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Old August 30th, 2010, 14:07   #31
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Originally Posted by NaM-Carter,Matt View Post
Just a little pissed off that He's spending my money and I got nothing.
Originally Posted by NaM-Carter,Matt View Post
this place is just a bunch of little girls that jump to conclusions and like to bash.
Really? Sounds to me like your the one jumping to conclusions, and likes to bash.

Certified Sniper Clinic Instructor and Counter Sniper
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Old August 30th, 2010, 14:27   #32
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When exactly is the right time to complain anyway? Like, everyone always says "oh, yeah, these people have lives outside of ASC". And now I'm waiting on a dude who I sent money to last week, told me he'd send it on Friday, then told me Saturday. I PM'd him Sunday afternoon, and he didn't respond, although I can clearly see he's been on ASC at least twice now without responding to my PMs. Granted, I'm not worried yet, but I always wonder whenever I see these threads when the appropriate time to complain is.
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Old August 30th, 2010, 14:46   #33
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Matt chillax man this whole place is built around reputation if people think you will be a pain to do business with they might choose not to. Being frustrated is understandable and i guess being a little impatient is kind of as well but turning to insults is not going to go in your favor man

I know you and i know you have a temper just as bad as mine but try and stay calm man just finish out the rest of this transaction as clean as possible and walk on your tip toes for a while

Last edited by Bowers; August 30th, 2010 at 14:53..
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Old August 30th, 2010, 15:06   #34
I am manly hear me squeek
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Originally Posted by NaM-Carter,Matt View Post
Wow you guys have absolutely no lives do you. I was just asking because I was worried, my first transaction through ASC, Thought you guys would be a little more helpful but this place is just a bunch of little girls that jump to conclusions and like to bash.
Take a look in the mirror Bud you just did it too!
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Old August 30th, 2010, 15:22   #35
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WTF for real. What is your problem man? This might be your first transaction on here but that doesn't make you king! Transaction sometimes takes awhile just like if you were to buy anywhere else online. Shit happens so just relax.
Please email me as I'm not on ASC too often.

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Old August 30th, 2010, 15:44   #36
a.k.a. NaM-Carter,Matt
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Originally Posted by HKGhost View Post
WTF for real. What is your problem man? This might be your first transaction on here but that doesn't make you king! Transaction sometimes takes awhile just like if you were to buy anywhere else online. Shit happens so just relax.
Totally thought I was king. :|

Sorry for being a pain I never meant to come off as pissed I was relaxed in the first part of this but you guys really know how to aggravate a person. I Didn't think you guys would take this the way you did like holy balls. I was asking you in the first place what are my options. As to what should I sent in a PM or find a way to get a hold of you like Jesus Christ... I feel bad for all these people commenting, must be embarrassing.
Originally Posted by mcguyver
"Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video."
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Old August 30th, 2010, 15:48   #37
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by TaroBear View Post
When exactly is the right time to complain anyway? Like, everyone always says "oh, yeah, these people have lives outside of ASC". And now I'm waiting on a dude who I sent money to last week, told me he'd send it on Friday, then told me Saturday. I PM'd him Sunday afternoon, and he didn't respond, although I can clearly see he's been on ASC at least twice now without responding to my PMs. Granted, I'm not worried yet, but I always wonder whenever I see these threads when the appropriate time to complain is.
Good Question..

and the answer is NEVER ... unless it become a trade dispute and the agreement is breached.

Protect yourself.. get full information about the person you are trading with , and call them to discuss the deal ..

make an agreement regarding payment and shipping date. and then confirm it by e-mail.

If you are comfortable at that point , send the money , and then shut the fuck up and wait .. If you don't have a tracking number 2 days after the agreed shipping date.

Send an e-mail requesting the tracking number . A day after that if nothing.. then Call and ask for the tracking number.
2 days after that , if nothing , send an e-mail requesting your money back as at that point the seller is in breach of your agreement.

If you do not immediately receive a tracking number indicating the item is shipped ( and check and make sure it's not a bogus # ) or a refund..

call the police as you have just been scammed

Once you have called the police , then post on here the issue with the seller .. stating that the police have been called , and leave negative feedback indicating that the seller breached your agreement and scammed you.

Doing anything else is akin to pissing into a headwind... you will get pissed on
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old August 30th, 2010, 15:55   #38
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I do agree that you WERE relax when you started this thread but then you just started to whine and bitch with all the suggestions. People on here do want to help you but you do need to listen. Yes it does really suck when your money is gone and you have no idea if you're gonna get your stuff or not. I've been there and waited a month for a silencer adapter. Next time just be patient and wait for the response. There's no need to be calling members this and that. Hope everything does work out for you man.

