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tactical vests, should i putting stuff in the back?


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Old July 24th, 2010, 23:44   #1
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tactical vests, should i putting stuff in the back?

i plan to get this vest listed:
but i wonder should i be putting more pouches on the hydration pack?
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Old July 24th, 2010, 23:48   #2
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Pouches are there to hold things you need. If you need to hold more things then yes. If not no.

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Old July 24th, 2010, 23:54   #3
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Depends if you want to carry an actual pack or not. If not, go for it, if you do, well then the answer is obvious

I'll say this though, any kit you put on your back should NOT be something you'll need often. It's a pain in the ass to take your rig off just to get some gloves or a cap out. Things like a Goretex jacket on the other hand, which you'd have to take your rig off anyways...know what I mean?
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Old July 24th, 2010, 23:54   #4
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vest being molle you can make whatever you want hundreds of different loadouts get what you need and not what you dont

Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
I say we go over there, knock on their door and politely ask them to stop...with a the face.
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Old July 25th, 2010, 00:50   #5
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Whats with all the retarded threads dude. Do whatever you want, like I keep telling all the new people. Just relax and stop over-thinking shit.
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Old July 25th, 2010, 01:35   #6
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Originally Posted by M.Garcia View Post
Whats with all the retarded threads dude. Do whatever you want, like I keep telling all the new people. Just relax and stop over-thinking shit.
What's with all your retarded posts? He's asking an honest question, so stop posting useless flames...
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Old July 25th, 2010, 01:52   #7
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Originally Posted by Twin#1[Op-for] View Post
What's with all your retarded posts? He's asking an honest question, so stop posting useless flames...
+1 seriously dude theres no stupid questions and the guy is new to this if you dont like his posts just dont read em

anyway to OP: while i cant comment specifically on putting pouches on the back panel save for what lerch mentioned about ergonomics what i will say is before you EVER add any single thing to your system wheter its for your weapon or your rig ask yourself one question DO I NEED IT?

if you dont its just a waste of space and money one problem i see alot with molle gear is guys think they need to fill every single panel with some sort of high speed doodad or tactical ninja star holster so they end up looking like they are wearing a barrel made of nylon

when you first start out adopt the K.I.S.S mentality which stands for keep it simple stupid water, ammo and maybe a first aid kit as you go on you can start to add what i call the ninja stuff the things you dont really need right away but ya know makes you look like a high speed ninja

a very simple start would be a chest rig with some ammo pouches a utility pouch and a canteen pouch lets you carry the minimum and you can use the canteen pouch as another utility pouch should you decide to run a hydro carrier instead of a water bottle (note this is in the event that you dont buy that specific rig)

should you buy that chest rig you have listed well you wont really need to add anything right away except maybe a hydro carrier you got a utility pouch and you can haul mags right away so throw in a water bladder and you are pretty much good to go

The magpul dynamics guys may look like some high speed death machines with their decked out carbines and bitchin plate carriers and fancy moves but remember that they didnt start out that way learn your iron sights before running some red dot or optic learn the game learn to run the gun as it is and then from there you can add the ninja gear and look like a badass

sorry for the long post hope this helps somehow
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Old July 25th, 2010, 02:16   #8
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Originally Posted by Bowers View Post
+1 seriously dude theres no stupid questions and the guy is new to this if you dont like his posts just dont read em

anyway to OP: while i cant comment specifically on putting pouches on the back panel save for what lerch mentioned about ergonomics what i will say is before you EVER add any single thing to your system wheter its for your weapon or your rig ask yourself one question DO I NEED IT?

if you dont its just a waste of space and money one problem i see alot with molle gear is guys think they need to fill every single panel with some sort of high speed doodad or tactical ninja star holster so they end up looking like they are wearing a barrel made of nylon

when you first start out adopt the K.I.S.S mentality which stands for keep it simple stupid water, ammo and maybe a first aid kit as you go on you can start to add what i call the ninja stuff the things you dont really need right away but ya know makes you look like a high speed ninja

a very simple start would be a chest rig with some ammo pouches a utility pouch and a canteen pouch lets you carry the minimum and you can use the canteen pouch as another utility pouch should you decide to run a hydro carrier instead of a water bottle (note this is in the event that you dont buy that specific rig)

should you buy that chest rig you have listed well you wont really need to add anything right away except maybe a hydro carrier you got a utility pouch and you can haul mags right away so throw in a water bladder and you are pretty much good to go

The magpul dynamics guys may look like some high speed death machines with their decked out carbines and bitchin plate carriers and fancy moves but remember that they didnt start out that way learn your iron sights before running some red dot or optic learn the game learn to run the gun as it is and then from there you can add the ninja gear and look like a badass

sorry for the long post hope this helps somehow
that is good too, great facts, plus im trying to make my style like the way the rangers wear in the movie black hawk down. from a tactical POV, it is a very bad idea for a soldier to carry a lot of equipment on a battle that is meant for a day mission, and looking at a airsoft view, its a bad idea for excess weight to carry around on the field because u need mobility to get into cover way faster then the guys that think that they are bad ass enough to do so.
what also make a person bad ass is skills, all the equipments dont make a person better
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Last edited by redzaku; July 25th, 2010 at 02:18..
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Old July 25th, 2010, 02:21   #9
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Keep it as light as you can get away with. Only take what you need, you can leave extra items that aren't needed in combat at your respawn point.

As for your actual question, the only pouch that is really handy to put on the back of your vest (besides a hydration pack, but the vest you linked had one built in) is maybe your radio pouch, if you have a headset with a push-to-talk function, just so you can keep it out of your way. Tangled radio wires are a pain in the ass.
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Old July 25th, 2010, 04:05   #10
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+1 to that man, I love having my radio on my back so i can have as little b.s possible, I have a small pack on the back of my rig its got some spare mags and some chow in it in the event a team mate needs something when im busy.
It's not about the guy who doesn't call his hit. It's about the pants you're wearing and the pants you're team mate is wearing, Is it real multi cam or is it Chinese repro multi cam? I don't know but in the end it's still multicam.
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Old July 25th, 2010, 11:19   #11
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I think as long as you can reach it it will be fine, I strap my knife to my back and have no problems getting to it.
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Old July 25th, 2010, 12:32   #12
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grenade pouches on the back for your buddies to get to works well. Same with medical/zip-cuffs/glowsticks/etc...

spare mags are handy if you're running a long mil-sim and you're setup with your buddies to shoot the same rifles.

stuff like that...whatever works with your group.
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Old July 25th, 2010, 12:55   #13
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i just started to use a towel backpack to hold some water bottles of these cause i am cheap and dont wanna buy a camelbak
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Old July 25th, 2010, 13:00   #14
The Chad
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I have a black hydration pack carrier Permal. PM me.

@ Dood who started the post. There is a thread detailing loadouts.

Some people put mag pouches on their backs "buddy pouch," Hydration packs, Radio pouches, shotties, etc.....

Put what you need.
Originally Posted by BennyBoy View Post
If you were trying to insert a magazine into another magazine then I guess that would be indeed ghey. Inserting a magazine in a magwell seems rather hetero to me. The tape is merely metro, calling it ghey is rather absurd and makes it hard for the metro magazines to socialize with other magazines.
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