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g&g mp5 metal body


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Old September 28th, 2010, 18:52   #1
Join Date: May 2010
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g&g mp5 metal body

j'ai briser le plastic body de mon g&g mp5 a4, j,ai donc entrepris les recherche pour en avoir un en metal, pas facile a trouver ou plutot dispendieux...j'en ait trouver pour des classic army est-ce possible de monté tout les piece de mon g&g ds un metal body de CA ?

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Old September 28th, 2010, 19:08   #2
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It would be helpful if you can translate that into English. So people here can try to help you with you gun.
how can you help someone else if they're not willing to help themselves.
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Old September 28th, 2010, 20:53   #3
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oui...c'est possible. You might have to do some fitting (i.e. filing) here and there to get the fit right but it's doable.
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Old September 28th, 2010, 21:11   #4
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Arrow79 View Post
j'ai briser le plastic body de mon g&g mp5 a4, j,ai donc entrepris les recherche pour en avoir un en metal, pas facile a trouver ou plutot dispendieux...j'en ait trouver pour des classic army est-ce possible de monté tout les piece de mon g&g ds un metal body de CA ?

As Tyson mentioned, it is very possible. The CA body's are very good. If you do purchase the metal CA body, be sure to get it with the new hopup system that is accessed through the ejection port.

Comme Tyson dit, il est très possible. Le CA du corps sont très bons. Si vous achetez le corps métallique CA, assurez-vous de l'obtenir avec le système hopup nouvelle Ã* laquelle on accède par le port d'éjection.

Originally Posted by cjboi View Post
It would be helpful if you can translate that into English. So people here can try to help you with you gun.
don't be so ignorant! there are plenty of french speaking people on this forum! the fact that the french language is part of the Canadian public school curriculum....

and if you weren't educated in Canada, do it yourself|en|
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Old September 29th, 2010, 04:56   #5
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Avec le full metal G & G est maintenant entrée dans Je suis surpris que les détaillants ne vendent pas les corps métalliques. Je sais que le G & G Max sont livrés avec un plastique installé et un corps métallique séparée.

maybe contact a retailer that sells teh G&G max series and see if they can get you one in for the G&G you have
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 23:43   #6
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
and if you weren't educated in Canada, do it yourself|en|
I was educated in Canada my entire life and I and many other folks where I'm from can't read entire French sentences. Thank God for Google!

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Old October 2nd, 2010, 23:58   #7
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
As Tyson mentioned, it is very possible. The CA body's are very good. If you do purchase the metal CA body, be sure to get it with the new hopup system that is accessed through the ejection port.

Comme Tyson dit, il est très possible. Le CA du corps sont très bons. Si vous achetez le corps métallique CA, assurez-vous de l'obtenir avec le système hopup nouvelle Ã* laquelle on accède par le port d'éjection.

don't be so ignorant! there are plenty of french speaking people on this forum! the fact that the french language is part of the Canadian public school curriculum....

and if you weren't educated in Canada, do it yourself|en|
how's that being ignorant? I kindly asked him to put it in english, so I would be able to help him out with his gun. I only understand part of it, didn't bother translating it to english, because if he really wants help from people then I suggest "explain it in english". French is still second language in Canada, not first. Your the one being ignorant for opening your big mouth too much, I was just trying to help the guy with his gun. So why wont you mind your own business next time, because as far as I know I wasn't saying anything bad and I wanted to help the guy.
how can you help someone else if they're not willing to help themselves.
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Old October 3rd, 2010, 00:05   #8
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Originally Posted by Arrow79 View Post
j'ai briser le plastic body de mon g&g mp5 a4, j,ai donc entrepris les recherche pour en avoir un en metal, pas facile a trouver ou plutot dispendieux...j'en ait trouver pour des classic army est-ce possible de monté tout les piece de mon g&g ds un metal body de CA ?

La nouvelle Classic Army MP5 corps s'adaptera Ã* votre G & G mp5. Vous avez besoin de celui qui a ouvert verrou, pour vos prises de boulon fonctionnelle. J'espère que vous n'avez pas été offensé de mon premier post, je voulais simplement essayer d'aider et de mettre plus de personnes pour vous aider Hope this helps goodluck
how can you help someone else if they're not willing to help themselves.
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