Originally Posted by NaM-Carter,Matt View Post
Totally thought I was king. :|

Sorry for being a pain I never meant to come off as pissed I was relaxed in the first part of this but you guys really know how to aggravate a person. I Didn't think you guys would take this the way you did like holy balls. I was asking you in the first place what are my options. As to what should I sent in a PM or find a way to get a hold of you like Jesus Christ... I feel bad for all these people commenting, must be embarrassing.
Please email me as I'm not on ASC too often.

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Old August 30th, 2010, 15:57   #39
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Originally Posted by NaM-Carter,Matt View Post
Totally thought I was king. :|

Sorry for being a pain I never meant to come off as pissed I was relaxed in the first part of this but you guys really know how to aggravate a person. I Didn't think you guys would take this the way you did like holy balls. I was asking you in the first place what are my options. As to what should I sent in a PM or find a way to get a hold of you like Jesus Christ... I feel bad for all these people commenting, must be embarrassing.
You got some real balls apologizing in the first sentence, then insulting the users on the last considering your attitude thus far.

If you had done your own damn research, You would see answers to your questions in STICKIES in the classifieds and even in the FAQ's.

Your "Your cordially invited to shut the fuck up" avatar in addition to your topic title, posts and the thumbs down thread pic, just shows the kind of attitude you have. You also slandered the name of a long time member of the board with good trade history.

If I were you. I would be more embarassed about your own posts.

Certified Sniper Clinic Instructor and Counter Sniper
Sentinel Arms Customs - Specializing In Unique, One of a kind guns

Last edited by DarkAngel; August 30th, 2010 at 16:00..
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Old August 30th, 2010, 16:08   #40
a.k.a. NaM-Carter,Matt
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LOL I chose that in the sites avatars I thought it was funny. I chose Wtf? as in Wtf should I do. The Thumbs down was because I'm not going to put a thumbs up?!?!? What is your problem your just looking for trouble so stop. And I still think that all these people saying I'm accusing him and saying I'm this big negative guy when I'm probably the most upbeat guy you've ever met. I find that is embarrassing they are pulling this stuff out of their ass I not once complained about the feedback I was getting, I was open to anything Hence why I posted this in General. To get everyones opinion, If you are saying that I can't post on this forum wanting some advice without getting stuff like this then Wtf.
Originally Posted by mcguyver
"Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video."
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Old August 30th, 2010, 16:10   #41
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A little off topic, but should members be posting for sale adds for their friends in the first place? Doesn't that kind of sidestep the entire purpose of age verification? We do have to be age verified to post for sale adds, correct?
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Old August 30th, 2010, 16:17   #42
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Originally Posted by NaM-Carter,Matt View Post
Totally thought I was king. :|

Sorry for being a pain I never meant to come off as pissed I was relaxed in the first part of this but you guys really know how to aggravate a person. I Didn't think you guys would take this the way you did like holy balls. I was asking you in the first place what are my options. As to what should I sent in a PM or find a way to get a hold of you like Jesus Christ... I feel bad for all these people commenting, must be embarrassing.
The first thing I do when I ask for an item on the boards is:


Hey _____,

I'm interested in your ______ posted in the classifieds. I can emt you the funds immediately to the total of $___.__ (if shipping is included).

My Address is:

____ ____
10_____, APT ____
Toronto, ON,

If you would like to make the deal, could you provide your mailing address, phone number, email and real name?



Over the next correspondences, get a mailing date and assurance that they will PM the tracking number the same day, or next after they ship the package. If it is an expensive item and you would like to add insurance to it (CanadaPost), offer it, don't be cheap. Insure the item for it's worth, or more, if you want to provide the coin.

Doing it this way leaves very little room for error, unless of course they are out to scam you and lie about everything. Very few people are this way, most people are honest and just have a tendency to miscommunicate.

Better luck next time.

Also, drop the attitude, it gets you nowhere and causes most people to just ignore your situation and let you hang.

Ár skal r?*sa, sá er annars vill
fé eða fjör hafa. Sjaldan liggjandi úlfur
lær um getur né sofandi maður sigur.

Last edited by ShelledPants; August 30th, 2010 at 16:21..
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Old August 30th, 2010, 16:19   #43
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Your posting in a public forum. Just because your not getting the answers you want doesnt mean you go around shitting on other users. The response you received from page one should be a clue. the 2nd and 3rd pages is the community trying to get it through your head failing to help you get a clue.

Calling everyone else "little girls" after the shitslinging you did in pages 1 + 2 then telling everyone else that they are retards and morons when they try to give you advice pretty much doesnt make anyone want to help you out. You've been recommended to lose the attitude already many times in this thread, but clearly you dont seem to care about the communities advice.

If I was pivot, you would have been given negative feedback 2 pages ago. I know many others in this thread would agree.

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Old August 30th, 2010, 16:25   #44
a.k.a. NaM-Carter,Matt
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You just don't know how to stop talking do you.
Originally Posted by mcguyver
"Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video."
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Old August 30th, 2010, 16:27   #45
Ktown Militia
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No doubt. I think its been resolved, or the OP question has been answered. Just another ASC gangbang.
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