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Pimping Out A Canadian Tire Shot Gun


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Old November 12th, 2010, 15:35   #1
Old School Punk
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Pimping Out A Canadian Tire Shot Gun

Hey Guys; Gordo here, I just wanted to share some pics of a little project that I just finished.

It started life as a Crossman S34P clearsoft Shotgun that they had on sale at Canadian Tire a few weeks ago.

THe gun worked just fine, but lets face it, it was seriously lacking in the "Sexyness" department!

So after a bit of paint and glue and a few New parts, here is what she looks like now.

I added a couple of rails to the top of the gun so that I could mount a Red Dot sight on the highter section at the back, and a low profile laser (not shown oops ) on the lower part.

I made the higher rail out of a rail adaptor that was originally intended for a Glock G17 Pistol.

I added a plastic shotgun shell holder to the side of the gun using JB Weld.

The biggest thing that I did was I added a G&P - adjustable butt stock onto the end of it.

This stock is a really, really nice piece, unfortunately it cost me quite a bit more than the fricken gun cost me to begin with! What a Moron eh!

Lastly I added a LED flashlight to the front of the barrel.

I probably should have used a better quality flashlight here, but I already had this one and it doesn't wiegh very much, so I thought what the heck and I just stuck it on.

So I know many of you are thinking that if I was going to do all this to the gun that I would have been better off just buying a DE or TSD - M3 Shotgun that already had most of these parts and features on it, and your probably right.

When I started it I was just going to throw a little paint on it, but then it just kept going and it became one of those projects that just took on a life of its own.

Anyway it was fun to build, and really that is what it's all about,
...isn't it.



Last edited by Old School Punk; November 12th, 2010 at 15:48..
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Old November 12th, 2010, 15:39   #2
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Look pretty decent man.
Did you just get a real steel shell holder? I did the same when I had a shorty M3, but you have to do a lot of work (boring out the holders) to get airsoft shells to fit (bigger than real steel shells).

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Old November 12th, 2010, 15:52   #3
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*Whistle* Nice work there. You should start doing this for everyone's wallmart shottys.
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Old November 12th, 2010, 15:56   #4
Old School Punk
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Ya the shell holder is for a real steal shotgun.

I never realized that the airsoft shells are bigger than the real steel ones, but that explains a lot.

The tubes that hold the shells were flexible enough to fit the airsoft shells in, but when I did, the whole unit kind of bowed out, instead just staying flat.

I solved this by making a few strategicaly placed cuts into the plastic on the backside of the holder. Then I gooped alot of JB Weld onto the back of it and I zip tied the piss out of it. After about an hour she was rock solid and perfectly flat. (reminds me of a girl I dated once ) Once all the JB had dried, I did go back and fill in a few little gaps between the holder and the gun with some hot glue for extra strength.

All in all it was a bit of a bitch to mount, but I think that it really adds something to the gun.

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Old November 12th, 2010, 18:12   #5
Old School Punk
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Oh ya, thanks for the nice comments guys, its much appreciated!

Oh and also, sorry for using the word "pimping" in my post title!

I actually hate that word "Pimping"! I think that it wore out it's welcome a couple years ago, but hey its the only term that I could think of that sort of fit this particular thread.

So anyway I thought that I would use it this one last time before officialy retiring it from my vocabulary. Thanks for your time.

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Old November 12th, 2010, 19:29   #6
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How the heck did you get that stock to fit on that gun? Assuming the grip came with it, I got the same stock last fall and had to use the stock grip, hack and Dremel the shit out of everything to get it to mount, it loosens easy............ but still looks badass. Too bad I haven't had an interest in airsoft since last year, I'd have posted comments on that gun with a stock. Already posted ballistics info though.
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Old November 12th, 2010, 19:44   #7
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We had that exact shotgun as the lower end gun in our local scrim today. (our local group is nothing near the Winnipeg group I enjoy more as they have money for decent gear and guns) It ended its life by shooting the grip off the back while cocking. It was a good 2 years old.

Good job btw.

I meant to say It ended it's life not I ended its life... I would never lay my hands on a clearsoft unless it was my springer backup.
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Last edited by Statua; November 12th, 2010 at 20:10..
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Old November 12th, 2010, 19:48   #8
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Old November 12th, 2010, 20:13   #9
Old School Punk
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How the heck did you get that stock to fit on that gun? Assuming the grip came with it, I got the same stock last fall and had to use the stock grip, hack and Dremel the shit out of everything to get it to mount, it loosens easy............ but still looks badass.
The rear grip and the actual butt stock came as one unit, as you already know. It actually mounted on the gun quite easily. The only modification that I had to do was to cut off about one inch of the little plastic tube, that is sticking out on the end of the gun body itself. Then you need a really, really, reasly long philips screw driver to tighten down the bolt that comes with the butt stock kit.

I did learn one little trick while I was installing it though.

When you get the kit, the bolt that goes through the handle is held in place with a round piece of plastic, about the size and shape of a looney.

It looks like a washer, but its not. Its just a piece of packing material!
You need to unscrew it off of the bolt and throw it away.

Just thread the bolt directly into the threaded plate in the end of the gun and it stugs up really tight.

The first time I tried to put the stock on, I left this washer thing on the bolt and I just couldn't get the stock to fit tight. Hope this helps.

Thanks again for the kind words gets.

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Old November 12th, 2010, 20:16   #10
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Good job mate!
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Old November 12th, 2010, 20:26   #11
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................Holy shit dude. I'm speechless.

To be honest, that's nicer than a lot of high-end shotty's I've seen around. Amazing!

How does it feel?
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Old November 13th, 2010, 04:58   #12
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Originally Posted by Old School Punk View Post
The rear grip and the actual butt stock came as one unit, as you already know. It actually mounted on the gun quite easily. The only modification that I had to do was to cut off about one inch of the little plastic tube, that is sticking out on the end of the gun body itself. Then you need a really, really, reasly long philips screw driver to tighten down the bolt that comes with the butt stock kit.

I did learn one little trick while I was installing it though.

When you get the kit, the bolt that goes through the handle is held in place with a round piece of plastic, about the size and shape of a looney.

It looks like a washer, but its not. Its just a piece of packing material!
You need to unscrew it off of the bolt and throw it away.

Just thread the bolt directly into the threaded plate in the end of the gun and it stugs up really tight.

The first time I tried to put the stock on, I left this washer thing on the bolt and I just couldn't get the stock to fit tight. Hope this helps.

Thanks again for the kind words gets.

Thanks, just saw the pics again and realized you got the grip with it. I bought it pretty much new from a guy on here, but no grip came with it, yet he said the stock fits no problem.......... $75 later I'm cutting this and boring a hole in that, got it mounted........ why the hell didn't he send me the grip too? I was pissed.
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Old November 13th, 2010, 10:09   #13
Short Round
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Owh hot damn,
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Old November 13th, 2010, 11:51   #14
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Wow that looks really great. Me jealous.
Originally Posted by Jayne Finch View Post
Always man. Part of the deal here. We give you a good meal. Not a snack that makes you shit yourself.
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Old June 19th, 2011, 20:23   #15
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Not to steal thread, this is what I did with mine:

Cut down a bunch of parts, cut and re-crowned the inners and painted silver base with black gloss on top, weathered with a knife. 23" OAL, sporting 10" barrels. $80 and a day in the garage.

Last edited by kuchervano; June 19th, 2011 at 20:26..
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