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Real Sword SVD


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Old August 19th, 2010, 16:45   #1
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Real Sword SVD

So, I noticed that OneWorld Airsoft is in the process of getting RS SVDs. Now, if they can get them I'm sure other people can, too, so I was just wondering if anyone had picked one up, how much it cost them and whether it was worth it.
Originally Posted by PhattyTatty666 View Post
I havent shot anyone in so long so today i shot myself... it's not the same.
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Old August 19th, 2010, 20:39   #2
Old School Punk
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I own one of these Real Sword SVDs. I will try to answer a few of your questions as best as I can, but bear in mind I am like the least qualified guy to do so.

What did it cost; Well the gun itself was around $1,200.00, the crappy scope I bought was $100.00, but it was broken when I got it, so that doesn't really count. The "real" POSP scope I got was like $250.00 (its awesome BTW), the knock off SVD - Tiger Bipod was around $50.00 and the gun case I got to store it in was like $130.00. So all told I spent around $1,600.00 Canadian on it. OUCH! For a guy that doesn't even play airsoft, that is a lot of money. So why did I buy it? :shock: Not exactly sure, but when I saw it online, I just knew I had to have one! :innocent:

Was it worth it? Hmm, I guess you have to look at this question in a couple different ways.

Is it a beautiful, reliable, amazingly accurate airsoft gun? YOU BET IT IS! One of my main motivations behind buying this gun was that I wanted to try to recreate the toothpick shooting thing that they showed on You tube. I didn't quite believe that an airsoft gun could be that accurate. Well I can tell you it is. I have only put maybe 400 or 500 BBs through the thing since I bought it, but after about 2 hours of playing around with the scope, I was able to hit toothpicks at about 48 feet away. I was able to snap sharpie markers in half at 55 feet. So the thing is powerful and very accurate.

Is it a realistic representation of an actual Dragunov SVD? From everything I have read and heard about it, it definitely is. The thing is huge and heavy. You definitely wouldn't want to be the guy in your regiment that was chosen to lug this thing around all day!

Now having said that, is the Dragunov SVD the most modern, ergonomical, best engineered weapon in the history of weapons, NO. It is a Russian gun.
As with the AK47, these guns were relatively crude when compared to their Western counterparts.

Were they reliable in "real World" combat? Yes they were.

Did they do their job effectively? Yes, I suspect that the AK-47 and it's relatives, have killed more people than any other hand held weapon in history.

But is the SVD an Engineering marvel, no.

It's a cool gun but if gadgets and gizmo's are your thing (guilty) then you really can't compare it to a Western gun.

So if you are a big fan of Russian guns, and you really want a SVDs, and you can manage to get your hands on one, and you can afford it, then I say GO FOR IT! You won't be disappointed with the Real Sword version.



Last edited by Old School Punk; August 19th, 2010 at 21:51..
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Old August 19th, 2010, 22:56   #3
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Old August 20th, 2010, 13:46   #4
Old School Punk
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....Hmmm, you know what I have never taken any photos of my SVD.
I will take some and post them here when I got some time.

In the mean time, here is something else I just remembered.

I had my Real Sword SVD over at a friends house who had one of the Classic Army SVDs, and we both agreed that there was no comparison between the two.

The sound, feel and heft of the Classic Army one makes it feel like a toy when directly compared with the RS one.

Keep in mind that this was the all black Classic Army SVD, so it had hollow plastic furniture, not wood like the RS.

I think that the CA SVD would be great to play airsoft with, but as a collectible airsoft gun, it just doesn't have it. IMHO

Anyway here are a few threads about the Real Sword SVD if your interested.


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Old August 20th, 2010, 16:42   #5
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Nice thanks I'll read that ASAP
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Old August 24th, 2010, 11:12   #6
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Thanks, Gordo. Oh, where did you get it?
Originally Posted by PhattyTatty666 View Post
I havent shot anyone in so long so today i shot myself... it's not the same.
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Old August 24th, 2010, 13:17   #7
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I have one of the RS SVD and use it as a primary whenever I play. I paid 1300 without scope, the PSOP cost me 200. I am level 3 sniper certified and since the gun shoots 475 stock you really need to watch the MED (minimum engagement distance). This gun is very long so moving with it through dense bush is difficult. I'm 6'3" and i still find it long. It's not a gun everyone can play with and definately many fields won't even let you run an aeg that shoots 475 even if you are certified. One problem i encountered is the fact that extra mags are hard to find. They are available on evike but useually are sold out.
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Old August 26th, 2010, 11:37   #8
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You can get 'em on Ehobby asia as well, I think.
Originally Posted by PhattyTatty666 View Post
I havent shot anyone in so long so today i shot myself... it's not the same.
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Old August 29th, 2010, 00:20   #9
Boris the Blade
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I've held (and fired) a RS SVD (possibly it was dziks) and I can definitely say that they are well worth the money. they are super accurate, big, beautiful and effective. The metal body on these guns are thick steel, the wood is excellent quality, not sure what kind of wood but it doesn't damage easily. The only complaint I've heard about RS guns is that they need to be oiled frequently or they will rust (because they are steel). I tried it at a field called the TWAT farm in Ontario, and I was amazed to see that the bb just kept going straight, far as the eye can see. Many people may criticize Russian firearms, but they are simple, reliable and deadly.
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Old August 29th, 2010, 01:30   #10
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Hey Gordo your just in luck. I had snapped a pic of your SVD with mine when we meet that one time. If you got the cash I would buy the RS SVD hands down vs the CA SVD. The build quality of the RS SVD vs classic army SVD is just not on even on the same level. I was pretty embarrassed when we compared them side by side, ahhaa. Gordo's RS SVD with the scope weight almost double my CA SVD which made mine feel like a toy, lol. If want best in the externals and internals go with the RS SVD you will not be disappointed.


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Old January 4th, 2011, 17:29   #11
Old School Punk
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Sorry to bore you all with this, but I finally got around to taking some pics of my Real Sword - Dragunov SVD over the Christmas break, so I figured that I would post a few pics here incase anyone is ever searching for info on these guns.

Thats it for me.

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