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Old September 12th, 2010, 20:33   #1
The Costco Kid
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Airsoft law.

Guys is there anyway I can help make it easier to get airsoft guns in Canada?

I would also like to read the papers put forward in the FAQ are they on the site? Not having read them i would like to ask some questions.

Has anyone put forward the idea of making it so you must have a possession and Acquisition License to buy a airsoft gun that is a "replica"? I'm thinking this could make it hard to buy off ebay but at least Canadian retailers could have a better choice of product?
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Old September 12th, 2010, 20:37   #2
Brian McIlmoyle
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It is not hard now.... I can walk in to a retail store not 10 minutes from my house and buy pretty much anything I may want... what more do you want?
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Old September 12th, 2010, 20:59   #3
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could be by "easier" he means "cheaper". while they are much cheaper than a year or 2 back they are still more expensive by a large amount compared to outside Canada, and to the OP it is more expensive because of Canadian import costs and other costs incurred by importing an illegal item.
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Old September 12th, 2010, 21:27   #4
The Costco Kid
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I live in Newfoundland there is no store here and only a small group known to me (~20 tops).

Cheaper would be nice. Going into that (the main point of this thread is the first line) why is it such a huge difference in price? I could understand 50-75% increase over say ehobby or GI but not ~300% or 175%.

Last edited by Hurley895; September 13th, 2010 at 07:51.. Reason: math
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Old September 12th, 2010, 22:18   #5
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Originally Posted by Hurley895 View Post
I live in Newfoundland there is no store here and only a small group known to me (~20 tops).

Cheaper would be nice. Going into that (the main point of this thread is the first line) why is it such a huge difference in price? I could understand 50-75% increase over say ehobby or GI but not ~400% or 275%.
its actually times 2, which is a 100 percent increase or profit.
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Old September 12th, 2010, 22:23   #6
Ministry of Peace
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Originally Posted by Hurley895 View Post
Guys is there anyway I can help make it easier to get airsoft guns in Canada?

I would also like to read the papers put forward in the FAQ are they on the site? Not having read them i would like to ask some questions.

Has anyone put forward the idea of making it so you must have a possession and Acquisition License to buy a airsoft gun that is a "replica"? I'm thinking this could make it hard to buy off ebay but at least Canadian retailers could have a better choice of product?
You're only about the 10,000th person to join ASC and then first thing post up "hey, gosh darn these guns are expensive, let's change things and make it easier". You are not the first one to have the idea you've outlined; get established in the community and you'll get a feel for the status quo and why things are they way they are.
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Old September 12th, 2010, 23:28   #7
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Originally Posted by Hurley895 View Post
Has anyone put forward the idea of making it so you must have a possession and Acquisition License to buy a airsoft gun that is a "replica"?
Your a visionary.
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Old September 12th, 2010, 23:58   #8
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For a guy that read the FAQ didnt seem to glean much else from the site. Next step the search button for such a topic. I think we've all lost count how many of these are posted here all the time.
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Old September 13th, 2010, 00:33   #9
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You think the prices are egregious now? $500-600 was standard for TM guns 8 years ago. That same $500 gets you some pretty skookum shit now-a-days!

Hot diggity!
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Old September 13th, 2010, 00:48   #10
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Shootsoft is the worst site to look at. They have bad customer service and horribly inflated prices compared to anywhere else in Canada.

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Old September 13th, 2010, 07:32   #11
The Costco Kid
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All right so no one has a suggestion as to how I can help make things better or a answer to is the document in the faq able to be read on this site.

Instead I got a lot of guys (not all) picking on a new guy posting in the new person section.
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Old September 13th, 2010, 07:39   #12
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You CAN'T help things. All you can do is not hurt the situation by doing something simple. (IE; playing in public) thats pretty much all any of us can do.

ANd if you think your being made fun of, i have to say this is the nicest I've seen asc out of the thousands of times noobs have 'this revolutionary idea to make PALs required for airsoft'
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Old September 13th, 2010, 07:49   #13
The Costco Kid
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has anyone got a petition going?
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Old September 13th, 2010, 08:06   #14
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Just stop.
Before you dig an even deeper hole for yourself.

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Old September 13th, 2010, 09:45   #15
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Not a cheap sport... If you cant afford it, then play badminton or something you can afford.
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