you know c is for commando and k is for kurtz not kommando

other than that fantastic review and a good read
Originally Posted by matt491 View Post
...stalker's gonna kill you....and you wont even see it coming! Hell, he'll kill you and god himself will be going, "Where the hell did that come from!?" CDN_Stalker should just be the new god!
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Old December 1st, 2010, 19:17   #3
kullwarrior's Avatar
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kurz not kurtz

The WE G39C trade is actually an aluminium sticker?!? Never heard that before... Why hasn't AFC do a proper trade then?
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Old December 1st, 2010, 21:16   #4
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Because Umarex has the rights over H&K products and WE didn't bought the licences.

And yes, aluminium sticker, on my last pictures you clearly see I removed it
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I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
Heavy custom builder (including painting)

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Old December 3rd, 2010, 15:07   #5
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"It is today the second most reliable assault rifle, the first being the XM8 based again on the G36." Where did you get this fact? Sources? And I know for the fact that the XM8 is NOT the most reliable gun in the world because it never went into production! You shouldn't be quoting unsupported figures like this unless you own the weapons in question and extensively tested them!

You also mentioned that you use mechanic oil or weapon oil. Lemme know if the plastics are your gun starts melting cuz I'm really curious to see how good the polymers are on the G36!

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Old December 3rd, 2010, 17:37   #6
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For my "rankings" I base myself on the official results of torture test made by military for the XM8, SCAR, the ones I don't own myself, for the other ones I own it's both the officials and mines.
It's not because the US system is corrupted enough by COLT to reject a gun that the gun is not the most reliable. Plus I had the chance to fire a few hundred rounds with the XM8 20" in USA.
Yep, lucky bastard

For the oil you can use a regular one. I use "Liquid Wrench" for the "unknown quality", first I used, tested the oil I use in my 417 in the handguard, no problem.
Most oil nowaday don't eat plastic parts since more and more guns are using plastic/polymer bodies and spare parts.
The "non-plastic-friendly" oils usually have a mention about on the label.
Just to be sure : put a drop inside the handguard and look the effect.
Tous les jours nous nous endormons plus instruits mais pas forcément moins bêtes...
I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
Heavy custom builder (including painting)

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Old December 3rd, 2010, 19:08   #7
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Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short View Post
For my "rankings" I base myself on the official results of torture test made by military for the XM8, SCAR, the ones I don't own myself, for the other ones I own it's both the officials and mines.
It's not because the US system is corrupted enough by COLT to reject a gun that the gun is not the most reliable. Plus I had the chance to fire a few hundred rounds with the XM8 20" in USA.
Yep, lucky bastard
You do realize any test conducted by US Military is questionable right? Example being the DragonSkin body armor. The fact that their Dust chamber test used dry guns (Any AR-15 will say that running it dry is asking for trouble) In addition, the second test suggest there's a lot less problem than initially found. Finally, four models for the test is hardly a good comparsion. Since that test, there are alot more design out there now.

Last edited by kullwarrior; December 3rd, 2010 at 19:34..
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Old December 3rd, 2010, 19:31   #8
The Lettonian
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Gun looks great, man! And glad to see someone else appreciates Latvian camo I'm going to have to remember this thread....G36KV is my eventual goal...probably in both GBB and AEG forms.
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Old December 4th, 2010, 00:33   #9
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For the KV on the picture the top rail is a B&T :

I'll go for this one myself :

If I can find one I'll make a small torture test with a STAR or CA AG36.

For the stock however I will change it : it's AEG dimensions so RS stocks are sadly no go and the G&P G36 retactable stock (which I had on a STAR Gen2 G36) is probably not sturdy enough to take the recoil consistently. It will probably not rupture but it will get deformed...

If I remember correctly you get some from Wolverine Supplies, these parts are not restricted

PS : for the RS stuff let's keep it on the PM just to keep the review more or less "clean", thanks.
Tous les jours nous nous endormons plus instruits mais pas forcément moins bêtes...
I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
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Old December 12th, 2010, 10:47   #10
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nice review!

let me allow to say that I have finally customized my WE to a fullsized G36 with long inner barrel.
It now shoots around 470-500 fps. My max was even 517fps and I shoot it at my attic while its wintertime here in Belgium and I have no heating in my attic!

I have more pictures if you search my posts

Last edited by Riko; December 12th, 2010 at 11:07..
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Old December 12th, 2010, 11:54   #11
Short Round
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Originally Posted by THe_Silencer View Post
"It is today the second most reliable assault rifle, the first being the XM8 based again on the G36." Where did you get this fact? Sources? And I know for the fact that the XM8 is NOT the most reliable gun in the world because it never went into production! You shouldn't be quoting unsupported figures like this unless you own the weapons in question and extensively tested them!

You also mentioned that you use mechanic oil or weapon oil. Lemme know if the plastics are your gun starts melting cuz I'm really curious to see how good the polymers are on the G36!
QUIT HATTING THE XM8! It is a great gun and so is the G36C, Way better then your unreliable M4, and M16.

G39 is a delicious treat built into gun form, nice review
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Old December 12th, 2010, 19:09   #12
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Old December 16th, 2010, 16:21   #13
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Ok, I just got the sticker with correct markings, just one disappointment : the serial is 84-1044 everywhere... I don't care I'll get what I need to make it KV !

For the power I got confirmation that the NPAS and hop up chamber are the same as the PDW, so you may change them easily, there a little modification to do on the G39 but nothing hard.
Once I get the KV barrel (and know what inner barrel length I need) I'll install everything in there

And if my contact at H&K USA can score me a receiver, it's XM8 GBBR time MOUAHAHAHAHA !

EDIT 2 :
For RS parts here is a goodsite for getting some parts (already quick searched for G36) :
Tous les jours nous nous endormons plus instruits mais pas forcément moins bêtes...
I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
Heavy custom builder (including painting)

Last edited by Ninja_En_Short; December 22nd, 2010 at 15:47..
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Old December 23rd, 2010, 03:33   #14
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Where can I get that SL8? That is a sexy rifle
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Old December 23rd, 2010, 04:19   #15
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Americans would never use a plastic gun, so the XM8 and G36 designs were doomed to be rejected from the get go. Buy nevertheless, the Germans themselves don't use the XM8...
Anyway the whole point of the XM8 was to be a test bed for a modular rifle system, for some reason nobody likes German modular rifles..... have any of you ever heard of the H&K 'GR' series? lol
But like any good test bed, it sometimes gives fruitful results. Has anyone caught on to the fact that the new XM25 "Individual Airburst Weapon System" was developed in part by H&K who designed the horribly cumbersome XM29 OICW?

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